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View Full Version : bob493 app

03-29-2019, 08:20 PM
Personal Information:

1. Name? bob
2. Age? 32
3. Location? USA
4. General Moderating Experience? 6 years military, 10 years engineering management, former moderator at toms hardware forums.

Diablo Information:

5. Account in-game? bob493
6. How long have you played Diablo II? beta test!
7. PvPGN (private server) Moderating Experience? Path of Diablo
8. What position are you applying for (Event Manager/Game Master/Wiki Staff)? Wiki Staff
9. Why do you feel like you would qualify as a staff member and benefit the server? Organizing and arranging wiki to be gentle to newcomers, but in depth enough for veterans.

04-03-2019, 08:38 PM
Welcome to the staff team bob! Glad to have a veteran on the staff team!