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View Full Version : Report A Player

  1. just wow. (1 replies)
  2. Krystina Racism (7 replies)
  3. Blargo (1 replies)
  4. RAPEZON (bbbylyt) (3 replies)
  5. These character names can't be allowed, can they? (4 replies)
  6. rocket_no9 bm in Gm Bvb only (2 replies)
  7. Troll (10 replies)
  8. Debaju account scammer (3 replies)
  9. El-Jaun the thief. (1 replies)
  10. With no respect ..... ( II ) (10 replies)
  11. With no respect .... (10 replies)
  12. Dat Rage (9 replies)
  13. Scam master flex (1 replies)
  14. rage with no reason ?... (4 replies)
  15. Trade Scam (0 replies)
  16. i sm reporting acc storm for spam/cussing/harrasment (2 replies)
  17. pulse37 stole cow shako (12 replies)
  18. Donte (bonnell21), Reallydude (fearsom1) (3 replies)
  19. JEFFC stealer (1 replies)
  20. OlafKing - rude behavior (0 replies)
  21. Dear Staff i trust u will get the right way for ... (10 replies)
  22. (lampogriz) pedobear (5 replies)
  23. Jared.. (0 replies)
  24. Jared. (3 replies)
  25. xyu (lampogriz) (40 replies)
  26. queef (2 replies)
  27. toxic player (2 replies)
  28. Stolen items in a private game (1 replies)
  29. Stolen Items, Guy admitted stealing it, Anything i can do? (27 replies)
  30. an utter troll (10 replies)
  31. noob_saibot(Ocb_BG) report joining privat games (1 replies)
  32. foul language (4 replies)
  33. spam (1 replies)
  34. New animal's multi (3 replies)
  35. Noob-Saibot - OCB BG Regular Trolls (4 replies)
  36. care from a new player (3 replies)
  37. another player has bad behavior (7 replies)
  38. bad behavior insulting people (2 replies)
  39. Petition for a new rule change (6 replies)
  40. possibly animal hits again. (2 replies)
  41. [Abuse: Staff+Players] Report Filed Against Player "bully" (5 replies)
  42. Animal is back once again, someone needs to deal with this kid ASAP (26 replies)
  43. When's this Dipshit getting banned? (7 replies)
  44. ClassicMan (15 replies)
  45. Massiv Insults from Roni (*ownyah) (10 replies)
  46. Player "Ronii" (account name: OwnYah) real-life threats (7 replies)
  47. Report player (2 replies)
  48. Game Multi Account - reporting (4 replies)
  49. BartekG123 is attempting to login/pass scam people (3 replies)
  50. Treant Being Rude With No reason .. (5 replies)
  51. i catch bones admit scam my zod (6 replies)
  52. Glacier *Mavina scam me in trade bet (8 replies)
  53. wanksta amazon *pix3 *pix4 etc (22 replies)
  54. Smokeydreams BM Trade (4 replies)
  55. *izzyxd1 Is over a day late on his Loan return (4 replies)
  56. Character Named Bordie stole item from a new player I was giving items to. (4 replies)
  57. disrespectful rude player (4 replies)
  58. insult from gm (7 replies)
  59. Scanned by Wes (7 replies)
  60. Remove Trash Plz (10 replies)
  61. Scammed in mule (5 replies)
  62. EG. EnD (2 replies)