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Thread: Pieces of Puzzles

  1. #1
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    Annihilus Account: nedamettin

    Pieces of Puzzles

    As we all know, farming puzzles in a pain in the butt and a huge topic in the community. Inconsistency and RNG of it makes it an obnoxious experience, at least for me.

    What I want to recommend is to have pieces of puzzles. This system can work in a few ways:

    A) Have a specific route for specific pieces of puzzle. For example to get the Mark of Sin, you need to get pieces from each Diablo variants available in game. 1/1 for Omega, 1/10 for Old Diablo and 1/30 for Vanilla Diablo for example.

    B) Have a way higher drop rate version of a single puzzle as pieces. When you cube a certain amount of them, cube to get a whole puzzle to unlock the content. This way allows world puzzles like Trag'Oul to be available as well, since they have no specific location(s) to farm.

    "What would this do in our lives?" is the big question here. To have less RNG reliable drops would allow a person to farm specific marks with much less frustration. They would make great currencies as only things we have currency-wise are HR's and maybe divine gems. Also people can farm in split games to get pieces and combine them which would make having a group a benefit.

    I'd really appreciate your thoughts and feedback on this subject, because most of the people I am in touch are complaining about how marks are purely RNG based and very unpleasant to farm.

  2. #2
    Junior Member sleezy2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nedamettin View Post
    As we all know, farming puzzles in a pain in the butt and a huge topic in the community. Inconsistency and RNG of it makes it an obnoxious experience, at least for me.

    What I want to recommend is to have pieces of puzzles. This system can work in a few ways:

    A) Have a specific route for specific pieces of puzzle. For example to get the Mark of Sin, you need to get pieces from each Diablo variants available in game. 1/1 for Omega, 1/10 for Old Diablo and 1/30 for Vanilla Diablo for example.

    B) Have a way higher drop rate version of a single puzzle as pieces. When you cube a certain amount of them, cube to get a whole puzzle to unlock the content. This way allows world puzzles like Trag'Oul to be available as well, since they have no specific location(s) to farm.

    "What would this do in our lives?" is the big question here. To have less RNG reliable drops would allow a person to farm specific marks with much less frustration. They would make great currencies as only things we have currency-wise are HR's and maybe divine gems. Also people can farm in split games to get pieces and combine them which would make having a group a benefit.

    I'd really appreciate your thoughts and feedback on this subject, because most of the people I am in touch are complaining about how marks are purely RNG based and very unpleasant to farm.

    The problem with your ideas is that the market would be flooded with puzzle items. There are certain people that put in crazy amount of hours farming those mark. could you imagine if it was easier for them!!!

    I personally like the rarity of items. It would take away from the experience of actually finding a mark! would also take away from owning that said item, because there would be so many on the server.

    RNG has always been in D2 and on anni its way better. How many sojs did you find on vanilla d2?
    Last edited by sleezy2; 05-05-2017 at 02:05 PM.

  3. #3
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    actually my idea does NOT increase the amount of puzzles, it just makes them consistent. right now you can farm a boss a thousand times to get a mark or you can randomly get one while rushing a friend. my solution is fair for players. i assume you got a wrong idea from numbers but that was just a random example

  4. #4
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    i like the consistency idea. who knows someone may go the whole ladder and not find a single puzzle due to this rng. i know im having the worst of luck with it and by the way things look im never gonna be able to see any of that content. but thats luck with rng. and this idea sovles the crap luck some people may have.

  5. #5
    Junior Member sleezy2's Avatar
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    you guys will find one. lol, now try to find 20 so you can upgrade your neo anni to vll 4

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sleezy2 View Post
    you guys will find one. lol, now try to find 20 so you can upgrade your neo anni to vll 4
    thats kinda the problem with this too. if some people are having problems just finding one how are they expected to fully upgrade their neo anni and seeing as how the trade market is dead as it is (ie trying to find phys gear is one of the main things i see, everyones looking yet not enough gear in ciculation) it will be almost impossible to upgrade that anni either way unless you can play the game 24/7 for the full 6 months of the ladder. theres 50 users average a day(yes ive been looking) based on the puzzle drops say only 3 people a day have a chance to do a puzzle box and lets not mention that the orbs dont always drop so lets say 1 of the 3 gets an orb. so based on this(i may not be correct on drop rates for puzzles or orbs) tthere would only be about 183(half a year is 182.5days) orbs for the whole ladder. 183/50 is 3.65 so out of all 50 people each would be able to get 3 orbs the whole ladder(if they were distributed fairly which is not the case). now i may be wrong on how many puzzle boxes drop a day but doing a little asking in game no one knows where the best place to farm them is other than the marks dropped in worldstone event and even then farming frags CAN be time consuming with this rng. not saying itll take days to farm for frags because ive been lucky enough to get 4 frag sets in a day. but thats aside from the point. that rng will also determine weather youll get the portal or chest and ive been unlucky enough to have all 4 frags be chest. basically the point im trying to make is that not everyone will be able to experience the content they came to annihilus to play and experience and thus the comunnity will not expand but it will enventually decrease and the new players wont stay which is what everyone that actually cares about anni whats is new players to join. not to mention getting geared to be able to complete these puzzle boxes but thats a different subject on its own that i will not discuss in this post haha. also some builds depend on items dropped by these puzzles which if youve seen the trading market right now there isnt much circulating. maybe the new boss drops but again not puzzle related. of course im not stating facts as i dont know how many puzzles are dropped daily or the drop rates of any puzzles for that matter but it seems to be up for discussion alot lately(which means there is a problem even if its not a problem for you) and theres only one way to solve this. discussion with ideas. i know i would like to experience ALL of the puzzles this ladder. and there is what 3 boss specific ones and 3 world drop ones. thats 6 of them all together. what are the chances of finding all 6 of them if your a casual player?

    edit: also i can say that from my experiences from last ladder i did tyreal more times than i can count. so many times that i would be giving away his crown because of how many of them i would get. thing is tho i only found 2 of his belts and never did i find an el'druin. and i had a good 3 months time to do all that too till ladder reset. santa was the boss but he only gave 1 key haha
    Last edited by jurat; 05-06-2017 at 02:58 PM.

  7. #7
    Wiki Moderator Lampogriz's Avatar
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    solution in my eyes (was already said in other topic):
    New hard inferno zones with puzzle box droprate similar to buster/oculus ring, difficulty should be harder than Crucilbe lvl14
    also current puzzle box system (duriel/baal/mark of sin) is BAD

    and btw, i've never found any ctogga/tyrael/tragoul box since patch 4.1, its about 8 months of playing.

  8. #8
    Junior Member sleezy2's Avatar
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    ya still haven't found ctigga/tyrael/trag either. That is a cool idea having an additional area that was harder to farm with higher chance at puzzle's! Would be nice aswell to not just fight boss's. The tops builds right now are single target and there are tons of builds not in use because they are aoe

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by sleezy2 View Post
    ya still haven't found ctigga/tyrael/trag either. That is a cool idea having an additional area that was harder to farm with higher chance at puzzle's! Would be nice aswell to not just fight boss's. The tops builds right now are single target and there are tons of builds not in use because they are aoe
    iso Pit 2.0 area

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by sleezy2 View Post
    ya still haven't found ctigga/tyrael/trag either. That is a cool idea having an additional area that was harder to farm with higher chance at puzzle's! Would be nice aswell to not just fight boss's. The tops builds right now are single target and there are tons of builds not in use because they are aoe
    6 world drop puzzles have been found in the last week, just letting you guys know! It's definitely in a better spot now.

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