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11-18-2015, 04:51 PM

I would like to suggest that items that increase cold/fire/psn/light dmg also increase trap dmg. I am talking about Sojes, pumpkins, othuyeg's eyeball, book of the abyss, etc. same amount as the rest.

I dunno if this would be difficult to implement, or imbalanced, but it just feels fair.


11-18-2015, 05:03 PM
and magic!

11-18-2015, 06:34 PM
Claws give +2 traps extra, its making it balanced!
And trapdmg% enchants exist :)

11-18-2015, 11:17 PM
Claws give +2 traps extra, its making it balanced!
And trapdmg% enchants exist :)

True, true, but traps do not benefit from -enemy to resistances. That's a massive loss right there.
And chants also exist with cold/fire/light/psn dmg.

And yeah Jared is right. +magic as well, since magic resist and absorb is now present on some more items :)

11-19-2015, 08:08 AM
Thats why Game implented the new Divinity gloves, giving a -Magic res to enemy's, Its hard to make a 100% balance :)

11-19-2015, 08:27 AM
They are balanced from that perspective. But think about it..-resistances have been, generally, buffed. more gear has it. +cold/fire/light/psn dmg has been buffed, more gear has it.

Trap damage and magic damage lag behind, with no way to increase them. If the others increase, why not these?

Hammerdins are kinda dead, bone necros are kinda dead. with or without divinity gloves, they are still a shadow of the past, compare to other elemental builds which now take precedence.

11-19-2015, 09:25 AM
There's more then PVM, think about PVP, u wanna see 45K hammers flying around?
And hammerdins also got that new skill that reduces enemy res even more, its pretty strong char now if u build a good one that is. ( Doesn't lay behind at all! )
Soon people will come in here saying they want 10% Physical dmg as well. ( They got strong weapons to use so no need for that )
It's balanced the way it is now, trust me, seeing a sin with 9 traps and 36k dmg, is not weak at all.

11-20-2015, 01:33 AM
This magic aura gloves dont work for a trap assassin, or?

11-20-2015, 06:35 AM
i don't see why they would..

11-20-2015, 07:41 AM
i was confused about whats written here about magic damage in a thread of trapclaw questions... :P

11-20-2015, 10:43 AM
Trapsins do seem to be at a disadvantage because they count as minions. But I do enjoy the change of not seeing every single player run a Hammerdin

11-20-2015, 12:00 PM
Traps are definitely balanced enough right now!