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04-21-2015, 08:55 AM
Personal Information:

1. Anakin Roberts
2. 20
3. New Zealand
4. I have moded on Shiya privet servers even had my own at one stage

Diablo Information:

5. Account in-game Anixthegreat
6. How long have you played Diablo II since i was six
7. PvPGN (private server) Moderating Experience? shiya privet servers such as shiaya elitex
8. Why do you feel like you would qualify as a Game Master and benefit the server? becouse i help people as much as i can with diablo in game and also with there game

04-21-2015, 09:18 PM
also i have a server computer just hit me up if needed just pay for package and handleing and its yours

04-21-2015, 11:18 PM
Thanks for the application! We're definitely looking for more GMs, we haven't been responding to this as quick as we would have liked but we've been pretty busy with the crashing and new patch. We'll be picking new GMs soon, just wanted to keep you and everyone else who applied in the loop!