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View Full Version : The concept of Ladder Resets

09-29-2016, 04:58 PM
The idea of having ladder resets, effectively restarting player progression really blows my mind, it's not something I'm accustomed to by any other online game I've played.

That being said, I'm super excited for the upcoming ladder reset because I want to grind like there's no tomorrow and dominate Annihilus with some friends, maybe starting my own clan at that point.

Having a realistic chance at being one of the strongest, if only temporarily, on a populated server like this is a pretty fun thought for me. I'm used to being in gridlock on World of Warctaft private servers and getting maxed after a couple weeks then the boredom hits, however, Diablo 2 is very interesting with its much higher limits. Not to mention Annihilus gameplay where that limit is 10x higher and more unique while keeping the good original content.

Honestly I've never played a D2 server this close to the ladder reset, and I might stop playing a month before the announced (still to be determined) reset to catchup on real life, but as soon as that reset happens I'll be hitting the ground running full speed to level 99.

I just wanted to share my thoughts on what really is a unique concept to Diablo, and say I hope the reset is sooner rather than later.


09-30-2016, 02:35 AM
Did u try diablo 3? Ladder resets every 3-4 month

09-30-2016, 03:06 AM
The idea of having ladder resets, effectively restarting player progression really blows my mind, it's not something I'm accustomed to by any other online game I've played.

That being said, I'm super excited for the upcoming ladder reset because I want to grind like there's no tomorrow and dominate Annihilus with some friends, maybe starting my own clan at that point.

Having a realistic chance at being one of the strongest, if only temporarily, on a populated server like this is a pretty fun thought for me. I'm used to being in gridlock on World of Warctaft private servers and getting maxed after a couple weeks then the boredom hits, however, Diablo 2 is very interesting with its much higher limits. Not to mention Annihilus gameplay where that limit is 10x higher and more unique while keeping the good original content.

Honestly I've never played a D2 server this close to the ladder reset, and I might stop playing a month before the announced (still to be determined) reset to catchup on real life, but as soon as that reset happens I'll be hitting the ground running full speed to level 99.

I just wanted to share my thoughts on what really is a unique concept to Diablo, and say I hope the reset is sooner rather than later.


The thrill of starting fresh in the Diablo series has always been huge, finding items that you would have tossed at the end of the previous ladder are suddenly much more valuable. It's really fun finding things and seeing obvious increases in strength, and helping friends get geared as well. It's hard to explain, it is just very fun. Granted, the timing has to be right because if it is too soon then people feel like they weren't done with their current characters and their work has just went down the drain, but wait too long and people eventually feel like there isn't much left to do that interests them and they get really bored. It's hard to get the timing right, as some people are super rich and want a reset, while others are still somewhat new and are just getting started.

Regardless, I just wanted to say that it will be atleast 6 months before the next reset. We have special event Christmas content, and it wouldn't feel right to just reset shortly after Christmas and lose all of the neat stuff you get.

09-30-2016, 11:26 AM
Have you sorted out the ladder to non-ladder conversion yet?

09-30-2016, 02:13 PM
Have you sorted out the ladder to non-ladder conversion yet?

There was nothing to sort out. Doing a hard reset last time had nothing to do with the ladder system. Next ladder reset everything will move to non-ladder.

09-30-2016, 02:18 PM
There was nothing to sort out. Doing a hard reset last time had nothing to do with the ladder system. Next ladder reset everything will move to non-ladder.

Happy to hear it. Carry on, then! :)

10-01-2016, 11:13 AM
please reset . Player pop is dead

10-01-2016, 04:16 PM
It will be good having ladder and NL again. It allows for some of us who can't grind for hours today to continue building elite characters while providing a jumping on point for new players. And even the new players can enjoy NL, since they can easily leech xp and receive higher-tier equipment for free to start grinding, should they choose.

10-01-2016, 04:24 PM
please reset . Player pop is dead

No reset for atleast 6 months. Player population always drops massively before a new patch. It'll come back up with 4.1.