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View Full Version : Adding Subscribers and Perks, Patch 5.1 Information

03-31-2017, 03:02 AM
Hello everyone! There has been a subject I have been thinking about for a while now, so I decided to see what the community thinks to get an idea of how to proceed next. As I am sure many of you know, the ability to trade Gold has been really requested over the years, and while you can technically buy Gold and have it delivered to someone else, it isn't really trading it. Let's give into the details.

Why can we not trade Gold as of now?

- This one is easy. People would make multiple accounts and send it overtime to their main account, allowing them to buy more expensive things from the Gold vendor way faster than usual.

Why not just ban these people?

- We definitely do when we catch people, but you have to realize not everyone will be dumb or obvious about it and simply make a second forum account and just add a number to their original name. We have caught many people who are very sneaky and even go as far as to proxy or use a VPN to hide themselves just so they can build up Gold on multiple accounts. We still have ways of catching people but this adds SO much more manual labor on what is already a lot of work for myself and Acyroma if we had to moderate every single Gold trade made. This would cut down on development time for new content, and other duties / chores such as handing out event prizes. It is just not efficient at all to put this into place, regardless of the argument somebody makes about this, and more than anything we risk the economy getting ruined by people who actually follow the rules. The only way I could make Gold trading available to everyone would be to disable Gold rewards for voting, or for anything else aside from events and purchases.

So what's the plan? How can we trade Gold and avoid abuse?

- I am glad you asked! What we have been considering is a "Subscriber" system. What this would consist of would be setting up a subscription directly through our website via a PayPal account. It would be $15/month, and would come with some nice perks. The process would be completely automated, and the user would be moved to the Subscriber usergroup instantly.

What perks would that be?

- This is where Gold trading comes in! Subscribers will be allowed to send Gold to ALL members, including non-subscribers. They will also get 2000 Gold a month which is just a little more than a $15 purchase would make you normally. They would also gain access to a hidden "Subscriber" forum, which would have previews of patches and content a little sooner than the whole public. They will also be allowed into any beta tests we do in the future for upcoming patches. They also will get a special title on the forum, and a group / color in the Discord channel. There is definitely a chance we add more things in the future as perks, such as user icons on the forum you can only purchase with Gold if you're a Subscriber.

How would this prevent Gold trading abuse?

- The biggest thing to take from this is anyone spending $15/month or investing any money at all is much less likely to attempt and abuse the system, because if they do they'd obviously get banned and not only lose their items but be out the $ they spent as well. Naturally anyone investing money is more likely to care about being banned, but there is more to it. Getting multiple PayPal accounts is MUCH harder than simply making another forum account, and also if the PayPals have the same name on it that is a million times easier to moderate and track as opposed to forum accounts.

Makes sense, but how do I benefit from this? I never plan on buying Gold or spending here, so I hate this idea! I vote no!

- This actually benefits all players, even ones with no intentions of ever subscribing. The first benefit would be you can still RECEIVE Gold for your items, so trading items for Gold will be a lot easier for you as you don't have to track someone down who is okay with spending $ on Gold on every Gold trade they make, you will be way more likely to find someone who spends $15/month and has a decent amount of Gold to trade from their own trades or voting rather than someone willing to buy several thousand Gold to trade for your awesome item. That is not the only benefit though, this will also support Annihilus to have a little more consistent funding, which allows me to rationalize spending more of my rare free time on development for Annihilus and future content. It is a win / win for everyone.

I would really like you all to think of the benefits for the whole server before quickly voting just because you have no plans of becoming a subscriber yourself. Please feel free to leave any questions,issues, or concerns you have with this, and I will do my best to address all of them. Now then, on to the fun stuff!

Where is Patch 5.1? What is in it? I hate you.

- I swear I am still working on it! This is one of the quickest times I have ever released a full content patch so close to a recent patch, let alone a ladder reset as well. This is strictly due to the massive support you guys have given Annihilus over the last month, I appreciate all of it and so does my family, they aren't so mad at the hundreds of hours I poured into 5.0 during the holidays now :) I just want to return the favor and get some more content and bug fixes to you ASAP!

- As for what is in it, we have fixed the damage cap! Because of this a few classes can reach absurd levels of damage, (looking at you War Cry) so they will have to get toned down just a little, but will still be overall stronger than they are now as there is no 87k damage cap.

- There is also some new monsters and items. I will be adding 2 new areas that are similar to Dreamlands, as in the bosses are always there and are farmable, and have a chance to drop their own exclusive items. There will be 1 super rare item, similar to Frostmourne / Flame Horizon. There will be a total of 5 bosses in these 2 areas. No worries guys, no puzzleboxes this time around!

- I am also adding a bonus level to The Crucible, which will be The Crucible Level 17. Since Uldyssian was technically meant to be the last boss of The Crucible, the upcoming level will be a little different. Your time limit will not be extended from the original 30 minutes, summons will be DRASTICALLY weakened health wise, and the boss will not be joking around. You can expect some useful items to come from this guy, and if this is a big hit we may add a few more bonus boss levels to The Crucible in the future.

- One thing I have kept somewhat quiet but am ready to officially confirm is the ability to make Runewords in magic (blue) items. This adds a little power to Runewords without making them best in slot in most cases, as I have always said since the beginning I do not want Annihilus to be nothing but Runewords like vanilla Diablo 2. Obviously the prefix will be taken up by Jeweler's or another socket prefix on most items, so you will only be benefiting from the suffix. However we are considering re-adding the 3 chipped gem + magic weapon = rerolled magic weapon with 1-3 sockets cube recipe from vanilla, just to add some potentially strong runeword weapons without having to use the prefix up on a socket prefix.

- Neo Annihilus will finally have its time to show its real potential.

- World drop puzzleboxes will have their drops modified some, I am well aware they are way too rare right now compared to the boss specific puzzleboxes.

- The vast majority of Line #1437 (http://annihilus.net/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=1437) crashes should be fixed, no holding your breath during The Crucible now!

This is obviously not everything in Patch 5.1, just a summary of some of the bigger things, and all of this is still subject to change and could be removed between now and the release, I just wanted to get you guys a little hyped and let you see what is going on in my head right now!

