View Full Version : anyone have image of mephisto skin

08-12-2015, 01:08 PM
post itup plz

08-12-2015, 01:41 PM
since i dont know how to further build up my lightsorc, i will start a guide for those stoneeffects in few minutes.

I should have a cheated singleplayer character, that is able to buy and equip at least those buyable effects from hadriel.

How many really exist (cuz cthulu drops one stoneeffect each time you kill him) i do not know. Should be around 20-30 or even more.

done: http://annihilus.net/wiki_index.php?title=Effect-stone-visuals-pictures

have fun :)

08-12-2015, 04:43 PM
one upped into oblivion kid