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View Full Version : Crash at worldstone event

10-01-2016, 08:59 AM
This is not for me but another player...I joined a game and he was doing wordstone event, he was at andy and it crashed. The guy was unable to join the game after that..only posting for him because he doesnt speak english well. I think he's fairly new so was unsure of the bugs / to take screenshots and stuff.
I think he maybe has some of the crystals from the event as proof. Just feel sorry for the sod lol, think it was his first time...

his account name is lince7

10-01-2016, 08:55 PM
I'm pretty sure he won't get refunded the fragments in this case.

What probably happened after his crash/error is the server thought he was still logged on with the character so it wouldn't let him join any game for a little while, I've encountered this while boosting someone on a new character.

If someone stayed in that game they might have seen the character of his still be there even though he was offline, and maybe waiting 10 minutes would be long enough for the server to refresh his connection and realize the error.

It sucks that he crashed but it's incredibly rare and probably won't happen again.