As for the release, I wanted it out in March but many things have prevented this from happening. I still hope early April, I am doing my best! Thanks again for all of the support guys, this was one of our best resets yet!

03-31-2017, 03:13 AM
I voted yes to this just to support server even tho i dont like dividing players like this but if you think it will help then go ahead. I like the idea about making runewords in blue items and it would be really helpfull to have that recipe too, i say re-add it.

03-31-2017, 03:16 AM
Lookin forward to the new content, Thanks !

Tyrael Shasd
03-31-2017, 03:25 AM
Great ideas in my book! I am very new on Annihilus but already completely in love with it. Looking forward to all the wonderful changes and enjoying current and upcoming content in the future. You hooked me with this one for sure, fantastic work! :D

03-31-2017, 03:28 AM
Great ideas in my book! I am very new on Annihilus but already completely in love with it. Looking forward to all the wonderful changes and enjoying current and upcoming content in the future. You hooked me with this one for sure, fantastic work! :D

Awesome! Glad you're enjoying it here, welcome :)

Tyrael Shasd
03-31-2017, 03:41 AM
Awesome! Glad you're enjoying it here, welcome :)

Thank you very much! You and your staff are doing amazing work with a classic that I enjoyed pouring countless hours of my youth into and I wont mind doing so again with Annihilus now! Keep it up! :)

03-31-2017, 03:42 AM
Can I subscribe now :D ?

Ps : can subs get a ingamr color name like mods :D ? So we can spot them ingame :)

03-31-2017, 04:33 AM
A yes and a no xD. it is a great idea all in all and it would help the server alot. but also for a f2p player like me since im "POOR" getting gold will be so hard since not all subscribers would buy none rare items with gold.

but its definitely a yes to help the server grow

03-31-2017, 05:00 AM
Where is Patch 5.1? What is in it? I hate you.


03-31-2017, 05:08 AM
Ps : can subs get a ingamr color name like mods :D ? So we can spot them ingame :)

So players that have money can be above players that have no to subscribe to a GAME every month. Community shouldnt be divided like that.

03-31-2017, 05:36 AM
RIP high runes currency. I definitely voted no to this. I couldn't see me paying 15$ a month to a server that has said they wont do a server backup. I pay 15$ a month for some games yes, but they have had no problem rerolling hacked/lost characters.

As for 5.1, Good job with the updates, keep up the good work.

Ps. We don't hate you

03-31-2017, 05:47 AM
what about adding stronger inferno areas like act 5 pits?

03-31-2017, 07:11 AM
Add in a /players 8 command or /players 16 and you have my monthly money.

03-31-2017, 07:18 AM
Good work Alex, I think this is a great step forward for the trading community. Adding the trade feature even with a subscription will be amazing for users that ONLY want gold. As for 5.1, already sounds amazing ;) thanks for all you do!

03-31-2017, 08:07 AM
So players that have money can be above players that have no to subscribe to a GAME every month. Community shouldnt be divided like that.

I don't see why a color name would put subs player ahead of others , i mean its just a color lol ,

Truth at the matter is , i didn't want to upset you by my "idea" , I am very sorry ! I will never suggest again

03-31-2017, 08:30 AM
I said above not ahead, in all honesty do you think dividing community to rich and poor is a good idea?

03-31-2017, 09:08 AM
I said above not ahead, in all honesty do you think dividing community to rich and poor is a good idea?

I do not think it will , only thing in scared of is the high lose more value has they are now :(

03-31-2017, 09:40 AM
This shouldve been implented from the start, great idea.

Where my NV at?! https://www.diablowiki.net/images/a/a5/Tyrael.gif

<3 you Alex :D, keep it going!

03-31-2017, 10:16 AM
This shouldve been implented from the start, great idea.

Where my NV at?! https://www.diablowiki.net/images/a/a5/Tyrael.gif

<3 you Alex :D, keep it going!

You'll instantly have more currency than almost every other player combined. :D

Edit - Actually if you exclude Jonsnow (considering he doesnt even play anymore.) You will

03-31-2017, 10:21 AM
Yeah, but the same goes for in-game haha ^^. Gold allready is a currency, imo its just nice we can ''easy'' trade it now, I dont think people will be only asking for gold. Since people need alot of items, and dont have bots running like d2jsp ^^

03-31-2017, 10:22 AM
Nice idea but its a no from me basically making this server hampton and favela where poor have to get all leftovers which looks like hrs gonna end up be

03-31-2017, 10:28 AM
I think the idea of providing annihilus a more consistent funding is a benefit for all the users subs/non-subs for sure.
If non-subs users can still get their gold by voting the server besides that they can get gold selling their items. Seems fair to me, not a huge advantage for subs.

In general, if u dont give subs some crazy shit I think it could be a great thing.

Looking forward to seeing the new content btw.

03-31-2017, 10:36 AM
Yeah, but the same goes for in-game haha ^^. Gold allready is a currency, imo its just nice we can ''easy'' trade it now, I dont think people will be only asking for gold. Since people need alot of items, and dont have bots running like d2jsp ^^

Gold is a currency thats correct, but right now if the player doesnt want items from hadriel, that 350k gold is pretty worthless.

It already puts you ahead of everyone else buying organs, frags, chests, and whatever else whenever you want. Now you literally dont even have to find items anymore you can just buyout the whole server?

Nobody is going to want high runes because you cant carry them over to the next ladder with you like you can with Gold. Unless theres a ton of new runewords, i dont think anyone is going to want them, forcing players to either buy gold or trade for it. But if you cant trade for the items to level up because everyone wants gold, theyre almost forced to buy some just to keep up, or farm for everything theirselves, and we all know how long that can take without help, if youre a casual once-a-week player, it might even make this game impossible to play for them with the increased difficulty already.

03-31-2017, 11:04 AM
Im sounding so negative. I think a user subscription would benefit the server on a great scale, I dont like the idea of being able to trade gold after a year (since I started) of being told i cannot trade gold with other players.

