View Full Version : CooL Team Crucibles events.

02-23-2016, 11:58 AM
Ok guys, here is the thing:

Tragos, Myself, Thessarill and Snorlax ( when he'll be back) are going to make 1 crucible run per week for players who need it but have no team to do it.
Everyone can join, but there will be limited places, like for 2 or 3 players per runs as we need to keep it fun and fast for everyone.
We will make runs with a priority for new players but as I said, everyone can join.

Drops will be free, but I'd like to keep our system if peoples don't mind : one player of the team drop and we give to the player who need the item, this system will provide all players in the run ( we dont need anything from these runs) to have something and we'll avoid greedy dropers :)

Our priority is to make you have fun, and to make you learn how crucible works, so you will be able to make your own team, maybe the players we will invite will have fun together and will continu to play together, I really hope it could happens, as we try to make it to create some bounds within the community.

ps: the post is in this section as I'm not a part of the event team, but if a member of this team think its a good idea, don't hesitate to transfer it to the event section.

Crucible runs will be tuesdays or fridays for now, it may change if we aren't avaible for any reason.
The time of the event will be 6 or 7pm GMT.

wisp *tragos, *myself, *snorlax or *thessarill for any other informations.

I hope you'll enjoy your run !!

02-23-2016, 12:45 PM
Great idea, dude ! Because there are a lot of people without a team, if the GM's like the idea, we can even do multiple events so that everyone can get the items they need :)

02-25-2016, 06:42 AM
LIke this! xD ----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeNWkG4HUn0&ebc=ANyPxKphSGDLjCYM6D-3AAGD5_Z8xpykhzYS-oZ-w-KALIISvceZ97soZ19kRU3jqsPIZc7D5Y5_JtmYN7xyoP5kPJuN iFviOQ

02-29-2016, 10:05 PM
Hey guys !
Today, tuesday 1rst april, we are going to make a cruci run for new players, it'll start at 6pm GMT !
if nobody subscribe here, we will put an ingame announcement 10min before we start and we'll invite first 2 new players.

02-29-2016, 11:59 PM
let me know when the next run.
i want to know how to finish cruci from lvl 8
wisp *henkos07

03-01-2016, 05:13 AM
Yea... Today 1st april. You joked your joke too early :D

Anyways have fun! :)

03-01-2016, 10:01 AM
haha didnt even realised, i posted it on my phone, with my boss watching me haha