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View Full Version : insult from gm

06-16-2015, 02:17 PM
i entered cow game after several minutes ago 2 players told me animal without a reason i asked them whats your problem
the red named player insult me lol
here is a screen ---> http://i.imgur.com/W5oOTPG.jpg
btw i dont agree with them im married and own a kid im not here in this server to get insults from players that i even dont know

errors and misprints reserved ( im from austria )

06-16-2015, 02:25 PM
excuse me? but i know u are referring to me, and i didnt in any way insult U, i said a kid named Animal is a low life...said nothing about U buddy

06-16-2015, 02:29 PM
i wanted trade with MoneyPhonics but he didnt accept and write me go away animal.
second i write in chat lol , whats ur problem .
as you can see after that u write animal, u are the problem, you are like dick cancer
where u get the might to insult me? and animal is a big insult

anyway i go sleep now thank you for destroy my fun today

and if u dont believe me that im an human add me on facebook Emre Karaarslan

06-16-2015, 02:53 PM
There has to be some confusion here, lately there has been an individual going around harassing players and annoying the community with threats, these players probably thought "Animal" was in the game with them (that was his account name), let me apologize on behalf of all the community for this, and I hope you can enjoy your time spent on this amazing server! If you have any questions please feel free to pm me on here or in game.

06-17-2015, 06:56 AM
^Yep, sorry.
Maybe they were confused because of the name "YourFriend" which is very animalic :P.

06-17-2015, 11:55 AM
Indeed, while Animal is a problem you guys absolutely CANNOT be assuming every single new player is Animal. I do not want to see this behavior, if you suspect someone is Animal you come to me for confirmation before insulting a potentially new player. I am really sorry about this emre2010, I hope we can get by this and move on so you can enjoy the server.

06-17-2015, 12:21 PM
if you all are calling blightsteel an animal ive done like 6k gold worth of trades with him... so i doubt it

but now that i reread it i doubt you were talking about blight.. my bad

06-18-2015, 08:38 AM
Sorry you had a rough start, but rest assure 98% of the players here are cool and friendly though, from rushing, leveling, giving free items the community always looks out for each other. There is no scamming bullying or racism, but this is Diablo and there will be shit talking its part of the game! But if you need anything feel free to add me to fl I'll help you as much as I can /f a*forty