03-31-2017, 11:27 AM
Nice idea but its a no from me basically making this server hampton and favela where poor have to get all leftovers which looks like hrs gonna end up be

Sorry but did you read my post? How does the poor get leftovers? What?.. Non subscribers can still receive Gold just as much as subscribers. Can you go into more detail?

Gold is a currency thats correct, but right now if the player doesnt want items from hadriel, that 350k gold is pretty worthless.

It already puts you ahead of everyone else buying organs, frags, chests, and whatever else whenever you want. Now you literally dont even have to find items anymore you can just buyout the whole server?

Nobody is going to want high runes because you cant carry them over to the next ladder with you like you can with Gold. Unless theres a ton of new runewords, i dont think anyone is going to want them, forcing players to either buy gold or trade for it. But if you cant trade for the items to level up because everyone wants gold, theyre almost forced to buy some just to keep up, or farm for everything theirselves, and we all know how long that can take without help, if youre a casual once-a-week player, it might even make this game impossible to play for them with the increased difficulty already.

Runes are actually more valuable now than they have been in any previous ladder season. Not only that, did you read the Patch 5.1 changes? There will be massive changes to runewords in the fact they can be made in blue items, and we will also likely make new runewords around this well. People who want Gold are still going to ask for Gold regardless of whether we implement this or not, atleast players who obtain Gold through trading their own items or events can now trade those Gold hungry players Gold without spending money. How is this not a benefit to everyone?

Also, we never said we would never do server backups, we said we cannot restore characters that were lost due to 100% user error, because of the very HIGH risk of abuse (this happened to us in the first ladder in 2015).

Thanks to everyone who is provided feedback, I knew a few people would say no but unfortunately everyone who has said no so far has not commented as to why, or commented to something that was clearly addressed in the first post. I hope to get some more constructive feedback.

03-31-2017, 11:36 AM
I say yes to the sub system. I don't buy gold and who knows if I ever will. However, you can already pay 15$ every month if you want and get 2k gold that way... So why not? It will help keep the server up and provide more incentive to release new content. Maybe increase the price of runes on the Hadriel shop, or remove them from the shop to increase their value?

03-31-2017, 11:43 AM
I say yes to the sub system. I don't buy gold and who knows if I ever will. However, you can already pay 15$ every month if you want and get 2k gold that way... So why not? It will help keep the server up and provide more incentive to release new content. Maybe increase the price of runes on the Hadriel shop, or remove them from the shop to increase their value?

I think that at the very least runes should be removed from the Hadriel shop if this subscription is implemented. If people are going to buy runes for gold they should be sourced from the existing economy.

03-31-2017, 11:48 AM
I've been buying gold / epic gems and other items from you for years. At one point there was a donor set. I do like the subscriber idea. I honestly would love to know just how much I've spent over the years. Should honestly come in a tier system too. The more you've donated, the better the perks or better color for name, idk.

03-31-2017, 12:36 PM
Make it a separate currency that isn't gold, otherwise people who have stacked gold automatically have a huge advantage in the market. Platinum currency is essentially REQUIRED if you are to allow a tradeable source of gold.

03-31-2017, 01:33 PM
Any new about the rework of oblivion or w/e ?

03-31-2017, 01:47 PM
can subs get a ingamr color name like mods :D ?

If they did get a color, I'd say green would be a good color for them.
The color of Money.

03-31-2017, 01:50 PM
If they did get a color, I'd say green would be a good color for them.
The color of Money.

yeah , green would be super cool :)

03-31-2017, 02:00 PM
i like the idea of some kind of subscriber feature. More moneys for the server is always good. I'm a little bit sceptical about how this will effect the trading economy though. Hope it works out. Thanks for the handwork as always.

03-31-2017, 02:09 PM
I think the 15$ a month is a good idea, I dont think using the current GOLD system that everyone has would be fair though. As Mephisto and a few others can basically buy out everyone. I suggest using a different form of gold as a CLEAN SLATE for everyone since EVERYONE was told gold would NEVER be tradeable. I think thats a FAIR and honest way to start adding trade able gold to the system. Everyone will have a clean slate. Like you were going do with platinum gold.

03-31-2017, 02:12 PM
I think the 15$ a month is a good idea, I dont think using the current GOLD system that everyone has would be fair though. As Mephisto and a few others can basically buy out everyone. I suggest using a different form of gold as a CLEAN SLATE for everyone since EVERYONE was told gold would NEVER be tradeable. I think thats a FAIR and honest way to start adding trade able gold to the system. Everyone will have a clean slate. Like you were going do with platinum gold.

totaly agree with you here :)

03-31-2017, 02:14 PM
I think the 15$ a month is a good idea, I dont think using the current GOLD system that everyone has would be fair though. As Mephisto and a few others can basically buy out everyone. I suggest using a different form of gold as a CLEAN SLATE for everyone since EVERYONE was told gold would NEVER be tradeable. I think thats a FAIR and honest way to start adding trade able gold to the system. Everyone will have a clean slate. Like you were going do with platinum gold.


03-31-2017, 02:20 PM
I think the 15$ a month is a good idea, I dont think using the current GOLD system that everyone has would be fair though. As Mephisto and a few others can basically buy out everyone. I suggest using a different form of gold as a CLEAN SLATE for everyone since EVERYONE was told gold would NEVER be tradeable. I think thats a FAIR and honest way to start adding trade able gold to the system. Everyone will have a clean slate. Like you were going do with platinum gold.

I agree with Wayne 100%.

