View Poll Results: Are Drop Rates On Items To Get To New Endgame Areas Too High? Just Right? Or Too Low?

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  • I think it's too easy to find them.

    4 11.43%
  • I think it should stay the way it is.

    7 20.00%
  • I think it should be easier to find them.

    24 68.57%
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Thread: Drop Rates On Items To Get To Endgame Areas

  1. #21
    Junior Member
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    Annihilus Account: Bloop3

    Quote Originally Posted by Subxeno View Post
    I played for weeks farming non stop and got....Zero items of value....So yes, please increase the drop rate, once there's 100-200+ people on at all times, then maybe lower the rate, but right now it's so hard to farm for yourself, and what ends up happening is there's ONE person that's super lucky, and just gives items for free...It's a weird system that doesn't reward hard work, just extreme RNG.
    Theres times when im frustrated with the drop rates but I honestly have to say I disagree with you.

    I work hard at this game and Im not the most lucky guy on the planet but ive been rewarded more than enough for all my hard work. If you dont know what content to grind based on your current gear or character choice then thats a whole different issue in my eyes. But at every stage of the game I have experienced so far there was a place for me to farm that felt worthwhile.

    If youve been farming for weeks nonstop and still havent found any somewhat valuable items then you are certainly farming the wrong place or with a character that isnt good at farming or in solo games where drop rates ARE actually terrible for certain worthwhile items.

    If you want i can take a look at your gear and try to make some suggestions about where to farm or what to try to improve.

    Have a nice day, hope this post doesnt offend you.
    Last edited by Bloop; 03-28-2017 at 03:32 AM.

  2. #22
    Regular Member Frigide's Avatar
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    I was so hyped playing again on annihilus when i knew reset was coming.
    I cant play as much as i did when i found out this server, but i kinda wanna stop to play now... We are debating about how to get to late game areas, but what is the late game areas? Pits a5? DL PL? the a2 a3 a5 bosses (unclean, circlet and charm). This are the actual late game u can reach to farm. Marks are pretty much impossible to get if u r not a no life. Same for blue organs. Thats actually kinda bad imo. When u can do the late game areas, they doesnt feel like late game, if even i, with every day work can get enough stuff in 1 week to go farm them.
    Only difference i really feel from 1 year ago, is cruci is harder, u cant farm inf cows, u cant kill chtulhu as easily. Other than that, what would make me want to farm for high tier items, if i just cant go in a TRUE late game area, where i d need to be that strong.
    Just get a barb, with poor items, and ur fine for all late game areas... Just mappo is harder...
    Main problem is to go to inf cow, appart from using GOLD, u wont go do inf cows .... Despite it is the only place with 87+ and density.
    Why would i wanna farm 1000 duriel if i just get an item from the mark, and use it for being stronger?!! i already have a barb that can smash all (apart from chtlhu or maybe maps boss, but i dont know i never saw them)..... I tried build a chtulhu sorc, its cool, but my barb does all she does and faster ... whats the point, soloing cruci? as pvp is dead on anni, whats our point to farm? (very personal pov here). Making bosses mythic just prevent "low" players to kill them, and have to play in groups. I like D2 when i can solo things...
    When you made rare items OP again, it was so nice, wanted to ID all of them, now they are totally being useless again .... (some are worth ID coz they CAN be best in slots but man, uniqs are so OP u wont keep rares too long in slots.....)

    In D2 the good thing was u can farm 87+ areas, and u KNEW u can drop all from them. (apart from keyz) (aka doing pindleskin for 8h straight)
    Here when i am farming i know i cant drop SO many items... Either i farm for vanilla elite remade, or i farm for specifics bosses to get their items, but its really not pleasurable to know ur farming 2 hours, but u CANT drop all those good items from bosses... So u have to dedicate ur time to an area, knowing u ll have to farm this or that later.? Ofc u can trade but try it !.... when u cant play like a no life, u just cant get anything by trading. Go get into a clan ? thats not guildwar or wow is it? I feel like this server whom i loved so much from being so close to D2 is keeping to go away from the real feeling of D2. If there was 5000 players, maybe would be different.
    Last edited by Frigide; 03-28-2017 at 04:09 AM.

