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View Full Version : OlafKing - rude behavior

04-27-2016, 03:15 AM
Hello :)
I was staying in one of the already existing games when *olafking came. At first I didn't notice the account name but the character's - jackripper (a necro) and I mistook him for a friend of mine (*jacktheripper). He wanted to duel me so I got my assassin out of the town to one-shot him. Immediately he told me that his account was hacked and he has had no items. He called me an "idiot" and I replied him in Spanish (because the friend of mine is native Spanish speaker) "who? me? Me and KoBpa (my assassin) are the same person". He asked me if I was going to give him necro items but in a rude way. Later I was told that I'm son of a bitch and he left the game.
http://s32.postimg.org/hm34brcjl/Screenshot023.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/hm34brcjl/)