View Full Version : A few questins feom a new member

01-19-2017, 08:03 PM
One: Can we request custom hybrid rws? I.e. fort of chains, enigma of bone, etc.

Two: Is it possible to get other bugged items that aren't in shop like Project D?

Three: Siggard's Stealth in the files at all?

Thanks for your time. I miss PD files. Huge nostalgia trip for me.


01-19-2017, 08:22 PM
Are you referring to the bug belt version of Siggard's? Because that wouldn't be in the coding. The normal Siggard's is just the .09 version of Nos coil, which you can make with the vendors here currently.
As far as bugged items, I doubt they'll bring those in. People already complain about anything they're not used to here.

01-19-2017, 08:25 PM
No you can't request custom hybrids. In the future we may add more items to the D2PK item shop. Anything like Imports or any custom item editor, it wont happen on D2PK.

01-19-2017, 08:25 PM
I'm talking about bugged Siggard's yeah. Not the Nos coil.

EDIT: Thank you for clarification Lock. Told you I'd donate tonight c; I'm glad you guys keep the most broken items out of the game like imports. Very very appreciated.