Dear Spanish Necromancer,

You know who you are...

I would like to sincerely apologies for my behavior in the Act 1 Game, I can only attribute it to the high level of stress which I am facing due to some serious family problems. The way I behaved with Other players and you in the game was very rude and arrogant.

I exactly know that this is NOT an excuse for my behavior in Game after all any person should always keep his personal and professional life separate. But some times it’s difficult to keep these family problems out of your mind and I m facing the same situation right now. I assure u that I shall NOT repeat this in the near future or ever again.

Once again im sorry I messed up and said things I shouldn't have. I regret it all. I have changed. I'm sorry, those aren't my true colors I have sooooo much on my mind about this Game and forum I just waned to know your age and it's so much work and I get so angry because you don't understand!!!! I never meant to spam and get violet in the game and i am truly sorry about what i said to you and the other players in the game at the time and i apologize if anybody was offended by anything I said.

please do NOT ban me, give me a second change!

Thanking You Spanish Necromancer/You know who you are