Hey guys! I had some information I wanted to get out to you all as soon as possible, and just keep everyone in the know about what is happening with Annihilus as of lately.

First thing's first. One of our biggest issues for new players was the FULL installer download was completely unreliable. Some days it works, some days it doesn't, and the website it was hosted on was just very slow in general. We have updated the link, it is now completely up to date with the latest 4.1.1 patch and is on a much faster server / dedicated link thanks to @Krystals letting us use his server to host it on. No more going through an ad infested third party site! You can find the latest link on the Download Annihilus page.

You will also notice an update went out on your launchers today. This is retiring the Halloween 2016 items and content, I hope you enjoyed it! You will keep any Halloween items you obtained over the last month, but no more Trick or Treat bags will drop. If you still have bags on your characters, you can still cube them to open them. The NPCs in town decided to take off their costumes as well. I also snuck in a couple of minor fixes, addressing Skeletal Archer damage rolling over to almost nothing if their skill level gets too high, and I also enabled Find Item in shapeshifting form.

Secondly, I wanted to just let you all know the next 4.2 content update is (hopefully) coming in December. I am a big fan of the winter season and want to be sure we get some seasonal things in this year similar to Halloween, as I fell short last year. I have a LOT of changes I want to get in as well not related to the Christmas seasonal things, I am not sure what I will be able to squeeze in but I can say we have some cool things planned, including content unlike anything we've ever had before, and very likely a Crucible rework. If I do not get it in for the 4.2 update, it will almost surely be in the following 4.3 (or 5.0!) update that will accompany the ladder reset.

Lastly, speaking of ladder resets, that is the last subject I want to touch on. After much discussion, @acyroma and I have decided the best time length and time of year for resets will be every March and September from now on. This gives us 6 month seasons which isn't too short, and hopefully not too long so people don't get burnt out. They are also at a perfect time of the year so seasonal items such as Halloween / Christmas don't instantly get hit by the ladder reset. So starting as of 2017, we will be doing ladder resets every March and September.

As always, thanks for playing everyone! As long as people continue to support the server we will continue to keep content coming out and continue to improve the patch and community.