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View Full Version : Crow Druid (Summoner Druid) Guide 3.1

03-04-2016, 07:11 AM

for a pretty solid guide and some Q/A look here:

crow druid example (http://annihilus.net/showthread.php?t=9926&p=60165#post60165)

03-04-2016, 07:19 AM
Nice guide. Ill have to try this out at some point.

I am curious though, how often do you have to recast your oak sage and how strong are you without it? It seems like a lot of endgame bosses would just one-shot it easily. Also, do you know if murder of crows procs bloodlust from hysteria? If it did, that might make for a glove upgrade.

03-04-2016, 07:28 AM
Nice guide, will be interesting to see this in 3.2

New skills cant spawn on anni's tho ( So +3 Murder of crows is impossible ).

03-04-2016, 07:35 AM
Hey thanks :)

im pretty sure, chance to cast on striking are not affected by murder of crows. Its a channeled spell but still a spell, not a meleehit. Maybe alex or someone can bring the info how it works.

to the oak sage thing all i have to say is: i never ever had to recast it because it was dying :o dunno if he survives inferno cows but most bosses are fighting against me or my grizzly. And normal mobs dont kill a lvl 20 skilled spirit which has 6k life unbuffed (and gets buffed by itself + cta).

Without my oak sage, cta nor wearbear i have 2184 life. With cta 3301, with cta and oak 7000 and with cta, oak and in wearbearform 10426 hp.

this while having 51% DR so far (50 is max atm) and 77 fire/cold and 80 psn/lightres. (havent socketed highrunes yet and not wearing edyrem shield yet. I will get to 95% if this druid plays well with 3.2 release)

im able to do shaa and kaalut so far. Othuyeg is only possible with 90 or 95% lightres which i dont have yet. I can kill him but will die 2-3 times with my only 80% lightres.
only mappo stays immune to physical. This is not do-able for the druid.

Havent tried lichking or other endgame content yet, since im pretty sure lichking 2-3 hits me due to my low cold res and also im primarily still waiting for 3.2 to have all the ravens and building it to an end (socketing HRs for 95% maxres, enchanting properly etc)

edit: @mephisto oh thanks! Didnt know that :o so the best alternative anniskill would be lycantrophy or maybe oak sage or raven...

03-04-2016, 08:01 AM
Can murder of crows also be cast in wolf form?

If yes you maybe better use wolf instead of bear, wolf gives you better block, fhr and fcr breakpoints. Especially the FHR is the one thing wolf form is perfectly for reaching like 3 frames (86fhr) instead of bear 6 frames (86fhr).

You will lose 25% life bonus in wolf form though.

03-04-2016, 08:37 AM
yea prolly. Can you cast spells like bo and teleport in wolf form? Cuz u cant in bear form...

ill try around when 3.2 is out. If i finally know HOW good it will be at least. Im still not sure if a "summoner" specced char can beat endgame xd

btw: trying act 5 merc with heart of the shadow pb atm... seems to work better (i noticed, if you have like 15 ravens that blind your enemies, curses arent effective anymore. Probably). Need to wait for testing effective...