View Full Version : Buy
- Chaos Claw Base!
- eastside needs:
- HR Tal set
- eth and none eth bersker axe 5 sockets
- My ISO
- iso eth hoz (zaka), hl ammy, coa
- ISO Tal Rasha Items
- ISO: IK armor
- ISO Tal Rasha Armor and Amulet
- Bowzon need list
- Iso tal weapn :)
- Need Tal rasha's amulet
- _iso: Dragonscale
- iso sets
- Looking for Sojs
- infinity base
- 7x 20-5s on east sc ladder for items
- i need a 6 socketed bow (all class not ama)
- Iso Tal Ammy
- my complete iso list...looook
- Iso 3 java 20 ias gloves
- iso tal orb and amu
- iso nats helm and wep
- need 1000 gold , good items for trade
- ISO: Tals ammy, Tals armor, Storch, Anni
- Buying Immortal King Armor piece
- bring ghnarsh eth shield
- iso tals ammy and armor
- bring eth 3os troll nest or grim shield
- schaefers hammer
- bring fire grand charms
- iso 4soc or plain monarch and arach belt
- Looking for Exile shield, Eth cs, Odium, Seraph
- iso sorc torch
- iso: 4os Thresher, Giant Thresher, or CA
- brg eth 4os monarch
- iso 4soc 35+@res Sacred targe
- ISO Green Dye
- ~ Looking for Cold Skillers ~
- Gul + Ist for Tal Armor
- trap gcs
- iso infernal key
- iso odium
- brg lucky dice
- bring fireball anni
- 2hrs for ptorch + anni
- N: Tal AMmy O: Vex
- mavins true sigt
- N stormlash
- iso ik armor
- N Cold skillers and blizzard Ormus
- N smite gear
- Need hrdin stuff
- N dual leech ring
- n nokozan ammy
- bring all keys on realm
- 1 hr per 40+ life fire gc
- GODLY OVER PAY 6 HIGH RUNeS FOR +3fire ball anni/ 3high runes for sorce soj
- bring eth st or vortex / bring eth 6os cs / bring eth 5os cs or pbs
- Need Ber for Jah
- Tor for Light Skill Anni
- vex 2x um 4 cham
- ISO Rathma Base
- iso exile base ebug
- Need Bo barb gear
- Need bowa gear
- ISO storch, light facets
- ISO new Bow! from kaluut PAYING WELL!
- iso Trangs Belt and IK Armor
- I need ik armor !
- Trading zod for Ik Armor
- 2 X T Key for 1x Dkey(Need alots)
- ISO: Good exile base
- Looking to trade my zod rune for Lo rune
- Looking for 3 socketed ebugged shield
- N 3 sox elite pala shield with @ res
- Trading Tor for Cham
- ISO hdin gear !!
- iso ele and trap skiller gcs
- Iso Anni
- iso small charms
- ISO some stuff you probably dont have
- brg me items
- Iso 40s eth cv, 40-50% mf war travs
- Cham
- Iso Ribcracker Staff
- Iso Trang Helm & Belt
- iso sorc gear
- Iso M'av Body And Helm
- Brg Eth Hoz
- ISO: New poison bos armor & bow
- iso sorc soj or wisp
- my need list
- my sorc iso list
- Iso 4soc Sacred Targe w/ res
- need tal amy +orb
- Iso Coa vs Xer
- Need Dracs, Ebug 40s pally shield, Ptorch
- my assassin iso
- Need Tal Ammy
- Small ISO
- my 7k gold vs
- ~ Get me these sockets bases ~
- Need Ptorch and Holyshield/Zeal anni For 7 Fade 15 life 14 mana Odium
- Needlist
- LF Zontoch/ANNI
- ISO: The Husk of Kaalut
- ISO Marrowwalks, Death's web
- LF some gear
- iso barb valor
- Bae's buy list
- ALvl4Ninja's Iso List
- 5 2.0 DL items Ft!
- Iso Some Cthulhu Set Pieces!
- Everything I need (I think)
- Iso Some Sorc Gear
- Merc gear!
