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10-13-2016, 07:01 PM
Clan Introduction

As you know, we have some active clans on Anni. Cruc, eZpK, LocK, RoM, CooL and QQ. As of now, only two clans have their own private sub forum that is password protect. If you would like to establish your own clan, you must have at least 3 active members, and a four digit clan tag. From there you will be able to have the clan tag in your party screen. We will be hopefully doing some clan wars on D2PK and Anni. Its always fun to see who has the best clan.


We now have added active clans to the "Channel List."
Now we have a requirement in order to have your clan appear on the channel list. Here is the current requirements in order to have a clan.

Clan Tag in Game - 3 Members. Clan Forum / Clan Channel Tag - 5 Members. These requirements are needed in order to have a active clan on Anni or D2PK.

I would like to remind everyone, anyone who plans on using Stealthbot will have to host them on their own computer. The server will not host any clan channels bot.

I open all Anni / D2PK Users to please take advance of these features. I have been in clans for the past 10 years of playing Diablo II, its always fun to play with people in your clan, look out for each other, and help each other with PKs, Clan Duels (3v3s / 4v4s), or gear share to help one another gear up. The potential is unlimited and can be completely up to you and your clan!

So to recap, if you want to start your own clan, find 2 other people who's interested in your clan idea, talk about a clan name, and then PM either myself or Acryoma, and we can add you to the clan list on the party screen, clan sub forum with password protected, and Clan Name in Channel List.

P.S. I would of never got where I am now if it wasn't for my clan. The gear share rule we have has helped myself and my entire clan more then anyone will ever know. It is a good idea to have more clans in Anni/D2PK.

10-24-2016, 08:05 PM