  3. #23
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frigide View Post
    I was so hyped playing again on annihilus when i knew reset was coming.
    I cant play as much as i did when i found out this server, but i kinda wanna stop to play now... We are debating about how to get to late game areas, but what is the late game areas? Pits a5? DL PL? the a2 a3 a5 bosses (unclean, circlet and charm). This are the actual late game u can reach to farm. Marks are pretty much impossible to get if u r not a no life. Same for blue organs. Thats actually kinda bad imo. When u can do the late game areas, they doesnt feel like late game, if even i, with every day work can get enough stuff in 1 week to go farm them.
    Only difference i really feel from 1 year ago, is cruci is harder, u cant farm inf cows, u cant kill chtulhu as easily. Other than that, what would make me want to farm for high tier items, if i just cant go in a TRUE late game area, where i d need to be that strong.
    Just get a barb, with poor items, and ur fine for all late game areas... Just mappo is harder...
    Main problem is to go to inf cow, appart from using GOLD, u wont go do inf cows .... Despite it is the only place with 87+ and density.
    Why would i wanna farm 1000 duriel if i just get an item from the mark, and use it for being stronger?!! i already have a barb that can smash all (apart from chtlhu or maybe maps boss, but i dont know i never saw them)..... I tried build a chtulhu sorc, its cool, but my barb does all she does and faster ... whats the point, soloing cruci? as pvp is dead on anni, whats our point to farm? (very personal pov here). Making bosses mythic just prevent "low" players to kill them, and have to play in groups. I like D2 when i can solo things...
    When you made rare items OP again, it was so nice, wanted to ID all of them, now they are totally being useless again .... (some are worth ID coz they CAN be best in slots but man, uniqs are so OP u wont keep rares too long in slots.....)

    In D2 the good thing was u can farm 87+ areas, and u KNEW u can drop all from them. (apart from keyz) (aka doing pindleskin for 8h straight)
    Here when i am farming i know i cant drop SO many items... Either i farm for vanilla elite remade, or i farm for specifics bosses to get their items, but its really not pleasurable to know ur farming 2 hours, but u CANT drop all those good items from bosses... So u have to dedicate ur time to an area, knowing u ll have to farm this or that later.? Ofc u can trade but try it !.... when u cant play like a no life, u just cant get anything by trading. Go get into a clan ? thats not guildwar or wow is it? I feel like this server whom i loved so much from being so close to D2 is keeping to go away from the real feeling of D2. If there was 5000 players, maybe would be different.

  4. #24
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    +1, need to do inf cow, its impossible without having 10K gold and buying baskets ;(. Need higher HL zone to me farming only low lvl vanilla bosses isnt fun in the long term.

  5. #25
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    Annihilus Account: Bloop3

    If you want to do inferno cows just load up 4 characters into a game and do like 10 hell cow runs.

    They dont take long and most likely a hr will drop and probably a blue organ along with all the red organs you need. The hr will buy you the organs you are missing.

    I kind of feel like arpgs have always been about grinding just so you can get better items so you can grind more. Diablo 2 was the only arpg that I can think of that had amazing pvp which was a nice break from the endless grind.

    Diablo 2 was basically like "do chaos for drops and solo kill baal/nihk/diablo in a full game for exp"

    As far as late game areas not feeling like late game areas, I dont understand your logic really. Sure as you gear up pits becomes easy but I have a couple very nice characters and theres still things that are a struggle. Warcry barbs are just strong at mfing with budget gear, which is great for someone who cant play alot. If everything feels too easy on a warcry barb start making other project chars. Some of them will end up being better in every way than a wc barb.

