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View Full Version : Can we make it so Azathoth can't do this?

07-14-2015, 03:13 PM
Had him to almost zero health, then he teleported to there and regenned. Can't tp, charge, jump, or click your heels three times to get to him, so it ends up being a waste of organs. Not the first...

07-14-2015, 03:51 PM
That's when you farcast the shit out of him :)

07-14-2015, 04:07 PM
Even if I could - and isn't farcast a program? - I couldn't get to the cache to get it, so....

07-14-2015, 04:14 PM
there's ways to farcast legit that are very easy. I made a shitty tutorial I could probably make a better one later lol

I'll probably make a better tut before posting it here :)

07-14-2015, 04:34 PM
hm true I suppose you can't teleport to that spot hey?

07-14-2015, 06:04 PM
hm true I suppose you can't teleport to that spot hey?

no sir. Boned six ways from sunday no matter what ya do.

07-15-2015, 01:23 PM
there's ways to farcast legit that are very easy. I made a shitty tutorial I could probably make a better one later lol

I'll probably make a better tut before posting it here :)
Please make legit farcasting for dunmies.

07-15-2015, 01:55 PM
It's actually pretty easy, but the description makes it seem hard lol. Rez taught me in about 2 minutes.

07-15-2015, 01:59 PM
Call me pedantic but is it really legit to exploit an unintended game mechanic? lol

07-15-2015, 02:02 PM
It's actually pretty easy, but the description makes it seem hard lol. Rez taught me in about 2 minutes.

Andy was trying for like 30 straight with no luck :(
I just uploaded a version 2 of the vid but it had some high encoding and dropped frames on 360p

Will record a final copy later.

@Lokix, yes. Yes it is.

07-15-2015, 02:29 PM
Lol yeah i tried to teach Rick(*aolin) and he couldn't get it either :cool:
perfectly legit :D

07-15-2015, 03:52 PM
It's really not too hard. If you really struggle with it, just make sure you have THrow and Charged Strike as hot keys and then keep spamming the shit out of the hotkey swaps. <br />
<br />
It's essentially...

07-15-2015, 03:58 PM
My method is 0% spamming, 100% hit rate.

07-16-2015, 02:49 AM
wow fuck me, just recorded a decent version finally

switch to OBS and notice the "stop streaming" instead of "stop recording" button.

I'll try to export from twitch to YT.

If not, I really don't want to record a 4th time and y'all are stuck with Shishisenkou's ancient, ineffective method :(

07-16-2015, 02:56 PM
I.. didn't say that was the method I used. I said if he CAN'T get it then that's one way to figure out the timing.

Rude for not reading properly :<

07-16-2015, 06:13 PM
yea he sounds like a condescending little bitch