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View Full Version : Ho hai, itz me again. Skill Points.

04-30-2015, 06:20 PM
Ho hai.

Maybe adding a new way to obtain skill points?

-A rare little scroll that can be droped somewhere in the world that can give you +1 skill point by right clicking on it.

-Or simply just put it in the gold shop.

-Maybe the same for stats points but im not sure about this one.


04-30-2015, 07:08 PM
Lol....in gold shop would be overpowered...lets say it cost 500 gold., someone with 5000 gold can buy 10 extra skills?
I like the idea of a new quest item that adds something tho :] allways good

04-30-2015, 07:49 PM
Well i did suggest it but i hope if the idea is taken that it wont be in the gold shop lol cuz like you said, it will be OP.