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View Full Version : Dudes, a question about stackinh auras etc

03-24-2016, 12:39 AM
Hi annis :)

I hope you can help me a bit. I noticed, that the auras from thunderfury and nephalem ammy do stack. But they dont further stack if i equip a dreamshield additionally. (My screendamage stays the same)

What exactly makes the auras stack or denied it?

Would 2 thunderfurys + nephalem stack? A dualwield barb with lvl 75 unsynergied holy shocl probably would outperform a lvl 45 synergied holy shock zealer pala, hm?
At least it would be more fun as barb i think...

Tell me plx :) ty!

03-24-2016, 12:49 AM
Holy shock aura stack til lvl 55, so 2 thunderfury with max aura will only have lvl 55 instead of 60.
Nephalem + thunderfury makes you to 45, you can use a dream shield for +10 lvl(but i didnt remember dream didnt add damages).

For the same reason, a barb frenzy wont outperform a zealer pal, but he do have 1 interesting thing: with melee deal splash damages + barb prime, you'll do a lot of AOE damages and you'll stun at the same time, it could be very intersting in crucible or anything else.

You can also make a frenzy barb with TF + frostmourne, obivious reasons, but you should at least wait for 3.2 for the fix on frostmourne effects :)

03-24-2016, 12:53 AM
Yea :) maybe dream doesnt add up because the aura would get bigger than 55! Thx for this info!

I would also wait for 3.2 doing this since -% enemy resist will break immunitys too :)