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Thread: Potential Item Tweaks

  1. #21
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    Abyss blink doesn't really affect many areas that sin are good at so your idea that abyss blink is OP is kinda false.

    You don't typically take a sin in for inferno cows which is really the only end game area in which tele can be used. To make sin viable, it is hard to give them MF, which is wanted for inferno cows.

    Sins are also only viable if you have all end game gear and enchants while a lot of the other classes are viable with their respective set items or minimal end game gear / enchants.

    Yes sins are great when you have all end game gear and max enchants, but so is every other useful build. Shadows are squishy AF. Sin has relatively low life for a class that usually is getting attacked. If you are a pure trapper, compared to other ele builds, it is relatively harder to reach the needed - Res.

    Again, sins are great, but you need all the best gear in thE game for them to be viable.

  2. #22
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    How can most of what you said not apply to almost all elemental builds though or even physical ones?

    1) Every build (unless you want to count pounce or leap for the Druid and Barbarian) also suffers from the exact same problem of being unable to teleport unless they have particular armors (or that green staff) so no the idea expressed isn't false. She has an advantage that other elemental builds do not have excluding the Sorceress regardless of whether that advantage is useful in certain areas or not.

    2) Most builds (especially early on) aren't viable for magic find in general especially without the Cow Set, so I don't follow your point, never mind, that in my opinion, Inferno cows, isn't exactly the greatest place to farm in general once you've killed the queen and opened the chests. You're better off farming the Plaguelands, pits, the Dreamland, and the Time Rift just in terms of length of time and the potential items you can find.

    3) You can say the same thing for almost all builds except summoners although even there you could still say that since those builds will likely not be powerful enough early on to kill off certain enemies without help from another player.

    4) Sorceresses and Poison and Magic Necromancers have it worse with regards to life though the latter two have the benefit of summons (excluding a Fire Sorceress with late gear equipment). Valkyries are also weak as well if you go full lightning Javazon and Bowzon, and it's even worse for those two builds because they'll likely end up only having one Valkyrie with them even with end game gear equipment unless you use enchantments. Again, excluding Necromancers and Druids, the Assassin at least has an advantage over other elemental builds in terms of having meat shields. I'd also point out, that I don't have a problem if the Shadows themselves were buffed in terms of survivability. My issue is just their numbers, and the fact that the Assassin has that much help while other builds don't. I'd settle with there being less shadows from the Touch of Death claw as opposed to the Abyss Sphere especially since you'll find the sphere far sooner though I assume that claw will probably be nerfed anyway.

    The last thing I'd like to point out, one of which I meant to do elsewhere, is that the Assassin has the advantage of Fade (tip of the hate to the Dr. for reminding me about that) and last but not least Mind Blast. Yes, I know before anyway says it, that the conversion rate for that is annoying. I've seen and experienced that problem enough to understand the annoyance. It wouldn't bother me at all if the rate for that happening was lowered, but whether that happens or not, this is still a clear advantage this build has over other elemental ones.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by vaudeville View Post

    How can most of what you said not apply to almost all elemental builds though or even physical ones?

    1) Every build (unless you want to count pounce or leap for the Druid and Barbarian) also suffers from the exact same problem of being unable to teleport unless they have particular armors (or that green staff) so no the idea expressed isn't false. She has an advantage that other elemental builds do not have excluding the Sorceress regardless of whether that advantage is useful in certain areas or not.

    2) Most builds (especially early on) aren't viable for magic find in general especially without the Cow Set, so I don't follow your point, never mind, that in my opinion, Inferno cows, isn't exactly the greatest place to farm in general once you've killed the queen and opened the chests. You're better off farming the Plaguelands, pits, the Dreamland, and the Time Rift just in terms of length of time and the potential items you can find.

    3) You can say the same thing for almost all builds except summoners although even there you could still say that since those builds will likely not be powerful enough early on to kill off certain enemies without help from another player.

    4) Sorceresses and Poison and Magic Necromancers have it worse with regards to life though the latter two have the benefit of summons (excluding a Fire Sorceress with late gear equipment). Valkyries are also weak as well if you go full lightning Javazon and Bowzon, and it's even worse for those two builds because they'll likely end up only having one Valkyrie with them even with end game gear equipment unless you use enchantments. Again, excluding Necromancers and Druids, the Assassin at least has an advantage over other elemental builds in terms of having meat shields. I'd also point out, that I don't have a problem if the Shadows themselves were buffed in terms of survivability. My issue is just their numbers, and the fact that the Assassin has that much help while other builds don't. I'd settle with there being less shadows from the Touch of Death claw as opposed to the Abyss Sphere especially since you'll find the sphere far sooner though I assume that claw will probably be nerfed anyway.

    The last thing I'd like to point out, one of which I meant to do elsewhere, is that the Assassin has the advantage of Fade (tip of the hate to the Dr. for reminding me about that) and last but not least Mind Blast. Yes, I know before anyway says it, that the conversion rate for that is annoying. I've seen and experienced that problem enough to understand the annoyance. It wouldn't bother me at all if the rate for that happening was lowered, but whether that happens or not, this is still a clear advantage this build has over other elemental ones.

