View Full Version : Little trade shop

03-23-2017, 08:15 AM

Barb neph , holy shock ,19 all rez
Pala neph , 14 holy shock , 19 all rez
Emblems all kind of ele % and fcr
Immune curse scroll
All class unid primes
Zyphir bow
Barb soj 8% magic
Vengeance khalim 3030 5
Cain dusks all kind of ele %

Looking mostly for gold , or some divines gems , maybe hrs

03-23-2017, 09:20 AM
i am looking for an ama prime, but dont know the price actually. How much Hrs do you think it is worth nowadays ? i may have some divine on mules.
Let me know :)

03-23-2017, 09:22 AM
I'll trade you a amazon prime unid for either 3hrs or 1 full set of divine ( or 7 mix divine , preferbly , skulls ruby and diamond )

03-23-2017, 10:26 AM
I've got a lot of divine gems. I would like to trade some of them for one of your cain armors. Let me know. I'll be around later this afternoon/evening.

03-23-2017, 11:55 AM
okay , add me @scorch2 or wips me