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View Full Version : Looking for RIFT build [HxC inside]

05-29-2017, 01:11 PM

i am actually playing in HxC with my necromancer so dont expect me to get full gear to make such a run.
I am mainly doing hell cows, PL, LK, A5pits (4players game), and Otueg (EYE DL BOss can remember exact name) but i 'd like to continue to go to LAte game content.

I am looking for a build for HARDCORE, this mean i'm not looking for the fastest way to go there, but the SAFEST way to make rift... i mean i cant afford dying here. As you can imagine i only have medium stuff like full sets and some usefull unique.
I was wondering if fire trap could make the job without dying or Zon ama (considering i only got full mav for now). fell free to leave opinion or ideas to make rift possible to me, to kill diablo or even butcher and leoric.

(Safe builds to make DL are also welcome, shhaa is too scary for my summoner , i ve seen before that he can OS me easely. Plus i have few inf cow sets but azathoth scares me like hell so if you have any suggestions i ll bethankfull to ear it)

PS; yeah my english sucks but hope you did get the thing.

05-29-2017, 02:06 PM
Dont even try to fight rift diablo with not good geared nec. He will kill your all summons in second. 95 fire res with rising sun is must have.
Try melee build like ww barb, shaper dudu, maybe smiter with 95 fres + rising.
Bone nec can do it easy, but requires items which is almost not possible to get in hc.

05-29-2017, 02:35 PM
yeah i know summoner cant do it thats why i asked for anyone advice....
was thinking about traper or melee char but... to deal with the shield trhower mobs... as a melee you need a LOT of phys pene and a lot of phys armor
BTW i did post on the wrong forum if an admin could move it in the correct one :)

05-29-2017, 03:45 PM
smiter with life per hit and 95 max res with rising sun and also hellmouth should allow you to kill diablo no problem but its the mobs i would worry about. warcry barb seems to do really good on the mobs. max block and lots of life and defense should get you through those guys as warcry will stun them but they are also ranged which is why the lots of life and defense.