View Full Version : Buying Items Cheap with Gold

07-08-2016, 07:24 AM
I got some coins in my purse so I'd like to buy missing items for my bowzon/psn nec. I will buy the requested item(s) from Hadriel after items are given to me (because purchases can't be reversed) and I won't buy an item with gold unless I make a profit, as it is supposed to be. Private message or whisper "nedamettin" in game for offers.

Needed things are:

- Sanctuary's Balance
- Heaven's Champion
- Tyrael's Might
- Frostfire Enchant
- Necro Nephalem's Birthright
- Golem Enchantt
- %Poison Damage Enchant
- -%50 / %20 Plaguebringer (okay with above 48 with %20 but perf is better)
- +2 / +3 / +3 / -%13-15 Plague Carrion
- Teleport Enchant
- Perfect Poison Facets
- Ryleh Caches, Marks of Trag-Oul, Keys of the Council, Cthogga's Box
- Bow & Crossbow skill GCs (preferably as a 5 pack and +life)
- All unique charms for amazon (good roll Annihilus, Torch, Prime, Alkor's, Belial's and Othuyeg with high fire&cold damage rolls)
- Any Tradable Goods

I am NOT buying things that I won't make a profit/overpay except Sanctuary's Balance and batch of items (like charm set) which can be an even trade. Please do not PM with "I got one facet I want 500 golds" because that is unreal and a micro trade which doesn't even worth the husstle. I'd rather have "I have 5x Facets and a Plague Carrion ft, all for x gold." messages. I would especially like if you specify a negotiation price and not say "wug for dis" because that's mostly a fishbait for highballing.

When you people read this I may sound like a jerk but gold-related items are the only constant currencies in game and it is not obtainable by everyone, obviously. So if I haven't written all those things I'd expect lots of "i got dis give me 598895123 gold" messages and it wouldn't be a fun thing to reply. I appriciate your understanding and wish you a nice and lootful day.

07-09-2016, 05:10 PM
I have a golem and teleport enchantment. Are those good for that Druid Nephalem you got?