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View Full Version : Items got not name/description

10-30-2015, 05:09 PM
Hey guys! In SP and online the special items i can purchase from the angel vendor got no name or description and there is just a blank field. How can that be fixed?

10-30-2015, 05:31 PM
You have to use the english client for Diablo 2!

11-01-2015, 05:47 AM
side note here: I had the same issues with my german client. Unfortunately there is no language change possible. You will need to reinstall your diablo and get an english client.

If you have a legal gamekey: The easiest way to get an english client is to go to battle.net, login or create a battle.net account and search there for the classic games. You can activate a
diablo 2 key digitally and add him to your battle.net account. You will give them your 16 digit key from your diablo 2 hull and get a 26 digit code, activated in your battle.net account.

Then you just download an english client (is chooseable there) and install it with your 26 digit keycode you got previously. Install diablo 2, then diablo 2 lod, then log into battle.net to get it
updated to 1.13d (you may copy your diablo 2 folder now, to be able to play diablo 2 on battle.net) and finally install annihilus all over it.
