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View Full Version : @Game. Questions about ladder reset and future patches!

09-22-2015, 10:06 AM
Hi annihilius community!

I have some questions to game and made this topic, because i want you all to post your thoughts and idea`s about this theme.

Its because of the future class balancing in combination with the new ladder thats coming up soon.
There will be again very much javazons, bowzons, smiters and other strong classes and specs at the beginning of the season. The classes that provide
the fastest DL-runs = most items = most richness.
Im glad you made bowzon to what she is today, game. And i hope that other classes and specs will get the same attention sooner or later.

And thats the whole point of the thread. To see, what is planned (roughly) for this new ladder and maybe already a "when".

There are so much unused specs that would be so funny to play and collect gears for. But its just not worth it, especially on annihilus, where the endgame is really
Poison javazon
All necro specs: Boner, poison, summoner (killing with real spells... not shooting 100 years onto a inferno bovine to pop this one with CE to kill the other 20 around)
Martial arts assassin: i mean the whole spec needs to be playable. Not only this damn boring single kick it has.
Trap assassin: Those shurike and blade throwing spells in the trap tree are completly unused. Nobody plays with them :(
nado druids: even with the prime charm and the things that are already out there its not equal to other classes in pvm. Its physical damage. Let them be buffed by auras maybe?
Armageddon druid: The firespells in the skilltree of druids... yeees, there are firespells... xD
FoH paladin: Only used in pvp. Not enough single target damage for pvm and definitly not a single point of usefull areadamage in this spell.

and there are many more spec that could be nice to play if they ever get viable patched.

So my questions to game are:

1. Will there be class/spec buffs or spec buffing items inserted in the near future within the second ladder?
2. Can the players help you with some ideas on how to make specific things stronger? Its not always done to just buff the numbers. Maybe the players have cool ideas about items like those claws, that
allow an assassin to place 1-2 more traps!?

And my question to the community is:

If there will be class patches and new items for the unused specs, what would you prefer him to buff? And how?

I will play with you in the next ladder. Thats for sure! :)
But i dont know how long it will be challenging and fresh enough to play on and on. Im sure new specs and items to make specs strong enough will be a good thing for keeping players chin up.
Maybe even better than new content or all around buffs such as the enchantment scrolls (i really like them. But they push java/bow/smiter the same as every other spec)

i hope my questions will get answered and maybe agreed.

Lets have a good new ladder! Have fun you all. Cya there.

regards, lucid

09-22-2015, 10:13 AM
Hmmm this means Alex gotta re-work on alot of skills in the skilltree, simple put. There will allways be better chars for PVM, and some are gold for PVP, but i feel you,

For example, nado druid works really good in PVP, how it is now, if he's going to buff it alot, it will wreck, and people will ''cry'', like with the Gae bolg thing ^^

09-22-2015, 11:20 AM
yea unfortunately theres the thing with pvp / pvm

thatswhy i asked nado`s to be buffed by auras. In pvm you would go with a fana/conc/might merc, buffing the nados up. While you`re in pvp, theres no merc and selfwearing auraitems lets you lack other stats like fcr etc.
I know that its difficult. On the one hand to find a good way how to buff specific thigns, on the other hand to write all the codes, testing and balancing around... i dont want alex to all those things in the blink of an eye. But maybe theres the buff/new item for a spec or two this ladder? And i want to know which is next so i maybe start just with this class :)

Also there are still some specs that are not seen at both, neither pvp nor pvm. Such as martial arts / blade throwing assassins or armageddon druid... Maybe he could start with some of those.


09-22-2015, 12:29 PM
Hmmm this means Alex gotta re-work on alot of skills in the skilltree, simple put. There will allways be better chars for PVM, and some are gold for PVP, but i feel you,

For example, nado druid works really good in PVP, how it is now, if he's going to buff it alot, it will wreck, and people will ''cry'', like with the Gae bolg thing ^^

vouch. i cried rivers cause gae bolg