View Full Version : wont let me log in

09-15-2015, 03:37 PM
it says incrrect password when i tried to logg in now it is not even loading to tell me incorrect pas when i know i had my pass right anyone on to help me out

09-15-2015, 05:36 PM
Info if you cant login to annihilus site

if you can't login to annihilus that's probably a problem with your antivirus, please avoid using Kaspersky cause it uses a weird way that doesn't encrypts with the correct way the letters and numbers even if you are 100% sure that everything you type in the fields is correct Kaspersky just keeps doing it wrong for security reasons. Delete it or desable from the settings the keyboard security.to do that try to google it and you are gonna find many posts.and a good way to keep out of trouble is to check the little box "remember me" on the login section so you won't have to do it over and over again,write down acc. Name and pass!

09-15-2015, 06:00 PM
Looks like you're logged in now.

09-16-2015, 02:17 AM
its same thing for me, it says "unable to connect"

09-17-2015, 01:31 PM
ya it works but what i had to do was re-update to logg in