View Poll Results: Should Pbox type items be given out as a prize on events?

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  • Yes

    13 68.42%
  • No

    6 31.58%
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Thread: New Event Prizes

  1. #11
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    think it will work i like the idea

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by RevanDarth View Post
    I dont think it will, 1 or 2 per month is gonna break it lol? thats like 10 or less for a whole ladder?
    Also i would like to not take seriously oppinions from people that dont visit the events ever, but i must.
    you ask for opinion dont get mad :P

    besides , i did join event before you join this server I just stop for some reason
    Last edited by Scorchz; 03-25-2017 at 05:50 PM.

  3. #13
    Regular Member StenchTrench's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fitsu View Post
    If they are, I think it should only be on solo-based events as to not allow the top few clans to pretty much hoard all the winnings from them simply because they have the numbers.
    This guy. I have voiced my opinion on Ironman FFA's countless times. Most other servers do not allow teaming up to take out everyone else and then the winners just split the earnings. Please either moderate FFA's more closely and ban team-ups, or hold single elim brackets to make it fair for the newcomers to the server.

  4. #14
    Regular Member StenchTrench's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RevanDarth View Post
    As I said before Chris, we are going to make single elimination tournaments, or TvT events, FFA is not gonna be the thing for these types of rewards. Also for those who are not in clan, do not bitch about advantages clans have, you are all welcome to make clans, as a matter of fact we are encouraging team play. If you cannot make your own clan, you can try to join one. could take constructive criticism and notice that multiple individuals have constantly voiced their opinions on clan members ganging up on others. Mephisto mentioned that other servers hold ffa tournaments with a no team-up policy. Ignoring said policy results in a ban from tournament action for a fixed amount of time. I like you Revan. You are a stand up guy, and I strongly believe that you being head event manager as well as a part of the clan who partakes in teaming up in FFA's is purely coincidental and there is nothing malicious behind it. Instill the rule of no teaming up in FFA's. If people want team tournaments...just hold them. Ignoring the complaints of many to outweigh the actions of a select few just seems unwise.

  5. #15
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    1st thing: Teaming in any FFA's is allowed. Only because we cannot moderate them. I cannot in good faith watch an event and say to player 1 to stop attacking player 2 and go attack player 3. It just can't be done. But the other option we can do is single elimination brackets for the events. IF we can get enough signups.
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  6. #16
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    Well I've only really participated in ironmans and im a relatively new player but heres my thoughts:

    In ironmans basically one clan will team up and eliminate the competition, effectively securing most, or all, of the rewards for their clan. This isnt unfair by any means. they are putting in team work and a few of them have actual skill so kudos to them. The problem is it doesnt encourage other people to participate in the events.

    You can make the argument "other players can make friends and team up against them too" which is 100% correct. But in reality it isnt happening. I mean people could just get along with each other and not go to war with each other, but it doesnt happen in reality.

    So for an average player who isnt particularly amazing at d2 who really doesnt have a high chance to win an event they would be better off just farming for 45 mins where they actually have a chance to succeed.

    Im fairly skilled at d2 and I dont find it really worth my time either to participate in events even if i had a chance to win them.

    Even if you increase the rewards for winning it doesnt make me want to participate more because in reality theres going to be 1-2 players just getting free marks every month and even if I do well in 1/10 events i could have just used that time to farm a mark myself. If anything it just makes a regular person more jealous that a few people get easy marks while the rest of us have to do 1000 diablo runs to drop one.

    If you want to get people to get involved in events I think a better way to approach it is to ask yourself "what would make an average player actually want to participate even when they know they probably wont win."

    If it was my choice I'd give everyone who participated in an event 150 gold, and the top 3 would get like 750/600/450 and I would have the gms encourage people to join the events more.

    Alot of people dont even know how to sign up for an event and just getting a few messages saying "An event is scheduled for 8pm go sign up" doesnt really motivate them to get out of their comfort zones and figure out how to participate.

    With all of that said I dont have a huge problem with you turning marks into an event reward, hell if you just want to go ahead and deposit free marks into clan locks clan bank go for it. I personally just want to see more people participate in the events.

    Right now the few players who know they are going to get top 3 have a huge incentive to join every event while newer players have almost zero incentive to join.

