View Full Version : What could of content are you more interested in?

01-25-2016, 10:58 PM
Hey friends! This thread is more or less purely hypothetical as 3.2's plans have already been laid out, but for future reference I am curious as to what kind of content you'd be interested in seeing. Here are the options:

PvP Content - This could be a different game type where you start out with a completely naked character and build your character from scratch. If you ever played D2PK or Project D it would be similar to that. Your PvP characters would not be able to play in the same games as your standard Annihilus characters.

OR we could do PvP modes that do use your standard Annihilus characters, sort of like an arena X vs X best of 5.

PvM Content - This would consist of possibly more Crucible content, brand new areas and monsters with new items, and lastly maybe even actual new quests with quest rewards ( maybe even one day another "Act" ;) ) .

Please vote on the poll! And post any comments on things I have talked about here. I love to hear from the community, but let's keep things realistic!

01-25-2016, 11:36 PM
Refound Rare+crafted :D !!!but yeah maybe ppl that play since the begining would prefer some pvp content...

01-25-2016, 11:43 PM
I'd prefer pvp balansing with existing chars.
About pvm content, all ideas are great, but without global randomization it has no replayability and getting you bored super quickly.

01-26-2016, 01:41 AM
for me, pvp with balanced char too.
As for pvm, extend crucible is great, but maybe a little change, like another entrance to it ( lvl 20=>40).
Like 2 dunjeon, caus lvl 20 cruci can already take some time to be done ( like 30 min to 1 hour) , lvl 20=>40 should take even more time caus of harder monsters, and people may not have the time to do 40 cruci level in 1 time.

Extend craft would be great too.

And i realllyyyyy love the idea of a new act, making it much harder, like an act think for multiplayer ( like cruci but non linear :) )

01-26-2016, 03:49 AM

01-26-2016, 04:06 AM
Not anybody can do crucible, coz its long, and needs stuff prereq. Its even worse if 20+ lvls, imagine a crash at lvl 39, sounds bad. But ofc, for players who DO cruci, it ll surely be great to go down 20 more lvls!

I d really like some more items like key of the court of justice, blue organs, enchants, or even Soj, and by that i mean items that can drop anywhere.
The best drops are from randomness imo. Adding bosses with 3 items loottable is just not the same pleasure. (remember when u got a unique diadem on bnet (i mean bot-less), its great to drop something rare,at that moment ur just HAPPY). And HxC players could benefit from those items, as they just cant play frost fire or cow set.
If u define new loot tables for new areas, instead of only a boss, maybe it gets more thrilling, like when u did "pit" or "ancient tunnels", coz u knew u can maybe get good stuff in those area coz of iLVL. (i dont know if thats true or not, but i red u can drop cow queen set parts from any inf cow, well if that were true and cow queen wouldnt drop the parts, that would look like what i am trying to explain; a zone= a loot table with some exceptions = you wanna farm it for a good reason).

Someone posted about a challenge for each class, which i believe is a great idea. That would make all chars to be playable for a reason, coz having java + smiter = GG is kinda lame imo (not mentionning the OPness of ama bow)
I was a big fan of maps on Warcraft 3 (Enfo, tower def, hero def, castle def, etc). I wonder if it s possible to take ideas from those maps, for example:
4 players team ( items from standard chars OR only pre stuffed chars, with new items to grow during the map)
every body must defend a spot, at some point, players gather to def 2 spots, at some point kill a boss all together, or some bosses. I am just throwing an exemple, but i hope my point is clear.
One thing is sure, pvp or pvm, with non-standards char could be a lot of fun, getting out of the "classic" D2 bounderies.

01-26-2016, 06:44 AM
Well, I'd like to see overall improvements to a few things in general more so than to just add on more content this patch around so thing balance out by the time a '4.0' hits.

* I think the Original and 1.11 RWs should have most of their stats doubled or improved, as so they become good overall newbie gear and can at least have a fighting chance against the Plagues early on. This way someone doesn't feel they have to think twice before using up a mid level rune.

* IMO Crucible should use some working on. Maybe level 9 could be a little bit smaller? Level 10 may be slightly easier. Levels 19 and 20 are like two consecutive boss fights, so 19 could just be another regular level while 20 would take its place, and move the level 20 to 25. Level 30 final will be a surprise (I'll tell you a bit later). :)

* Some more mid rune love? Maybe some more customs RWs using them could be more class-tree skiller focused as so mid levelers can both pvp in tourneys and still pve all the same. Nothing post end game though; They are for this reason only. But more on elaborating this later.

01-26-2016, 08:01 AM
tbh putting pvm and pvp in the same conversation is a bad idea lol, but I'm all for the d2pk style if there is some balancing happening. Like no 200fcr sorc break points in cow form on characters. It's over powered and not needed in pvp.

01-27-2016, 02:05 PM
I like the idea of adding viable endgame rares and new crafting methods.

For crafting, it'd be nice for us to be able to craft potentially strong GCs, gloves, circlets, and maybe even boots.

The crafting of such would require an rarely dropped item (blank rune called horadric rune or something) + a specific HR to get a chance at your desired item. For GCs, it would mean using a Xer or so for a *chance* at getting +1 java or +1 zon depending on how strong you want it to be, + 1-2 elements of res, faster w/e, and/or def/ar.

And circlets, it could be along the same lines, use "x" rune to get a chance at +2-3 to "x" class and the other mods could just be random, but have potentional to be better then rares could.

As far as gloves and boots go, well, I'll leave the ideas for those to someone else.

This sort of crafting system will allow people to have another use for HRs and provide an avenue for HR's to leave the economy.

01-27-2016, 02:17 PM
Not a bad idea and I agree mostly soulkush. I suggested stuff like this many times now, and they will bring changes to the system very soon I think.
for instance the atm pretty useless large charms could be nice candidates for special craft recipes.

You need to be careful to not have too OP stuff now though. We need diversity and not a hierarchy of only few valid top item builds.

I voted for separate pvp but would also like to have the pvp we have now balanced. I do believe we need both. Simply because you need a reason to mf. If you kill that goal mfing will be pointless and that will kill the game in the long run. At this point it is fair to one shot players if you really invested time in the gear. No problems with that. It is actual crucial.

However, to provide fun to others with less time or new players also, separate pvp ideas would be super awesome. We need to find a way to provide both though as options player have.

Atm I would vote for a separate pvp style along with regulated standard pvp balancing > hardcore balancing (we need this badly) > new randomized content and items and rare/craft fixes.

Nerfing and keeping standard pvp is a very very hard task imho, I trust in your capabilities to fix it, but this can be a fun killer very quickly.