03-31-2017, 05:17 PM
I think the 15$ a month is a good idea, I dont think using the current GOLD system that everyone has would be fair though. As Mephisto and a few others can basically buy out everyone. I suggest using a different form of gold as a CLEAN SLATE for everyone since EVERYONE was told gold would NEVER be tradeable. I think thats a FAIR and honest way to start adding trade able gold to the system. Everyone will have a clean slate. Like you were going do with platinum gold.

agree 100%

i mean mephisto and other rich players will still benefit from having stockpiled gold by being able to buy endless hadriel items so there wouldnt be any change to the usefulness of their current gold total.

ultimately trading gold is going to turn this into a jsp like atmosphere, some might think thats a good thing, some might not like the jsp type system all that much. I personally enjoy jsp but at the same time its probably because I could trade my gold freely without having to spend money on it.

i honestly dont really like the idea of trading for gold for the same reasons lukifer was mentioning. BUT at the same time I voted yes because a more stable income for you would benefit the entire community more than i feel the economic repercussions will hurt it. I know you claim "people will still want runes for magic runewords" but honestly theres only a few runewords that are worth making anyway even with the new change since at best you are going to get 3os weapons with a good prefix or 4os items with a barely worthwhile suffix. i mean a malevolent with a bunch of base life will be cool i guess... for my merc... or like a sorc build ... yay... there might be some very op claws popping up tho if you decide to include the chipped gem recipe. might help with kick builds ^.^

with that being said not everyone will be a subscriber so there will still be some hr trading. maybe the new uses for hrs will outweigh the people refusing to trade for hrs. i could see either way happening tbh.

03-31-2017, 05:22 PM
agree 100%

i mean mephisto and other rich players will still benefit from having stockpiled gold by being able to buy endless hadriel items so there wouldnt be any change to the usefulness of their current gold total.

ultimately trading gold is going to turn this into a jsp like atmosphere, some might think thats a good thing, some might not like the jsp type system all that much. I personally enjoy jsp but at the same time its probably because I could trade my gold freely without having to spend money on it.

i honestly dont really like the idea of trading for gold for the same reasons lukifer was mentioning. BUT at the same time I voted yes because a more stable income for you would benefit the entire community more than i feel the economic repercussions will hurt it. I know you claim "people will still want runes for magic runewords" but honestly theres only a few runewords that are worth making anyway even with the new change since at best you are going to get 3os weapons with a good prefix or 4os items with a barely worthwhile suffix. i mean a malevolent with a bunch of base life will be cool i guess... for my merc... or like a sorc build ... yay... there might be some very op claws popping up tho if you decide to include the chipped gem recipe. might help with kick builds ^.^

with that being said not everyone will be a subscriber so there will still be some hr trading. maybe the new uses for hrs will outweigh the people refusing to trade for hrs. i could see either way happening tbh.

I see people trading for HRs all the time! Also, a weapon can roll 600% base ED and 60 ias with cruel weapon of quickness, now imagine sticking a runeword in that O_O.

03-31-2017, 05:46 PM
I see people trading for HRs all the time! Also, a weapon can roll 600% base ED and 60 ias with cruel weapon of quickness, now imagine sticking a runeword in that O_O.

Yeah thats fine IMo. But PLEASE consider what I said about the gold thing. It would be the only fair and respectable way to approach the gold trading.

03-31-2017, 06:07 PM
Yeah thats fine IMo. But PLEASE consider what I said about the gold thing. It would be the only fair and respectable way to approach the gold trading.

I vote no until we can come with a fair way to have for everyone whos been told gold will never be trade able. A fresh start is from what I understand won't happen. So my vote at this time is no.

03-31-2017, 06:49 PM
Nobody is going to want high runes because you cant carry them over to the next ladder with you like you can with Gold.

This x1000, might be a huge shitstorm when the ladder gets about halfway over

Also thanks for the cool updates and hard work Game!

03-31-2017, 06:53 PM
I've voted no. However I 100% support the idea of the subscription as a way to support the server. In my personal opinion the platinum was a better idea. If you're going to start a new way of trading through gold everybody should start at the same place. Alex even said it himself "Gold is just there as an extra currency and to give people a little extra for supporting the realm without being able to buy power." Also even said that gold would likely never be tradeable. I have no problem with making gold a more relevant currency HOWEVER it would need to be separate from already existing gold to make it fair and balanced.

03-31-2017, 07:19 PM
I see people trading for HRs all the time! Also, a weapon can roll 600% base ED and 60 ias with cruel weapon of quickness, now imagine sticking a runeword in that O_O.

currently they are trading hrs, the gold thing hasnt been implimented yet. i still think itll be ok because not everyone is going to be capable of trading gold so peple will have to accept another common currency, its just a concern to keep in mind :P most of us who are posting these types of replies trust your judgement, we just try to chime in so you can quickly see peoples opinions and focus on creating great content lol.

as far as the runewords, most useful runewords are more than 3os. chaos is one of the only useful 3os runewords. granted rws arent meant to be the best of the best here but if you think about it, by the time people actually get magic bases and the runes to make these runewords in there will be plenty of the OP as hell uniques around. i mean alot of uniques have comparable ed AND like +10 billion max damage or + a few hundred grief damage as well. so with all that taken into account I dont see the demand for hrs going up by a significant amount because of the new change. Im super stoked about the changes tho dont get me wrong. I have some op as hell ideas already. like eth rep 1050ed/cb chaos for my wwsin etc etc. and the 12 bonespear whites will be interesting or 30magic/-30magic res/50fcr/8 spear whites :D

03-31-2017, 07:50 PM
I think the 15$ a month is a good idea, I dont think using the current GOLD system that everyone has would be fair though. As Mephisto and a few others can basically buy out everyone. I suggest using a different form of gold as a CLEAN SLATE for everyone since EVERYONE was told gold would NEVER be tradeable. I think thats a FAIR and honest way to start adding trade able gold to the system. Everyone will have a clean slate. Like you were going do with platinum gold.

I would totally subscribe if trade able gold is set at 0 for everyone, but we dont need joe taking over the economy on day 1 again! otherwise i might just find another game to play. everyone already hates the fact that joe had permission to cheat the system this season.

I never understood why people would stockpile gold in the first place? all gold in my account gets spent like a fat kid in a candy store. unless someone had another "great idea", that one day this would happen! man this sounds way to familiar!!

also didnt like how you couldnt help out drlukifer after all the work he has done in this community. The guy is so nice and helps so many people on here! bet that wouldnt have happened to your prize puppy

otherwise love the patch and cant wait to play the new content. appreciate all the hard work you put into this game! hate sounding like a dick but i felt somone had to say it

03-31-2017, 08:18 PM
Other payment options besides PayPal? (They're under the assumption I owe them money or some shit, dunno why. They negged my account during a time-frame when I was traveling states doing concessions at state fairgrounds for months. (Shreveport (They say "Shreeport")is darker than a night sky.(Don't feed your family fairground food - look up "rehash" and apply that to food.))) Does this patch add any areas that aren't retarded hard for someone who is beginning? I'm not too keen on the idea of the only way of obtaining quality loot is by having it given to you or grinding pits for weeks/months just to have something slightly viable to use. Also, there are uniques that could be done away with entirely. Tired of finding Digglers.

