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02-19-2016, 04:04 AM

First of my name's Marius,but you can call me "Bap" or "M".

So,is this server populated..?

I've just joined and I find this server intriguing...I'll be around. Peace!

02-19-2016, 04:09 AM
Hey Marius or M,

The server is fascination indeed, lots of new stuff to explore. You will enjoy it, I'm sure.
As for the population part, I'm not gonna lie, it's a bit low for euro times atm, it gets better at US peak times, but as I heard the admins are about to start an advertising campagne, so I hope it gets better soon :)
Still quite some players to play with here and they are very kind and helpful !

02-19-2016, 04:38 AM
Good,cuz I've been playing for well over 14 years....but I'm a bit lost here...

If I sell anything to Akara or Charsi...I don't recive any Gold...I can't buy anything,because lack of gold...Gold doesn't drop from mobs...I've level'd up to 5...and now as usual you need something a bit better,to lvl up...so how in the blue hell do I get gold?:))

02-19-2016, 04:48 AM
Gold is a semi currency here. You can use it at the gold vendor Hadriel in town. You don't rreceive gold ingame though. You can get it by voting for example. Before I explain you everything here, I would recommend you read the FAQ and patch notes first to get into this mod more easily :)



02-19-2016, 06:08 AM
Welcome bap :)

after i had a hard start on this server since there were not many guides around i had the plan to fill this hole.

Still, just ask in the ingame chat or the forums if you have a question :) the guys here are very friendly and help alot!

this is what i made a time ago:


if you have questions that are not already in there, you can just add them! For other new players!

also look at our wiki if you want infos. There are items and guides posted:


if all this wont help, feel free to pm me. I will then try to help and explain!

welcome to annihilus and have a great time ^^
