View Full Version : Tristram ? and Dreamlands need help !

08-23-2015, 01:40 PM
Hello guys , Im farming Inferno atm because for some reason I cant even touch Knarst he fucking kills me before I reach him with those fists ,am I doing something wrong ? like I dont know ,inferno is really easy for me but Dreamlands its like Im playing without items...

08-23-2015, 01:44 PM
get a rising sun, tgods and maybe a wisp or another 10% max lite res
if you are playing a paladin you can max lite res aura for the 10% bonus res, + tgods brings you to 95%
then just use dracs and or exile for tap and you can't die

rising sun makes the firewall guys heal you a ton, the more the better

08-23-2015, 01:46 PM
Im playing barbarian with Immortal King (frenzy build) ,they literally destroy me .. I dont know what to do honestly

08-23-2015, 02:50 PM
hmm ye :/ its hard to get more maxresis as ik barb.

And knarst and dreamlands is really hard at the beginning. The only way i got knarst down was to go with a constricting ring for 80% resis.

try to get one of those. Then maybe trade a othuyeg small charm with +max resis. if you have finally reached 85 allress it shouldnt be such a problem.

I once was thinking about putting a Lo rune or two in my ik-barb eq. To get 5 more maxresis and maybe reach up to 95%. But i wouldnt recommend this.

to buy all those stuff, kill mobs that you are able to kill :īD sry

08-23-2015, 11:04 PM
do I have a good chance of getting runes from inferno,like big runes :D

08-23-2015, 11:16 PM
best place to farm runes is cows

08-23-2015, 11:57 PM
Im having trouble with hell cow, dont wanna think about infern ... :D