03-31-2017, 09:00 PM
I would totally subscribe if trade able gold is set at 0 for everyone, but we dont need joe taking over the economy on day 1 again! otherwise i might just find another game to play. everyone already hates the fact that joe had permission to cheat the system this season.

I never understood why people would stockpile gold in the first place? all gold in my account gets spent like a fat kid in a candy store. unless someone had another "great idea", that one day this would happen! man this sounds way to familiar!!

also didnt like how you couldnt help out drlukifer after all the work he has done in this community. The guy is so nice and helps so many people on here! bet that wouldnt have happened to your prize puppy

otherwise love the patch and cant wait to play the new content. appreciate all the hard work you put into this game! hate sounding like a dick but i felt somone had to say it

Setting gold to 0 accomplishes nothing permanent. All it does is delay things slightly. Someone could just donate for 100k gold afterwards and control the economy.

Setting gold to zero will not happen.

03-31-2017, 09:12 PM
I'm just waiting for the patch. Maybe this "Subscriber" this was an answer to me complaining about how much ive spent over the years with no added benefit. I'm pretty sure I'm somewhere between 3k-7k USD on annihilus alone. This should've been implemented a long time ago.

03-31-2017, 09:15 PM
well the thing is with me person lay gold is a good thing to have around but it just seems a little more on the pay to play side of things it would seem fine if hrs were able to get u gold ? that way if u do have hrs and the hrs can be gold u can still trade and that would get u what u need regardless if u want gold or hrs they would have = value on the server thats the only way i se this working i do not want gold to be traded that is a clear clear way that if u have money u get better stuff and thats not fun if u can spind money on a game that is 4 fun to play

03-31-2017, 09:16 PM
I would totally subscribe if trade able gold is set at 0 for everyone, but we dont need joe taking over the economy on day 1 again! otherwise i might just find another game to play. everyone already hates the fact that joe had permission to cheat the system this season.

I never understood why people would stockpile gold in the first place? all gold in my account gets spent like a fat kid in a candy store. unless someone had another "great idea", that one day this would happen! man this sounds way to familiar!!

also didnt like how you couldnt help out drlukifer after all the work he has done in this community. The guy is so nice and helps so many people on here! bet that wouldnt have happened to your prize puppy

otherwise love the patch and cant wait to play the new content. appreciate all the hard work you put into this game! hate sounding like a dick but i felt somone had to say it

Your attitude really just rubs me the wrong way. I have no "prize puppy" the rules apply to everyone. I am so tired of people acting like I treat Joe any differently, I hardly talk to him and I've had to turn down things for him just like I did lukifer. If Lukifer had an issue that was related to the fault of the server you can bet I would help him in a heartbeat, I really like the guy and would do anything I could for him.

However if I did what your post said and picked who I could trust to bend the rules for and restore a character based on their word then that would make me into the hypocrite you're claiming I am now and that would be "picking favorites". Don't talk down to me about this when what you're saying is flat out contradictory. Naturally you will laugh off everything I said and continue to assume you're right and I am wrong as that is how the human brain works, but seriously sit down and think about everything I just said. Sorry, someone had to say it.

P.S. I am glad you are excited for the new content.

03-31-2017, 09:17 PM
I'm just waiting for the patch. Maybe this "Subscriber" this was an answer to me complaining about how much ive spent over the years with no added benefit. I'm pretty sure I'm somewhere between 3k-7k USD on annihilus alone. This should've been implemented a long time ago.

Love you, thanks for your wonderful support over the years! You're one of the people that has motivated me to have Annihilus on version 5.0 instead of 2.x or something!

03-31-2017, 09:37 PM
Setting gold to 0 accomplishes nothing permanent. All it does is delay things slightly. Someone could just donate for 100k gold afterwards and control the economy.

Setting gold to zero will not happen.

Nobody is saying that gold has to be set to 0, HOWEVER tradeable gold should be something separate and yes it should be set at 0 since it is the introduction of a completely different way of trading.

03-31-2017, 09:38 PM
TBH ..if u think u can make this work out alex go at it... you always do good on content i dont think this will be anything u havent workd out in your head alredy keep up the good work

04-01-2017, 01:01 AM
You will loose part of the community with this Alex, if you ask me you should come up with another way. But hey do it your way.. We had enough of Mephisto having head start in everything. Thats a fact.

04-01-2017, 01:30 AM
Setting gold to 0 accomplishes nothing permanent. All it does is delay things slightly. Someone could just donate for 100k gold afterwards and control the economy.

Setting gold to zero will not happen.

I wish I could disagree and pretend that my opinion along with almost everyone elses who has posted here is 100% correct (I think we brought up some pretty valid points still) but honestly youre pretty right. I guess this is just the natural flow of things when you have a p2w element in a game. I personally am ok with p2w because im ok with people being richer than me, I'd just hate to see the community get smaller and everyone suffer which is why I posted my thoughts earlier. If you think about it people can already just buy the things they need if they have the cash and someone is offering the item and the people who play still stick around despite mephisto having his way with the market, so maybe we are all just freaking out about stupid crap instead of just enjoying the game. Plus at the end of the day encouraging gold purchases helps us here alot more than some other game that has millions of players and where your money doesnt necessarily help keep the game on a progressive path.

You will loose part of the community with this Alex, if you ask me you should come up with another way. But hey do it your way.. We had enough of Mephisto having head start in everything. Thats a fact.

Part of me still agrees with this, but realistically none of us are really providing a better way to both A.) increase reliable revenue and B.) solve the underlying problem. We are just providing a bit of insight that will ultimately just delay the inevitable domination of the economy by rich people and potentially piss them off when they are the ones spending alot of money, or encouraging others to spend it, to get to that point.

