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View Full Version : Diablo Clone Killer

07-07-2015, 06:26 AM
Hi Community

I need some advice

Which character quickly kill Diablo Clone solo ?

07-07-2015, 06:57 AM
Cheapest option is frenzy ik barb.
full ik dual weaps
hl + raven + natures peace OR dual angelics + MAL rune in weapon
2 ench clubs on switch
merc steel carapace + steel pillar + vampie gaze

smiter with amplify damage is the fastess but more expensive.
weapon - heart of the shadow runeword Phaseblade http://i.imgur.com/PDUhMzj.jpg
Or Azure BerBer
helm - focus rw
Armor - Odium(bugged) Ber Or 15dr GBane(bugged) Ber Or Eth Steel carapace BerBer
Shield - Exile Or Zaka BerBer or Dragonscale Ber Or Dragon's bulwark
Belt - Verdungo
Gloves - drakuls
Boots - Goblins
Amu - Seraph Or Saracen's chance
rings - raven + bk Or raven + natures peace
CTA on switch obviusly

07-07-2015, 08:03 AM
Concentration ik barb
Ik weapon dual amn's(poor mans)
SS um'd
Natures peace
or mal your weapon
Constriction ring
Raven frost
Drwarf star to sorb his Armageddon