    As far as not being able to solo mythic bosses, thats just a matter of choosing a build thats not very good at soloing mythic bosses. Theres builds that can solo to at least passed cain in cruci.

    If they changed the drop rates to be a little more flexible for casual players then trading will be almost impossible because players like me who no-life this game will flood the market with everything and noone will need to buy anything :P

    I do understand the frustration about the marks never dropping, Ive been doing diablo runs for like 3 days without one dropping and even if a mark drops I feel like im going to get a deadly sin. But at least eventually when my hardwork pays off I know that 3/4 of the items i might find will have a very high value and even deadly sin will pay out enough to keep me happy. If youre a casual player you're better off just farming time rift/ pits/ dreamlands and selling the drops OR farming fragments and doing worldstone event and selling what you find and eventually youll get a few marks. But yes either way it takes effort. Feeling like you want to quit because your goals require effort is just an unhealthy perspective in all areas of life in my opinion, no offense. Im also viewing things from a no-lifer perspective so obviously our opinions wont be the same :P

    But anyway how do you guys feel about turning some of the other useless side areas into inferno areas and making them a little harder than the a5 pits?

    if anything it would give people a fresh place to farm and possibly a little bit of a challenge and maybe some nice rewards
    Last edited by Bloop; 03-29-2017 at 02:46 PM.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bloop View Post
    If you want to do inferno cows just load up 4 characters into a game and do like 10 hell cow runs.

    As far as not being able to solo mythic bosses, thats just a matter of choosing a build thats not very good at soloing mythic bosses. Theres builds that can solo to at least passed cain in cruci.
    So, which builds are good at soloing mythic bosses?

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by spdkllz View Post
    So, which builds are good at soloing mythic bosses?
    ww barb can solo cruci up to at least lvl 13

    bowa can supposedly solo cain as well

    im pretty sure a good druid could solo cain

    wwsin wrecks anything outside of cruci pretty much and can at least tank well enough to kill cain with 1 other player.

    im sure theres other ones, i havent really had the opportunity to play some of the other builds like fire sorc and summoner and stuff.

    im not sure if any build can solo the entire crucible. but theres 2man teams that do it supposedly.
    Last edited by Bloop; 03-29-2017 at 11:07 PM.

  8. #28
    Retired Staff Savior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spdkllz View Post
    So, which builds are good at soloing mythic bosses?
    Like Bloop said, those are some examples of characters that do well in the Crucible.
    But still the Mythic Bosses were created so players would have to team up against them.
    I'm sure as Annihilus gets updates Game will make the Mythic Bosses stronger as well.
    So even if the characters Bloop named can kill them or almost solo them.
    They probably wont be able to for long, just saying.

  9. #29
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    all i want to say is + tyreal keys/puzzles/trag marks leave the other right where they are i havent found not 1 puzzle/key at all and thats funny when u get the other soul stone/marks first so just up tyreals keys/puzzles/trag marks and things will be fixd

    this might just be me but that sound more fair atm

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Savior View Post
    Like Bloop said, those are some examples of characters that do well in the Crucible.
    But still the Mythic Bosses were created so players would have to team up against them.
    I'm sure as Annihilus gets updates Game will make the Mythic Bosses stronger as well.
    So even if the characters Bloop named can kill them or almost solo them.
    They probably wont be able to for long, just saying.
    making mythic bosses hard to defeat is good, but making them team only obliterates the chance from solo players. Not sure from when, this server becomes clan oriented along with more and more end game contents being team only. i think clan idea is good but sometimes its hard to get in, especially when ur not an active player(like 2-3 hrs a day) and not alot of clans open recruiting. So, for those regular but not active players and with reset cycle being around 6ish months, they will never get a taste of those mythic bosses and make this great server ordinary like other private d2 server. so, from my point view, there are areas(like cruc) for team oriented players, there should also be areas for solo players.

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