I hate to have to really go back on my opinion tbh but thats the reality of our situation until someone provides a legitimate fix that alex will accept and impliment.

04-01-2017, 01:54 AM
Legitimate fix would mean that everybody gets same start, if you ask me, there must be a way to implement another currency, the thing is its not our job to give fixes to something, we can just find a problem and report it, Alex should find a way to make this fair to everyone.

04-01-2017, 01:57 AM
Legitimate fix would mean that everybody gets same start, if you ask me, there must be a way to implement another currency, the thing is its not our job to give fixes to something, we can just find a problem and report it, Alex should find a way to make this fair to everyone.

A new currency is super buggy, that is why I removed the Platinum idea, I could not get it to take it how I wanted it. One possible solution would be to make the platinum unspendable but tradeable until a player converts it to Gold. Once it becomes Gold, it is no longer tradeable. This is so sloppy though, so I ditched the idea.

04-01-2017, 02:03 AM
Why not making it so you can convert gold to platinum, like 10-20 gold makes 1 platinum and vice versa. That way rich boys can choose if they want to keep their 5 figure numbers for hadriel or to be able to trade and have 10-20x less.

04-01-2017, 02:15 AM
Why not making it so you can convert gold to platinum, like 10-20 gold makes 1 platinum and vice versa. That way rich boys can choose if they want to keep their 5 figure numbers for hadriel or to be able to trade and have 10-20x less.

wouldnt that effectively make it so only people as rich as mephisto would be able to convert their gold to platinum and still be able to buy whatever they want? I personally wouldnt be able to buy anything worthwhile for a very long time :P but then again it WOULD drain their available funds eventually unless they could profit enough to sustain the conversion penalty.

I feel like if anything keeping gold untradable while still implementing the other subscription features would be the best way to go. Even though i would really like to be able to sell items for gold more easily so I can get some gold stockpiled haha. But either way Ill manage and so will you guys.

04-01-2017, 02:47 AM
The thing is it would be unfair to take their gold and adding subscriptions would help server a lot, and many other games have multiple currencies too so why couldnt it be implemented here. Imo the new currency must be convertible. I know its upseting to many players and many of them will leave server if gold becomes tradeable and guys that have been collecting it get another head start. It just seems this server is going along Mephisto's favor. Maybe its a coincidence but hardly.

04-01-2017, 04:00 AM
The thing is it would be unfair to take their gold and adding subscriptions would help server a lot, and many other games have multiple currencies too so why couldnt it be implemented here. Imo the new currency must be convertible. I know its upseting to many players and many of them will leave server if gold becomes tradeable and guys that have been collecting it get another head start. It just seems this server is going along Mephisto's favor. Maybe its a coincidence but hardly.

I think mephisto is just good at stockpiling gold. I dont really think alex makes decisions to benefit him on purpose :P If he did I think he would just make hadriel offer better items haha. And honestly I've known andy for many years, if that was going on he wouldnt want to be a part of this because he has integrity. On a different note im supposedly going to be working under you as an event manager so let me know how i can help :D

04-01-2017, 04:10 AM
Ohh thats nice to know, just come to Discord so we can discuss easily :P

04-01-2017, 04:16 AM
I think that supporting the server is a novel idea, but tradeable gold should be started with a clean slate as a separate entity from in game gold used only for forum trades like d2jsp. This would level the playing field allowing everyone to have a fair chance to start from scratch: rewarding those who have been subscribers for years rather than putting one individual ahead of everyone else because they have stockpiled in game gold. Everyone subscribed gets their 2k gold a month for forum trades and nothing more than that. No ability to purchase it. Allow individuals to continue purchasing in game gold I'd they would like. The perks of being a subscriber alone should be enough incentive to become one, not the allure of satisfying the temptation of greed and gluttony. If you allow in game gold to be tradeable, all you are doing is putting ONE individual in complete control of the economy and a huge chunk of players will quit and move on to greener pastures.

04-01-2017, 04:18 AM
wouldnt that effectively make it so only people as rich as mephisto would be able to convert their gold to platinum and still be able to buy whatever they want? I personally wouldnt be able to buy anything worthwhile for a very long time :P but then again it WOULD drain their available funds eventually unless they could profit enough to sustain the conversion penalty.

I feel like if anything keeping gold untradable while still implementing the other subscription features would be the best way to go. Even though i would really like to be able to sell items for gold more easily so I can get some gold stockpiled haha. But either way Ill manage and so will you guys.

This is the route I am going to go. I grow tired of people feeling like threatening to quit the server is some huge weapon they have over of my head. Obviously I do not want people to quit my server but hearing it as a threat over and over is boring and I am just sick of hearing it. I truly thought doing this would benefit everyone in the long run, but all anyone can see is Mephisto and for some reason just because he literally never spends Gold and is better at the economic game than most seem to be I am automatically giving him massive favoritism somehow, and literally every decision I make about the server is exclusively to make sure Mephisto benefits, if he doesn't gain something from it I absolutely cannot include it in the patch. That is all I think about anytime and everytime I update Annihilus. Because that is obviously the ONLY explanation, it definitely cannot be that they cannot stand the fact he has so much Gold and they don't, even though every single person started with 0 Gold when they began Annihilus, and the same access to EVERYTHING in the game. This cannot be right! Surely Mephisto is cheating or has some sort of secret backing by the higher ups that is me and Acyroma, there is no other reason why he could possibly have more Gold than anyone else!

I am sick to death of these ridiculous accusations, I know I shouldn't let things I know are obviously false get to me, but seeing all of these people (including my own staff of all people) talk about these false accusations as if they are cold hard facts just makes me want to drop the whole thing.

04-01-2017, 04:25 AM
Your attitude really just rubs me the wrong way. I have no "prize puppy" the rules apply to everyone. I am so tired of people acting like I treat Joe any differently, I hardly talk to him and I've had to turn down things for him just like I did lukifer. If Lukifer had an issue that was related to the fault of the server you can bet I would help him in a heartbeat, I really like the guy and would do anything I could for him.

