View Full Version : Whats currently worthwhile in our marketplace as of right now???

04-15-2017, 11:13 AM
Okay, aside from marks/black soul stone/tyrael key what are the hot items to keep/farm for in our market place today? I understand there are still items such as wind force and grandfather that are still in really high demand, and other items such as king jewels plus skill enchantments, etc. But what else is there out there besides endgame/ mythic boss drops that are still highly sought after. I am creating this post primarily to get feedback from the community on such items/charms/whatever etc. that people are looking for (and there respective price tags if possible for anyone who knows and decides to reply to this post) not just for myself but for anyone who just doesnt know what is worthwhile to keep/toss on items still in high demand that are not dropped by mark/puzzlebox bosses.I am positive that every player on this server knows and understands that endgame content/bosses/ areas are the most highly sought out gear to become OP. But what about the many other items that drop (not from these endgame areas) but from places such as pits, inf cows, etc are still in demand and what are there current price tag? whether it be gold/ hrs whatever what are they worth? For example i found a cataclysm col. blade the other day in pits and asked about 10 different players "hey man does anyone know what this thing is worth in either hrs/gold whatever so i can trade it just to start building some kind of wealth" well unfortunately for me no one could answer my question within the normal players i asked within the community. So, my intentions for this post is to get feedback from all the players within our community to reply useful info/intel on the price tags of high end gear (not dropped by endgame/mythic bosses) that are still worth an hr or 2 or some gold lol for players that still are trying to advance and or become strong enough to one day be able to actually do endgame OP content. Last example then i will close i promise lol. Is skull of the unclean/short circuit/cataclysm/ etc etc still worth anything at all among our tradeable community as of right now and what are they worth? Not just for my own personal knowledge but for our community of players that arent sure, dont know who to ask, or just need to know whether or not an item is worth keeping in hopes of one day being able to trade such items. Sorry to drag it out just trying to create a place any players can go to find out whats good to keep and what the items are worth so all players can generate some kind of wealth for there countless hours of RNG and efforts without the risk of being scammed/ or cheated out of what these items may actually be worth in our current trading market. Thx for reading and plz feel free to share your knowledge with the rest of us up and comers trying to accumulate some wealth to even get strong enough to hopefully do end game content/ mythic bosses. Hopefully this post can become sort of like Our WIKI page but based more on the prices of these items more so then where they can be found or there statistics. This way any player can reference this post for the prices on items and wether to keep them or not lol. Once again thank u all, Game your a beast and i love this server peeps, now lets go RNG till our wives/girlfriends/whatever threaten to leave our asses lolololololol!!!

04-15-2017, 01:24 PM
The wiki usually says where items can be found, whether its on the description or if someones left a comment. As for general prices of items, they are always changing, things are more expensive at the start of a ladder reset, patches change causing items and builds to change. I dont think there really is a fixed price on items, but, the best thing you can probably do to figure out prices is to look on the trade section of the forum or go the the trade chat on the anni discord :) someone will help. As for your items, i would hold on to them for now. A new patch is coming out soon meaning they could largely increase (or decrease) in value, wait till the dust settles i guess...

04-15-2017, 02:02 PM
List of most valuable items:

puzzles (ctogga, tyrael, tragoul, mark of sin, mark of lies, black soulstone) and item from puzzles - highest value
Book of abuss

Basic uniques:
horadric jools (phys, magic, fire are most wanted)
Titan's grip
Khalim's rage
Relic belt
Arkaine's wrath
Tyrael armor
Constricting ring
neo anni
prime charm
Good stats shrieking lich helm
Good stats eyeball sc
Good stats death advance
Good stats Khalim's hope
Good stats cain armor
Good stats cain ring (shitring)
dragon jools
dragon's bulwark
Bane of underworld
tunderfury/frostmourne/flame horizon
Deaths Fervor
items from ctulhu (exept gae bolg)

Set items:
Ctulhu set
Cow set

Enchants (Teleport, magic, fire, cold, light, cbf, golem, valk, +1 skill, +1 class skill, 300hp, immune curse)
Dreamlands puzzle boxes
Divine gems
fragment sets
blue organ sets
skillers wiht life, fhr, frw

The rest is about 1-2 hr per or can be given for free
i could forget something, correct me if i wrong

04-15-2017, 09:30 PM
Awesome gentlemen thank u for the great overview at least now I as well as other players can see what items are worthwhile to keep and I completely understand about the ever changing prices on these items due to supply and demand as well the new patch coming up.

04-21-2017, 04:03 PM
I appreciate the info. Thx guys.