- Cs zon gear
- 6/16/15 Iso
- Easy ISO
- Proph's ISO /// FT List
- my ISO list
- I have 60 gold, need a rush :)
- WTT Husk of Kaalut and K'nart ribcage for Primordial Fang
- Dragon Bulwark shield for Primordial Fang
- WTB list
- Java gcs, zon sojs, zon maras, ztorch
- iso Purifying Flame
- Last Wish Rune Word - Buying with gold
- merc iso
- Primordial Fang
- Where to get standard of heros
- Iso Trapper gear
- Need some sorc gear
- Need tals amulet
- I need a eth cubed 4os monarch or 15/00 monarch
- my iso list
- Looking for 5-5 Fire jewels
- Buying Eth Monarch Shield With NO SOCKETS
- Looking for 2x nat claw and mav set
- ISO unique Double bow, or composite bow.
- Rebarbative's Smiter + Bowzon ISO.
- iso BK ring
- N 2 Ber Runes
- ISO frost fire + eth 4 socket elite polearm, 2 ber, ist + mal.
- ISO tal pieces+s torch
- iso
- i need the eyeball puzzle box
- iso tal rasha armor for my sorc
- compiled iso
- Iso Torch Ama
- ISO a few macs pieces
- ISO 2x Demon Limb
- ISO xer rune
- My Desperately ISO List.
- my amazon iso list
- Diso
- Iso eth crystal sword
- Needing Tal weap
- Queen Shako
- gold for items in my ISO.
- Zod for bulk pgems
- Looking for some perfect gems
- buying bers, selling zods
- Need Some Amazon Stuff
- Need sorc/merc upgrades
- Iso Zealer gear
- need to gear my sin
- Iso pally shield
- Iso Superior Armor
- N new GF, dragonslayer jewels, baba torch, max dmg charms
- N merc faith or ohm
- ISO trapsin gear list inside.
- Needs Diablos Horn
- ISO trickster claw's
- ISO short circuit, Light skillers, Bmanas, and light sorc gear anni torch.
- ISO Kthulu Caster Weapon
- Iso Eth Monarch
- Iso Xer
- Buying Red, and Gold Fragments.
- iso kthulu dream spirit
- *iso mavzon gear inside
- N light skillers, and sorc Sojs. Paying gold, dice, runes, nvs.
- Need Ama Torch
- ISO cowqueen Armor
- Need Cowqueens full
- N Flav's Arrows 2-4 of them. N Treads of Valusia N Bow Skiller.
- N Eth pally shield 4 Exile!
- Need Mal + Ist. Offer Gul and Um.
- ISO: Druid Torch
- ISO: 4os Eth Pally Shield
- ISO Ebugged pally shield 4os
- ISO ele skill gcs and cold facets, and druid prime charm.
- Iso eth berzerk axe
- iso Lo + Ber
- I need dragonjewel
- Iso Cow Queen Armor and Boot's
- ISO druid Kings jewel, 2x 12% fhr ele skill gcs. P boxes.
- N heart of shadow, or 3 socket pb, Lo + ber. O 2x zod + cham + orb of alch
- ISO Cow Queen Armor
- Fullmoon Druid helm
- ISO ganesh, or cham + ist + 3 socket eth monarch
- N Cow Queen Horns
- Iso Caster gear
- Iso Treads of Valusia and Light-Facett's
- Iso Xer rune
- N Cthulu caster Wep/Madness ring
- Iso list
- Plain trap gcs
- N cthulu caster wep!
- Looking For Many Cow Organ Sets
- Looking for cow set or Hrs
- iso Ama soj
- Iso caster MADNESS/cow set
- ISO max dmg life charms, skillers with life, and HRS
- iso cta
- Iso full moon
- ISO eth monarc
- ISO Cow Boots
- ISO necro head base
- ISO Cow Queen Shako o Boots or Hr's or Sojs etch!
- ISO cow boots/shako. Offer dice, nvs, hrs, 2.1 items.
- iso cow set jk, iso pcombats
- Need blue organs
- iso sorceres soj + sorc mara
- Iso Cow shako N Frostfires!
- Iso Frostfire bow
- the last ISO for my sin
- Iso cow shako
- ISO cons ring
- Maniac Iso List
- iso decent seraphs and p torch
- Iso Lo and Ber Runes
- Need Odium armor
- ISO base Exile , rune cham and queen cow set
- Looking for 3 Jav/20 Ias glove or 2 Jav/20ias/str or dex gloves Dice and items ft
- need zon torch and cs synergy anni
- need zon maras and soj
- 10 fire sorc sojs
- ISO hand of blessed light
- N lite facets
- Need Frostfire, Java skillers and +4 skill strokes
- N pally combat skillers
- Iso cow shako
- Need Shape skillers
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