However if I did what your post said and picked who I could trust to bend the rules for and restore a character based on their word then that would make me into the hypocrite you're claiming I am now and that would be "picking favorites". Don't talk down to me about this when what you're saying is flat out contradictory. Naturally you will laugh off everything I said and continue to assume you're right and I am wrong as that is how the human brain works, but seriously sit down and think about everything I just said. Sorry, someone had to say it.

P.S. I am glad you are excited for the new content.

You are right i shouldn't have insinuated that you treat anyone differently, you seem to have a strong sense of integrity when it comes to this game. Although i might not agree with what happened to luke, those are the rules and i respect that

All i know is that you let someone farm diablo soulstones on a previous season (when you only needed 9 keys to get anni vs 54) so that he could sell annis on this season for 2500 a pop (community already pissed) then rules get changed and he can now use that gold he obtained from what a majority of players beleive to be bad manners/exploit.

All people want is to have a fair start.

04-01-2017, 04:33 AM
You are right i shouldn't have insinuated that you treat anyone differently, you seem to have a strong sense of integrity when it comes to this game. Although i might not agree with what happened to luke, those are the rules and i respect that

All i know is that you let someone farm diablo soulstones on a previous season (when you only needed 9 keys to get anni vs 54) so that he could sell annis on this season for 2500 a pop (community already pissed) then rules get changed and he can now use that gold he obtained from what a majority of players beleive to be bad manners/exploit.

All people want is to have a fair start.

Joe had 300,000 Gold before he ever sold an anni for Gold, and from what I can recall he didn't even sell that many for Gold, mostly items. Also I specifically said in public several times Diablo's Soulstone will still be the Diablo Clone item, I didn't PM Joe and be like hey man be sure you stock up on Diablo's Soulstones! After he seen me post this on the forum or discord, I cannot remember which, he asked me if Diablo Clone worked like on vanilla servers and if he'd get banned. I said no, it has always been like that, why change it now? I would have said the same thing if ANYONE asked me, because that is simply the truth. If you name a single thing Joe did that gave him the upper hand on you or anyone else, I will admit you're right. That will be pretty hard for you, however. The only thing you can say is you were not aware of how Diablo Clone worked, which isn't Joe's or anyone else's fault but the people who lack knowledge of a mechanic that has been in the game for 15 years. If you thought you knew but were unsure, you could have asked me all the same, just like Joe did. Unfortunately lacking knowledge compared to someone else doesn't make them a cheater, or we'd all be cheaters in some shape or form.

04-01-2017, 04:36 AM
This is the route I am going to go. I grow tired of people feeling like threatening to quit the server is some huge weapon they have over of my head. Obviously I do not want people to quit my server but hearing it as a threat over and over is boring and I am just sick of hearing it. I truly thought doing this would benefit everyone in the long run, but all anyone can see is Mephisto and for some reason just because he literally never spends Gold and is better at the economic game than most seem to be I am automatically giving him massive favoritism somehow, and literally every decision I make about the server is exclusively to make sure Mephisto benefits, if he doesn't gain something from it I absolutely cannot include it in the patch. That is all I think about anytime and everytime I update Annihilus. Because that is obviously the ONLY explanation, it definitely cannot be that they cannot stand the fact he has so much Gold and they don't, even though every single person started with 0 Gold when they began Annihilus, and the same access to EVERYTHING in the game. This cannot be right! Surely Mephisto is cheating or has some sort of secret backing by the higher ups that is me and Acyroma, there is no other reason why he could possibly have more Gold than anyone else!

I am sick to death of these ridiculous accusations, I know I shouldn't let things I know are obviously false get to me, but seeing all of these people (including my own staff of all people) talk about these false accusations as if they are cold hard facts just makes me want to drop the whole thing.

Don't get me wrong here, I love the community and the amazing work you and your team have done on the server. Bloop kind of hit the nail on the head in my opinion. Allowing everyone to start from scratch with subscriber gold that can only be used for forum trades honestly feels like the right thing to do. Keep the in game gold a separate entity from subscriber gold. Give subscribers decent perks that convince them to pay their $15 a month. Make it worthwhile. Also...I'd suggest starting a new poll and allowing us to see who voted yes/no. Anyone can easily make multiple accounts and vote yes. I understand that the idea is to support the server, but what happens when you lose more than half your player base? What's left?

04-01-2017, 04:38 AM
Don't get me wrong here, I love the community and the amazing work you and your team have done on the server. Bloop kind of hit the nail on the head in my opinion. Allowing everyone to start from scratch with subscriber gold that can only be used for forum trades honestly feels like the right thing to do. Keep the in game gold a separate entity from subscriber gold. Give subscribers decent perks that convince them to pay their $15 a month. Make it worthwhile. Also...I'd suggest starting a new poll and allowing us to see who voted yes/no. Anyone can easily make multiple accounts and vote yes. I understand that the idea is to support the server, but what happens when you lose more than half your player base? What's left?

I no longer have interest in carrying on this subject, I will not make another thread. Ah there it is again, the threat everyone will quit if I don't do exactly what they say, democracy at its finest.

04-01-2017, 04:39 AM
You are right i shouldn't have insinuated that you treat anyone differently, you seem to have a strong sense of integrity when it comes to this game. Although i might not agree with what happened to luke, those are the rules and i respect that

All i know is that you let someone farm diablo soulstones on a previous season (when you only needed 9 keys to get anni vs 54) so that he could sell annis on this season for 2500 a pop (community already pissed) then rules get changed and he can now use that gold he obtained from what a majority of players beleive to be bad manners/exploit.

All people want is to have a fair start.

This. What he did was take advantage of an exploit. Ladder seasons are supposed to be about starting anew and everyone getting a fair chance.

