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View Full Version : mechanized archer... What's up with this mob?

04-28-2017, 05:09 AM
Seriously, i'm trying cruci and I run into these and it just seems dumb?

I've got 9k life, capped magic resist, capped phys resist, 95 all resist, max block and this monster will straight up 1 shot me. Instantly. If there's one, I may get lucky and block enough hits to kill it but if there's a pack it's simply impossible. I can handle a pack of nilithanks if I play it carefully but these, there's nothing.

Nothing else in the game even hits close to as hard as these do, I feel like the damage is overtuned or something? There's 0 counterplay to this monster (apart from having a host hide in the corner while people spam die to kill them or being ranged and shooting/hiding). It's all well and good having stuff hit hard, but when a defensively maxed out character gets 1 shot there's something wrong...

04-28-2017, 05:15 AM
Yeha i've noticed same problem.
I think its becase multiply shot has been buffed in last patch, they didn't one shot me before

04-28-2017, 06:31 AM
Yep, it could have been the Multishot buff. I will look into this!

04-28-2017, 06:35 AM
Yeah that does sound unfair lol

04-28-2017, 06:42 AM
Yeah when skills get buffed, the monsters that use them can start doing absurd damage. After vengeance got buffed a few patches back, the Dendrahhs in Cthogga's area could one-hit my 11k life druid. I think I died 20 times to a pack of them before I could even to Cthogga.

04-28-2017, 03:09 PM
Yeah when skills get buffed, the monsters that use them can start doing absurd damage. After vengeance got buffed a few patches back, the Dendrahhs in Cthogga's area could one-hit my 11k life druid. I think I died 20 times to a pack of them before I could even to Cthogga.

Actually yeah, I very rarely got the cruci floor with these in but I got one this afternoon and as you say that mob straight up one shot me as well ( could also be connected to the recent veng buff ).

04-28-2017, 03:31 PM
That mobs with blizzard skill are also hit hard)

04-28-2017, 05:06 PM
Yeah those guys have always hit very hard. You basically have to have 90+@res to not get one shot in that area.

05-29-2017, 02:09 AM
Tested my barb vs mech archer. 11.5k life, 75% dr with some stacked, max block. Me vs 1 archer, no other mobs around. He cast guided arrow and 1 shot me :O. If i face pack of archers, then no chance to survive ;/
Mechanical destoyer 1shots too. With 25% magic absorb + 40 magic resist he 1 shot my barb with berserk.

05-29-2017, 04:02 AM
Tested my barb vs mech archer. 11.5k life, 75% dr with some stacked, max block. Me vs 1 archer, no other mobs around. He cast guided arrow and 1 shot me :O. If i face pack of archers, then no chance to survive ;/
Mechanical destoyer 1shots too. With 25% magic absorb + 40 magic resist he 1 shot my barb with berserk.

Both of these have been addressed in Patch 5.1!

05-29-2017, 01:55 PM
destroyers suck!