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View Full Version : Increase the inv size/cow portal always open/fully geared mercs

12-16-2015, 06:52 AM
Can we get an increase in inventory space? With all the new charms available on the realm, I find that the current inventory size is quite restrained. An increase to 60 boxes would be ideal. Running to get the leg to open cows seems like a waste of time as well. It would be AWESOME if the cow level was simply always opened at the start of a new game. How about allowing hirelings to be fully geared with rings/amulet/belt? I have seen all of these ideas implemented beautifully on other realms.

12-16-2015, 06:58 AM
disagree with inv size
agree with cow portal and full gear mercs

12-16-2015, 07:33 AM
The charms are the size they are to keep it balanced. You wouldn't want to have someone come in with prime/torch/anni/belials/+9 skill gcs + the rest of it filled with either bmanas or 20 life scs, that's way too op! ;)

12-16-2015, 07:48 AM
Cow portal allways open would be kinda nice :), New merc is not possible, this will break all existing merc's ( Non Ladder as well ), and for the charms, yeah there's a reason they are bigger :)

12-16-2015, 08:04 AM
Agree with Eric.
Diversity in builds is good, but it's easy enough with all the new items to do the content we have now. PvP is not really balanced anyway.
So I like the idea of decision making in inventory setups.

The idea with the merc is not new. Fully geared mercs have been suggested ever since start of the server basically. However, even here I'd say we need to draw a line somewhere to not make the difficulty of this server messed up. It feels like atm it's either you oneshot or you get oneshot, fully geared mercs just add up to this in some way ;/

@joe i don't see why fully geared mercs would break old ones though, they just wouldn't have the newly available slots filled out in NL, wouldnt they?.

12-16-2015, 08:51 AM
Full merc was planned to be this ladder reset, but it didnt come because it breaks the older merc's ( Non ladder )

12-16-2015, 09:04 AM
Understood with the inventory size increase being a no-go. I'm glad that most of you are on board for the cow level always being open. I think that it's an amazing idea and should seriously be considered. Can you explain "break the older merc's" to me? I'm not really understanding what that means.

12-16-2015, 12:01 PM
We should get a poll on if we want full merc inv regardless of breaking old mercs vs
just keep things same right now

12-16-2015, 01:45 PM
We should get a poll on if we want full merc inv regardless of breaking old mercs vs
just keep things same right now

I second that notion.

12-16-2015, 02:39 PM
Afaik. It will even break characters as well. Game has to second this tho!

12-25-2015, 11:42 AM
I don't think we would have issues if mercs were removed from all chars before the change. Removing all the mercs is probably a huge pain in the ass though, if at all possible.

Grand Master
12-25-2015, 01:26 PM
Merc with boot, amulet and ring slots

12-25-2015, 01:41 PM
Full gear mercs would be so OP, I believe they're great how they are
Trap door or something to cows would be neat, but it really takes next to no time to grab leg

12-26-2015, 01:15 AM
Afaik. It will even break characters as well. Game has to second this tho!

This is correct. The main reason it was not added was because it will break the characters, not just the mercs. A small amount of users still use their non ladder characters, which I completely understand because putting so much time into something just for it to get corrupted the next reset is a little disheartening, I don't want to take peoples hard work away from them. Even if they barely ever use it, it is nice to know it is still there if they decide to.

12-26-2015, 06:03 AM
Merc's are enough strong atm, specially compering to official server. They will be tottaly unbalanced compering to main Chars if they get more buffed..
Inventory isnt annoying if u know what u should carry, even with the original amount of slots chars can be way too strong for all bosses/places. Ofc the bigger the better but its makes you think of what u should have on you and not carring everything!
Its Wirt's leg, its way to classic for all old D2 players, its like a tradition, way too classic to be forgotten :)

12-27-2015, 09:47 AM
Merc's are enough strong atm, specially compering to official server. They will be tottaly unbalanced compering to main Chars if they get more buffed..
Inventory isnt annoying if u know what u should carry, even with the original amount of slots chars can be way too strong for all bosses/places. Ofc the bigger the better but its makes you think of what u should have on you and not carring everything!
Its Wirt's leg, its way to classic for all old D2 players, its like a tradition, way too classic to be forgotten :)

Nostalgia aside, running for the leg is a waste of time. Having a trap door to the cow level or the portal always open also prevents jerks from leaving the game with the leg. On another note, why not allow multiple cow runs in a single game?