04-01-2017, 04:45 AM
Joe had 300,000 Gold before he ever sold an anni for Gold, and from what I can recall he didn't even sell that many for Gold, mostly items. Also I specifically said in public several times Diablo's Soulstone will still be the Diablo Clone item, I didn't PM Joe and be like hey man be sure you stock up on Diablo's Soulstones! After he seen me post this on the forum or discord, I cannot remember which, he asked me if Diablo Clone worked like on vanilla servers and if he'd get banned. I said no, it has always been like that, why change it now? I would have said the same thing if ANYONE asked me, because that is simply the truth. If you name a single thing Joe did that gave him the upper hand on you or anyone else, I will admit you're right. That will be pretty hard for you, however. The only thing you can say is you were not aware of how Diablo Clone worked, which isn't Joe's or anyone else's fault but the people who lack knowledge of a mechanic that has been in the game for 15 years. If you thought you knew but were unsure, you could have asked me all the same, just like Joe did. Unfortunately lacking knowledge compared to someone else doesn't make them a cheater, or we'd all be cheaters in some shape or form.
No you didn't pm him. However, one of the mods in your community has a screen shot of a conversation before the ladder reset hit (which a fairly large chunk of your player base has already seen) of another mod caught in a complete and utter lie planning to stockpile annis with Mephisto using the exploit. Why wasn't this brought to your attention before the ladder reset? How is this kind of behavior from individuals YOU have entrusted to do the right thing when you aren't around acceptable? Hmmm? It's an exploit. Plain and simple. What I said wasn't a threat. It's just a fact.

04-01-2017, 04:50 AM
No you didn't pm him. However, one of the mods in your community has a screen shot of a conversation before the ladder reset hit (which a fairly large chunk of your player base has already seen) of another mod caught in a complete and utter lie planning to stockpile annis with Mephisto using the exploit. Why wasn't this brought to your attention before the ladder reset? How is this kind of behavior from individuals YOU have entrusted to do the right thing when you aren't around acceptable? Hmmm? It's an exploit. Plain and simple. What I said wasn't a threat. It's just a fact.

Okay no offense but your serious lack of knowledge is really making this a one sided conversation. Did you not even read my previous post? I was asked if he would be banned for doing a serverwide walk on Diablo Clone, I said of course not, why would you be? It's not an exploit, it's HOW IT WORKS. It is how Diablo Clone has ALWAYS worked since 2002. And who is this other mod? As a matter of fact, why does it matter? This isn't an exploit, if anyone asked me if this was okay I would say sure why not, if you really want to bother farming that many soulstones go for it. Let me see this super evil screenshot that is so powerful and condemning.

By the way, who are you to decide what is an exploit and what isn't? Simply because you were unaware of the mechanics? Sorry friend, it doesn't work that way. Don't come at me with non sense claiming it as a fact just because of your ignorance in the matter.

04-01-2017, 04:51 AM
I think that at the very least runes should be removed from the Hadriel shop if this subscription is implemented. If people are going to buy runes for gold they should be sourced from the existing economy.
I actually endorse this idea

04-01-2017, 04:54 AM
Joe had 300,000 Gold before he ever sold an anni for Gold, and from what I can recall he didn't even sell that many for Gold, mostly items. Also I specifically said in public several times Diablo's Soulstone will still be the Diablo Clone item, I didn't PM Joe and be like hey man be sure you stock up on Diablo's Soulstones! After he seen me post this on the forum or discord, I cannot remember which, he asked me if Diablo Clone worked like on vanilla servers and if he'd get banned. I said no, it has always been like that, why change it now? I would have said the same thing if ANYONE asked me, because that is simply the truth. If you name a single thing Joe did that gave him the upper hand on you or anyone else, I will admit you're right. That will be pretty hard for you, however. The only thing you can say is you were not aware of how Diablo Clone worked, which isn't Joe's or anyone else's fault but the people who lack knowledge of a mechanic that has been in the game for 15 years. If you thought you knew but were unsure, you could have asked me all the same, just like Joe did. Unfortunately lacking knowledge compared to someone else doesn't make them a cheater, or we'd all be cheaters in some shape or form.

D CLONE IS NOT A SECRET!! you are acting like joe is so smart. lol. soj being sold to spawn dclone was because of a currency issue. did we have to many diablo soulstones??

Im sick of fighting with you about this. You are standing behind you decision, fine. im just telling you how it looks that is all. if you dont want to look like you favor someone than maybe think about how it will look before making a decision.

04-01-2017, 04:56 AM
D CLONE IS NOT A SECRET!! you are acting like joe is so smart. lol. soj being sold to spawn dclone was because of a currency issue. did we have to many diablo soulstones??

Im sick of fighting with you about this. You are standing behind you decision, fine. im just telling you how it looks that is all. if you dont want to look like you favor someone than maybe think about how it will look before making a decision.

I am not acting like Joe is some genius at all, infact I am stating the opposite, and I have said it pretty bluntly multiple times. Joe isn't a genius, other people are just lacking intelligence in the matter. I am closing this thread, I cannot deal with responding to people who only see what they want to see, and are always so sure they are 100% right, regardless of what is laid out in front of them.

04-01-2017, 05:16 AM
It does not work same here and on bnet Alex you know it, getting soulstones was easy last ladder, you could get 300 soulstones in a month easy with help of a few friends. But how long do you think it would take now? You wanted to make annihilus rare but what you did is you gave head start to Joe, im not saying you do it for Joe, im saying you must make things right.

04-01-2017, 05:23 AM
It does not work same here and on bnet Alex you know it, getting soulstones was easy last ladder, you could get 300 soulstones in a month easy with help of a few friends. But how long do you think it would take now? You wanted to make annihilus rare but what you did is you gave head start to Joe, im not saying you do it for Joe, im saying you must make things right.

ANYONE could have done it. Anyone could have made google, so should the creator of Google just give all of his shares to everyone because he did something they couldn't? Absurd.

04-01-2017, 05:30 AM
What you saying, people that joined on the start of ladder or 2 weeks before the ladder start could have done it? I dont care about it myself Alex i dont play much, too busy with work, but i still help as much as i can. Thing is i talk in the name of all players here when i say it was utterly unfair from Joe's side to do it. Im not turning against you, dont take me wrong. I helped keep so many players here and i know how it goes. How it went for me.

04-01-2017, 05:54 AM

I would really like to see that screenshot.