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View Full Version : Hi guys what do u think about this?

03-03-2016, 04:50 PM
Hey guys, this is something thats my opinion, and i would love to see what you guys/girls think about it.
Since there are many new people here lets start from the start. Earlier on we had a 1/5000~ chance to get a Frostmourne Runeblade from stitches ( yes the white fatty's in the inferno zone's ).
I loved how stitches ( and i mean only stitches ) had a low chance to drop frostmourne, making it a weapon thats hard to find/get maybe a better word for it should be '' special ''. Basicly if u run hell Lich King now for 1 hour, u can have a Frostmourne, the best boots, one of the best belts in the game!
Same thing happened with dreamland, those uniques are cool, cus they have a low chance to drop! ( Later the blue cache came, with a guaranteed dreamland unique?! ) This should be change to something else, idea: Random HR? ( Mal-Xer ) + A random divine gem or something? Maybe a regular Infernal chest? I mean most people dont even care about the blue cache anymore later on, cus the dreamland items flood in so quickly once people are able to run Azatoth ( or get to lvl 19 cruc, and get alot of blue caches there! ).
Same can be said about the Chimera's Eye, this is easily the best 1 handed fire sorc weapon, and it's so easy to get!
I hope these new items, are gonna be harder to get. Finding a weapon thats special is alot more fun!
Im hoping some of these things will get changed in the next ladder reset :)
Because if we are having a 1 year ladder, it gets boring real quick if u can get endgame gear in a month.

03-03-2016, 05:46 PM
email me half ur gold and you got a deal

03-03-2016, 06:06 PM
You must build additional Pylons

03-03-2016, 07:33 PM
email me half ur gold and you got a deal

Only if u mail me ur ear

03-03-2016, 08:39 PM
Although I've only been here for nearly a month. I think with the current amount of players and with the occasional new players I think that the way things are now should stay the way they are, that or make it just a little bit easier for the new people to get started. I know a couple Private servers ive played on all had starter packs. That came with either modded sets for leveling or mfing. Just a thought

03-03-2016, 09:11 PM
I agree with meph. Items are way to easy to get ( but book of the abyss)
lich king shouldnt drop item with 100% chance.
Frostmourne is too easy to get. I don't even pick them anymore.
I have more cow queen set than i have char to play with.
People cant sell frostfire caus everyyone have it now...
Make drop rates lower, what about create a bunch of lvl between stitches and lich king to make it longer to farm?
More ideas in mind. I'll write them when I'll be home.

03-03-2016, 10:56 PM
Good point, agree with Meph
Lich king shouldn't drop his special items always. Better if he drops them like dreamland bosses with about same chance.
Agree with blue chests idea, because they make dreamland items not that special. Replace dl items from blue chest to hr/divines or just replace whole chest inf chest type.

Crucible... Idea of crucible is very good, but realization is not as it should be :( It has no replayability and becomes super boring after few first runs. If crucible drops will not always drop, people will ragequit after wasting 30+ mins for no reward. In my opinion, ideally crucible should be like: 9 BIG randomized levels with inferno mobs, 3,6 and 9 lelvs are boss levels. Map is BIG and RANDOMIZED, mob setup for each level can be also random, chest position is random, maphack is OFF FORCED. Not sure if Alex can do it, this is just imho.

I have more cow queen set than i have char to play with.

You are very lucky with cow queen set, usually i need to do about 50+ cow queen runs to get full set. :)

People cant sell frostfire caus everyyone have it now...

It happens because player population is decreasing again

Also, few 2 cents. Maybe most people disagree with me, but i think if this is mostly pvm realm, Spectator mode ruins gameplay so much. If you make public inferno cows/portals, most players are just afk staying in spectator mode, Instead of fighting mobs with you shoulder to shoulder. Also new players are getting spectator mode rushed and they skip walk phase across a1-a5, which is most fun, in my opinion.

03-04-2016, 01:19 AM
So, as i told, i'm home, so i can put my ideas on!

-crucible : lvl 5-10 should have a drop rate instead of fixe drop, i agree lvl 15 and 20 are good this way because it would be sad to spend time for nothing, diablo is a fun game after all :)

-cow queen set : lower the drop rate of pieces or the organs. If you lower the pieces drop rates I think it's good caus you can have more chance to drop by playing multiplayer. Would avoid solo games a little :)

- Lich King: lower the drop rates!!! 100% luck to have an item from a 1min run ... It's harder to find an effect than frostmourne ( like 6 frostmourne for 1 frozen wings). The frostmourne should drop even less than the effect :)
You can also make monsters harder or make some levels between plague and frozen throne. ( or just make a lvl like lvl 9 cruci but with no teleport allowed and with even more monsters !! )

-worldstone event: upgrade the portal ( we did like 12 and no portal :) ) BUT dont put 100% drop to prime and belial tome. This way player will have access to more events but with low drop rate :) I prefer having 50% luck to have a portal and 10% to have prime/book than having 10% ( or less) portal and 100% item.

Don't know if people can share my point of view, I'm not the kind of person who want a lot of items or whatever, but making access to your awesome content easier and for everyone is the way to go :)

03-04-2016, 01:24 AM
Also, few 2 cents. Maybe most people disagree with me, but i think if this is mostly pvm realm, Spectator mode ruins gameplay so much. If you make public inferno cows/portals, most players are just afk staying in spectator mode, Instead of fighting mobs with you shoulder to shoulder. Also new players are getting spectator mode rushed and they skip walk phase across a1-a5, which is most fun, in my opinion.

