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View Full Version : improve some new zones.

12-31-2015, 01:52 AM
Since the 3.0 patch, there's near no point to do inferno pits in act 5.
Thought there's 3 zones where everyone was hunting last year, its now a real desert and it's sad to see that something created for the serv isnt used already. ( because of plagueland where drop good stuff and fast run with looottts of weak monsters.)

So what about ( and seeing the future patch and what you already done, I'm sure it's doable) create a limit time to kill all the monsters of the zone.
If you succeed, open a portal near the chest allowing you to fight against one boosted boss ( 3 zones, 3 different bosses (maybe something like ubber nithalak, summoner and another one) each boss could have a chance to drop an unique item ( like in dreamland) and a key.

If you colllect all 3 keys, new portal to a new ultra boss.

Bosses shouldnt drop item 100% . I see more something like 5% to drop a key and 10% for the item.
Same for the ultimate boss, no need a 100% drop, but maybe increase chance to drop divine gems, and 10% to drop an item of a small list.

I wouldn't like to have a new place where you'd spend 80% of your time caus the item could be ultra ubber.
I see more something like little charms ( like torch or annihilus), something usefull but NOT A MUST HAVE.