    Every build has advantages over the other. Barbs have natural higher life and high BO lvl, Druids have cyclone armor, necros have huge amount of summons and curses, etc etc. I don't think having an extra 8 enchant slots is that game breaking.

    The point is, the only time Sin is viable is if you have all end game gear and enchants, until then, sin is basically worthless. You won't see really anyone starting ladder as a sin. While sin is one of the top end game characters, it is completely horrid until then. Every class has its give and take. Sins is you have to be rich to make it viable.

    Also, touch of death isn't really all that Overpowered. While it does offer a lot of "on screen" damage, the + elemental damage boosted by Jack of trades to actual monsters is very minimal, unless you build around - Res around one of those specific elements (fire is the only one viable to build around only if you have Azmodan Armor due to boosting Holy Fire also). Due to the limited amount of - Res outside of - Poison, the actual damage done to the monsters of the +3000 fire / cold / lightning damage is actually very minimal, especially in cases of End Game bosses that have extreme resistances.

    Again, your entire thought process is flawed.

    Yes sin is good. No it's not over powered. WW sin, that uses Touch of Death, sucks unless you have all end game gear and enchants. Sin is only good, whether trapper or WW, until you have all end game gear and enchants.

    The + ele damage on Touch of Death seems like it adds a lot of damage because it increases on screen damage, but the actual damage dealt is minimal. Only time that it does make a difference, is if you build around fire damage from Azmodan Armor, which is the hardest item to get in the game, outside of possibly that dumb sword that D1 Diablo drops.

    You are trying to solve a problem that does not exist.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ukon View Post
    Every build has advantages over the other. Barbs have natural higher life and high BO lvl, Druids have cyclone armor, necros have huge amount of summons and curses, etc etc. I don't think having an extra 8 enchant slots is that game breaking.

    The point is, the only time Sin is viable is if you have all end game gear and enchants, until then, sin is basically worthless. You won't see really anyone starting ladder as a sin. While sin is one of the top end game characters, it is completely horrid until then. Every class has its give and take. Sins is you have to be rich to make it viable.

    Also, touch of death isn't really all that Overpowered. While it does offer a lot of "on screen" damage, the + elemental damage boosted by Jack of trades to actual monsters is very minimal, unless you build around - Res around one of those specific elements (fire is the only one viable to build around only if you have Azmodan Armor due to boosting Holy Fire also). Due to the limited amount of - Res outside of - Poison, the actual damage done to the monsters of the +3000 fire / cold / lightning damage is actually very minimal, especially in cases of End Game bosses that have extreme resistances.

    Again, your entire thought process is flawed.

    Yes sin is good. No it's not over powered. WW sin, that uses Touch of Death, sucks unless you have all end game gear and enchants. Sin is only good, whether trapper or WW, until you have all end game gear and enchants.

    The + ele damage on Touch of Death seems like it adds a lot of damage because it increases on screen damage, but the actual damage dealt is minimal. Only time that it does make a difference, is if you build around fire damage from Azmodan Armor, which is the hardest item to get in the game, outside of possibly that dumb sword that D1 Diablo drops.

    You are trying to solve a problem that does not exist.
    Sin is worthless without end-game gear? Oooooook, it has one of the few builds that can solo inferno cows with starter sets, and before end-game gear you can solo crucible.

    Regarding item tweaks, I think Frostmourne should be a 2h weapon like it is in WoW, or reduce the skill in Revives to 1. I really don't think the strongest summon of a druid should be a necromancer skill.
    Last edited by Addah; 02-06-2017 at 09:43 AM.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Addah View Post
    Sin is worthless without end-game gear? Oooooook, it has one of the few builds that can solo inferno cows with starter sets, and before end-game gear you can solo crucible.

    Regarding item tweaks, I think Frostmourne should be a 2h weapon like it is in WoW, or reduce the skill in Revives to 1. I really don't think the strongest summon of a druid should be a necromancer skill.
    I disagree with Frostmourne being 2h, If there really was a problem with it, I'd say it could be fixed another way.
    But I really don't see a problem with it that much, and if It was 2h no one would ever want to use it really I don't think.

  6. #26
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    On the note about 2handers, i think they need a buff. The only decent damage 2hander is ETH buster, but its crazy hard to find. Phys Set is OK, but not enough damage, and stormspires static does good damage but you then have no defense / block and die easy. Theres not much option and middle ground for 2handers at the moment.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by pulse37 View Post
    On the note about 2handers, i think they need a buff. The only decent damage 2hander is ETH buster, but its crazy hard to find. Phys Set is OK, but not enough damage, and stormspires static does good damage but you then have no defense / block and die easy. Theres not much option and middle ground for 2handers at the moment.
    I agree that 2 handed weapons have always been rather unused and I think more should be added or buffed in the future.

  8. #28
    Moderator Mephisto's Avatar
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    I suggest picking up rares/crafting items, they have alot of potential
    Last edited by Mephisto; 02-06-2017 at 06:08 PM.

  9. #29
    Senior Member LordManhammer's Avatar
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    I'm actually kind of curious to know if there was another intended use for the Buster sword besides WW seeing that the sword has CTC spells even though WW can't proc CTC spells.

  10. #30
    Moderator Mephisto's Avatar
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    With the right amount of ias its pretty dope for alot more

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