Agree with that, spec mode is an awesome add to the serv, but it deserv the gamin experience.
People just afk spect, then they afk and ask for free items....
A new player will be full mav set/tal rasha/ immortal king and lvl 95+ in about 2 hours actually.
The community is great and helpfull, but giving access to everyone to lvl 90+ in no time can make the game boring faster.

03-04-2016, 01:27 AM
Good point, agree with Meph
Lich king shouldn't drop his special items always. Better if he drops them like dreamland bosses with about same chance.
Agree with blue chests idea, because they make dreamland items not that special. Replace dl items from blue chest to hr/divines or just replace whole chest inf chest type.

Crucible... Idea of crucible is very good, but realization is not as it should be :( It has no replayability and becomes super boring after few first runs. If crucible drops will not always drop, people will ragequit after wasting 30+ mins for no reward. In my opinion, ideally crucible should be like: 9 BIG randomized levels with inferno mobs, 3,6 and 9 lelvs are boss levels. Map is BIG and RANDOMIZED, mob setup for each level can be also random, chest position is random, maphack is OFF FORCED. Not sure if Alex can do it, this is just imho.

You are very lucky with cow queen set, usually i need to do about 50+ cow queen runs to get full set. :)

It happens because player population is decreasing again

Also, few 2 cents. Maybe most people disagree with me, but i think if this is mostly pvm realm, Spectator mode ruins gameplay so much. If you make public inferno cows/portals, most players are just afk staying in spectator mode, Instead of fighting mobs with you shoulder to shoulder. Also new players are getting spectator mode rushed and they skip walk phase across a1-a5, which is most fun, in my opinion.

What if Spectator mode just didn't give experience? I know it doesn't change anything with rushing this way but I like being able to rush with it, makes people not so hard to convince to rush new players. I do agree people should be hitting cows to earn the exp though.

03-04-2016, 01:46 AM
-worldstone event: upgrade the portal ( we did like 12 and no portal :) ) BUT dont put 100% drop to prime and belial tome. This way player will have access to more events but with low drop rate :) I prefer having 50% luck to have a portal and 10% to have prime/book than having 10% ( or less) portal and 100% item.

That would be cool, i too did 10 frag sets at once and no portal ;/

What if Spectator mode just didn't give experience? I know it doesn't change anything with rushing this way but I like being able to rush with it, makes people not so hard to convince to rush new players. I do agree people should be hitting cows to earn the exp though.

I think it's a good solution, because we will have a way of easy rushing, but players have to put a little effort to level up, instead of staying afk on spec mode. :)

03-04-2016, 03:21 AM
- what lampo said +1

- what meph said +1

- spec mode without exp is good. but should be more stable than, especially if you rush.

- I vote for earlier ladder resets. Why not. I swear it will bring back more players and make them play.

- Cruci needs to be easier or changed, randomized or smth. They way to go is with drop chance instead of difficulty. See there is no fun in 1 tank char going out, the others dying 12939123 times just to set up the level for the other to survive.
Maybe even add the rule that noone is allowed to die. Kind of hardcore element in the softcore world, would enhance teamplay a lot.

- Crafts and rare items absolutely needs to come back. D2 is a bout items and pvm, especially here. New items took that away a bit, even though they bring more options. The base should stay. ( I know this will come in next patch, which is great)

03-04-2016, 12:36 PM
One thing is clear, making bosses drop 100% of the time is hard to handle in a D2 style game.

here is my 3.1.2 suggestion :D

Dreamland bosses will always drop a key of there own but no more puzzle boxes
Chtulhu now loots from inferno's loot table + LOW chances on his special loots.
Lich king now loots from inferno's loot table + LOW chances on his special loots.
In addition to the previous DL items they provided, blue cashes can now loot any item from CowQueen(even lower chances), Chthulhu or Lich King, you still mostly get the DL ones (need to take off blue cash/key from shop for that imo)
Azathot now loots from inferno's loot table + LOW chances on blue cashes (need to take off blue cash/key from shop for that imo)
World stone event chests now get a LOOOOOOW chance on any special items from Chthulhu or Lich King or azatoth's blue cash.

With the arrival of Big rares in 3.2, here comes a new zone: The pit of slaughter. (Its somewhere in act ?, but i wont tell you where!) loot table is like hell cow (without the cow parts ofc) + black organs on generals
9 areas:
1 3 5 7 are massive waves of mobs incoming relentlessly (till a point when u can go to next lvl)
2 4 6 8 are Generals: between 3 and 10 monsters who requires more single target than aoe
9 is a mix of massive waves and Generals.
Each General have a chance to drop a black organ. 5 differents black organs (lets say like cow parts)
1 new NPC per act (they are somewhere in act, reaveling themselves next to a certain named monster of the act u just killed, which can be different from game to game)
In exchange of their specific black organs they'll propose to gamble on certain items types, each of them ofc got specific item types. (maybe charms could be in those types)

In the end the point in all this is to ensure more diversity in drops as areas could now give u a little chance to get something from somewhere else, but making it still better to farm for one zone if u need the item of the zone, and making boss loot rares too(not only their unik loot of 100%), cause i would love to see us all hunt for rares instead of uniks.
"The pit of slaughter" is to say:
Would be cool to have a zone where its funny/hard to kill and the loots arent that important, less than the fun. In bonus of that giving the option to gamble rares in another way, and getting something to do when you dont wanna farm uniques or XP, other than cowing)


03-04-2016, 04:24 PM
i have killed lich king several times and never seen his blade, and it isn't that easy to kill the lich king