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Thread: What does Amp Magic from divinity gloves do?

  1. #21
    Wiki Moderator Lucid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Game View Post
    Druids are a bit strong right now, they will be changed a little in the upcoming 5.0 patch Vengeance Paladin in my opinion is in a good spot, if you enjoy it I would tinker with builds until you find one you like for it!
    ah, i thought you are talking about that FH melee druid, because thats what Fitsu was refering to when you were quoting him.

    My FH thoughts are in discords staff channel, if you want my perspective of it. On wind druid i still cant say much.

  2. #22
    Regular Member bgtomsk's Avatar
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    Everyone who was here remembers how many complaints there were in public games (that the druids are OP) before the first frame nerf. I havent seen a single since the second nerf. Moreover, almost everyone with whom I played, moved to other characters. It also has a decent disadvantage, the aiming and the corresponding inconvenience of playing this char.

    Quote Originally Posted by bgtomsk View Post
    the inconvenience in aiming may outweigh its damage output. The wind build already feels slow and is on the verge to be abandoned.
    Last edited by bgtomsk; 01-14-2017 at 12:38 PM.

  3. #23
    Senior Member Eric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bgtomsk View Post
    Isnt it already weak at AoE...

    What about a bone nec against single target? Where would you put him in the rankings? In endgame gear it takes 2-3 shots to kill cruc cain from even a safer position than dru.
    A spear zon? It doesn't even require an endgame gear to overcome a perf druid in timing against most of the bosses. The time spent on killing is most noticeable especially for bosses that need to be grinded thousands of times to make valuable loot, as it was with Santa.
    Wolf druid at bosses with trash monsters, for example, rift diablo?
    Fire trapper is better against rift diablo/ctoggha aswell.

    Even looking at how much wind druids are online it doesnt seem like it is an ultimate build.
    Just as Alex said, wind druids are top 2 easily. I have a fully geared wind Druid at the moment, and I kill anything in the entire game in under 5 seconds. Hurricane is used to take out trash mobs, and tornado is used for bosses. Hurri is amazing at AoE for smaller monsters. Druid is ultimate build in the current state they are in. And they have already been nerfed twice.

  4. #24
    Regular Member bgtomsk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric View Post
    Just as Alex said, wind druids are top 2 easily. I have a fully geared wind Druid at the moment, and I kill anything in the entire game in under 5 seconds. Hurricane is used to take out trash mobs, and tornado is used for bosses. Hurri is amazing at AoE for smaller monsters. Druid is ultimate build in the current state they are in. And they have already been nerfed twice.
    I got this idea, what will u say about the characters i've mentioned? What are their timings against the same stuff in the latest gear? Which character do you use to kill rift diablo? How much time it takes? How fast do you kill trash monsters with huricane in rift or even in PL?
    Last edited by bgtomsk; 01-14-2017 at 12:44 PM.

  5. #25
    Senior Member Eric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bgtomsk View Post
    I got this idea, what will u say about the characters i've mentioned? What are their timings against the same stuff in the latest gear? Which character do you use to kill rift diablo? How much time it takes? How fast do you kill trash monsters with huricane in rift or even in PL?
    I've never played a bone necro on anni, but I do play sin/cs zon. And Druid/sin are the fastest killers.
    I use my Druid to kill him, takes less than 5 seconds as I've mentioned. Hurricane kills anything in pl with 2 hits. I use nado on mobs in rift.

  6. #26
    Regular Member bgtomsk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric View Post
    I've never played a bone necro on anni, but I do play sin/cs zon. And Druid/sin are the fastest killers.
    I use my Druid to kill him, takes less than 5 seconds as I've mentioned. Hurricane kills anything in pl with 2 hits. I use nado on mobs in rift.
    It takes less than 5 secs for fire sin/wolf druid either. Speaking about AOE, it takes 2 hits in pl even for an es cold sorc and its not even close to fire sins with their AOE. As for the bone nec, the above mentioned builds kill 15/20 lvl cruc boss slower, if you interested. How is it ultimate at single target or AOE then? I didnt play all characters either, maybe somebody can share their experience in killing same monsters with other builds?
    Last edited by bgtomsk; 01-14-2017 at 01:26 PM.

  7. #27
    Regular Member bgtomsk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric View Post
    I've never played a bone necro on anni, but I do play sin/cs zon. And Druid/sin are the fastest killers.
    I use my Druid to kill him, takes less than 5 seconds as I've mentioned. Hurricane kills anything in pl with 2 hits. I use nado on mobs in rift.
    btw i've checked my hurricane without enchant (12k dmg, cow set), over -200 pierce. It takes around 9 hits to kill a zombie. How much hurricane dmg do you have?

    UPD: checked with 17k dmg, it takes around 7 hits... Both tests in 1 player game. Your statement is impossible.
    Last edited by bgtomsk; 01-14-2017 at 01:14 PM.

  8. #28
    Senior Member Eric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bgtomsk View Post
    btw i've checked my hurricane without enchant (12k dmg, cow set), over -200 pierce. It takes around 9 hits to kill a zombie. How much hurricane dmg do you have?

    UPD: checked with 17k dmg, it takes around 7 hits... Both tests in 1 player game. Your statement is impossible.
    Currently i do 22k hurri and 43k nado. Seems to me you aren't using end game gear.

  9. #29
    Regular Member bgtomsk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric View Post
    Currently i do 22k hurri and 43k nado. Seems to me you aren't using end game gear.
    no, i'm not. but the difference between 12 and 17 is 2 hits, so 5k more dmg wont decrease 7 hits to 2. your dmg seems enchanted btw. usually ppl are not enchanting theirselfs going to PL.

  10. #30
    Senior Member Eric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bgtomsk View Post
    no, i'm not. but the difference between 12 and 17 is 2 hits, so 5k more dmg wont decrease 7 hits to 2. your dmg seems enchanted btw.
    It actually makes a big difference, and its not chanted. I'll show you in game whenever. A lot of it has to do with - res as well.
    Last edited by Eric; 01-14-2017 at 02:17 PM.

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