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View Full Version : When would you like to see a ladder reset?

06-18-2015, 05:51 PM
Hey guys, I would like to get the community's opinion on this. We initially said the first reset would be around a year from launch, which would be around January. There is plenty to do still and very few players can be considered rich. That being said, some people would like to see a reset sooner, I just want to see what everyone thinks about a reset, both from new players and the richest / oldest players. I will make a poll with detailed options, please post why you chose what you vote! Thanks!

06-18-2015, 05:55 PM
Is there a way to vote for never?

06-18-2015, 05:58 PM
Resets seem like they'd make dice kind of worthless

^ iso dice to be a transferable item if we do do lad resets

i also vote no ladder resets atm... i dont think we have enough people to split it into 2 category's yet

06-18-2015, 06:03 PM
Should definitely be the longest time that it can be, and I agree with Jard, there aren't enough people for nl just yet, so I'm thinking 12 months ;)

06-18-2015, 06:15 PM
speaking from roughly 1 month experience on the realm, 4-6 months seems way too short. voted 7-9, but realistically i would think that anywhere from 6-12 would work

06-18-2015, 07:41 PM
I also voted for year long I never put enough thought into it but yeah the reason i wanted one month resets is because I just came from a ladder reset on vanilla d2 worst reset by far so many dupes items are worthless there but i do agree after taking the time to think about it longer ladders here would prob be fine as the items will hold value

06-18-2015, 07:45 PM
Anywhere from 8-12 months sounds like a good plan boss.

06-18-2015, 09:10 PM
When I was playing D2 a lot, d2jsp was the server's rule....

Game, You're server is the best I've seen in a while and I want to play it for a long time after this.

First, I don't think that it is a Good idea to split up every items between ladder and non-ladder. The reason is simple, you don't enough people playing in here....(This server is awesome, this is not what I'm talking about!)

A good thing to do would be to split up the people who wants to PVP, the Resets are still a good idea.

The only thing I'm saying is most of us are trying to get a nice PMV game play, and don't let us with the shitty items, in the normal realm!

06-18-2015, 09:48 PM
I don't think a ladder reset is a good idea right now. Even in another six months, it may not be a good idea. As it is, we don't have the population to support splitting the realm like that.

06-19-2015, 01:49 AM
I voted 7-9. But 12 months seems to be a fine period for the first reset as well.
I can see mostly positive points a reset would give, but the main thing why I would delay it for a bit now is the growing community.
As already said, a reset now or in 1-2 months would be fun, but not really necessary.
For me, ladder reset was not always for new mfing and getting your chars the best gear again, but more a race who get's the first 99s or Engima or whatever. I think if you delay it till next year 01.01.2016 would be perfect, because you have time to implement even more new stuff or fix so it will be very stable once the year passes. Like getting it to a perfect state on January to reset, maybe with a patch on that day too. That'd be super awesome. Also lowering down experience gain, so 99 is something unique again people can aim for on the long run. After that, reset every 6 months not by surprise, but on fixed schedule would be good.

I mean, maybe we could have experience counter above 99, with like +5 stat point per new level or something.

06-19-2015, 05:06 AM
i think january would be most appropriate from the choices given. And the reason i believe this, there are many players who arent even close to being strong enough to clear Rlyeh yet. This mans that by the time they start getting pretty good and have a decent item stockpile the ladder will reset and they wont get to enjoy their character progression over ladder. I dont know just thinking jan would be best boss

06-19-2015, 06:13 AM
12 months is good,even though it's not that hard to hit 99 it's perfecting your gear that requires time especially for alt chars (pvp and pvm gear) just my 10cents ;)

06-19-2015, 07:50 AM
We need more people, No ladder resets for now!

06-19-2015, 08:52 AM
A reset would definitely attract more players as everyone would start anew

06-19-2015, 11:27 AM
A reset would definitely attract more players as everyone would start anew
I do agree with this as well

06-19-2015, 05:07 PM
Resets attract more people. Just the week or so I have been playing most the people I see playing normally are pretty much maxed on gear. Even though the rolls on their gear might not be perfect they pretty much have every item slot with top gear.

06-19-2015, 05:49 PM
my shoe

06-21-2015, 07:00 AM
This might be biased based upon my upcoming semi hiatus of the server, but I feel January would be good, though I'd still play if you reset today xD

06-21-2015, 09:09 AM
A reset would mean starting fresh. On vanilla realms, people love this. A fresh start, new beginnings, and being able to take their previous ladder items over to non ladder to mess up some people in PvP :D.

For this realm, I believe we need to allow the community to grow longer. If we reset too soon, a huge portion of the community still won't have anywhere near fully geared chars let alone PvP chars, which means it could end up in a split of the community. Some would think "I already donated/spend my gold on runes and I don't even have a fully geared smiter yet.. I am just going to stay on NL" while others may say "Thank god I was bored" or "I'm not geared anyways so I might as well move onto the new".

I am all for ladder resets ofc, especially if it will mean new ladder-only items. However, I feel we need a bigger baseline established in terms of community as well as people getting fully geared and starting to duel as well as be able to handle the end-game content better. That way, it will give motivation for players of all niches to play a ladder reset (they conquered non-ladder and are ready to explore new adventures and grab new spoils of war / they are bored / they are new anyways and its a ladder reset so what the hell / insert niche here).