First: BlueVex
Second: Parc
Third: Brimstonejack
Gds Every One
First: BlueVex
Second: Parc
Third: Brimstonejack
Gds Every One
No patience for wsg zons. Especially sitting on opposite side of map not engaging eachother
Just spamming from 2 screens away with 150 frw so they can just walk around your projectiles if you manage to catch up to them. No, seriously. One was running around me so fast they had time to fire off shot while trailing a dozen or so spirits. Literally no way to hit them. It's not just a bad match, it's an impossible one.
GDs to everyone. It's not the competitors' fault that these rules are bad.
"Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke." - J.R. "Bob" Dobbs
Revisions will be made I assume.
But utter bullshit. Excessive wsg needs to be instant DQ, and frw caps IMO
Last edited by BlueVex; 01-07-2017 at 07:44 PM.
Just wanted to thank everyone for the fun, and apologise for leaving like I did =p Zons are bloody ruthless, but was fun! I hope to play with ya chaps some more. Grats, guys.
Gold has been awarded!