View Full Version : Game Crash During uber part gathering.

03-14-2016, 06:48 AM
ok so i was just about to kill duriel for last uber part when my game crashed. my game is uptodate but i got some sort error code while i fighting, i got the other parts as proof , so my question is is the only way for me to get that part to trade or go over the process of gathering all them damn keys again ...?

03-14-2016, 08:38 AM
You can try to go to the lost items section in the forum and make your thread there again. Maybe youll get your portal from acyroma back.

To have higher chances to get your stuff back its always good if you make screenshots with timestamps (command /time) when opening a portal or make/find something of worth.

03-14-2016, 09:02 AM
ok thx ;D

03-14-2016, 12:27 PM
A few tips regarding crashes.
-Often when it crashes you just get booted from the game. Make sure you try to rejoin the game ASAP as it may still be up.
-Usually the only characters that get kicked are those on the same screen/level as the character (usually bosses) that causes the crash. When I do worldstone event runs for example, I usually have a bo barb in the worldstone core (5 portal area) so that if I forget to change the resolution in the omega andariel zone and get kicked, there is still a character in the game.