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Thread: Scotty's application to become bellboy

  1. #1
    Junior Member Scotty's Avatar
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    Scotty's application to become bellboy

    Hi, I would like to be the ringer, the bringer of joy to the channels. Bellboy has absolutely no power other than a different sprite in channel, I'm okay with that.

    If you can make me "new player helper" or something like that and transfer my /ann privilege from *Scotty to *ReDRuM (main account now) I would appreciate it.

    I've been asking for a while if we could have a staff member dedicated to the progression of new players. I want this job, I've been asking for it. Nows the time seeing as how there will be no interruptions. Let me have it. Please.

    Your friendly, neighborhood, Scotty.
    Last edited by Scotty; 12-01-2016 at 07:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member Scotty's Avatar
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    Members who have read this thread: 4
    acyroma, rattan, Game, Scotty

    Hm, no word? Or input?

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