    This may have sounded like Im blaming all of this on clans teaming up but thats only really applicable to ironmans and isnt the fundamental problem either. Its more of a fact that In this small community there's only a couple skilled players so they are going to dominate every event you host. Its not unfair that people should be rewarded for having skill, its just probably not something an average person would want to experience all the time.

    to be 100% honest, the skilled players in this game dont even need to be handed free marks, they have plenty of gear. it's the unskilled players that could use some help. you'd be better off giving people an incentive to teach other people how to play. Pay *tearz to teach mofos how to b arb or something :P
    Last edited by Bloop; 03-26-2017 at 06:25 PM.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post
    I guarentee you everyone that voted yes is in the clan and that if another clan came in they would suddenly switch it to single bracket.
    I wouldn't be this mad if chef didn't brag in the discord "thanks for the gold everyone in event".
    Chef just gets excited and brags about everything, hes really a pretty nice guy apart from that so i wouldnt worry about anything he has to say

    I'm more concerned with the fact that out of the 2 or 3 threads I've read regarding events and rewards, 100% of them had one or more GM from clan lock arguing to keep the reward system structured in a way that benefits their clan rather than the whole of the community. It's not bad to want your clan to succeed of course and its not unfair for good players to get rewards but honestly the players in lock are more than capable of excelling at this game and keeping things biased towards them will probably just frustrate new members. If a GM cares more about helping out their own clan who doesnt even need the help than helping the community that has alot of people struggling I dont really understand the purpose of having a person be a gm. If their only purpose is to answer questions in chat then theres plenty of people who already do that w ho dont even ask for a gm tag. I kind of assumed their role was to help set up an environment where newer players were encouraged to keep playing and to act as alex's eyes so he can have a better understanding of whats going on in the community. Maybe im just mistaken about their purpose idk :P

    Hell im friends with some of the lock members so I'm happy to see them benefit from all this. I personally dont need any of the event rewards to help out with my situation so im glad it all goes to my friends. But as a person who actually gives a crap about the community as a whole I kind of feel obligated to voice my opinions about what I see happening.

    Sorry if im offending anyone, alot of you gms are cool guys, just a little biased which is pretty normal for a human being :P

    I dont mean to make it sound like you clan lock gms are completely corrupt or anything. to be fair you just mostly point out the fact that its hard to really deal with the fact that people are going to team up to win in events. Im not trying to shit all over you guys as human beings you are all pretty nice guys for the most part. I just think that if we all get together and brainstorm a little bit and be honest with each other we can collectively come up with a better system than we currently have.
    Last edited by Bloop; 03-26-2017 at 10:13 PM.

  8. #18
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    1st thing. My Clan LocK is disbanded, so it doesn't exist anymore. 2nd thing. You will always have better people @ the game in any situation. No matter what you do. There's just no way around that unfortunately. Either people will feel the need to signup and try to win some gold, or they wont bother. We try to make it as fun as possible, and yes we'll be doing some different stuff in the future, but to point out 1 or 2 people will always win the events, that's just the nature of the game. There is literally nothing we can do to prevent that.
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  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lockzilla View Post
    1st thing. My Clan LocK is disbanded, so it doesn't exist anymore. 2nd thing. You will always have better people @ the game in any situation. No matter what you do. There's just no way around that unfortunately. Either people will feel the need to signup and try to win some gold, or they wont bother. We try to make it as fun as possible, and yes we'll be doing some different stuff in the future, but to point out 1 or 2 people will always win the events, that's just the nature of the game. There is literally nothing we can do to prevent that.
    yea I know lock technically disbanded, now pretty much all the members are in a new clan, its basically the same difference.

    like I said, it's not unfair that skilled players should be rewarded for being skilled, and youre right, you cant do anything about them winning all the time and thats fine, you shouldnt have to. My overall point is that increasing the rewards for those select few people, who dont even really need the rewards, isnt going to act as an incentive for people to start joining events more. Neither is saying "Oh well this is just the way things are".

    So reduce the prize amount at the top end, but still keep it high enough so people will want to strive to win, reward participation for everyone, and possibly have the gms be more active in getting people in the chat channel to join is my idea. So now how brainstorming works is someone else comes up with an alternative idea or an addition to this idea until the problem is solved.

    Have a wonderful day.

  10. #20
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    clanman tournament is a complete bust. why not make a 1v1 or 2v2 pvp event with everything anni has to offer allowed? people can actually try to build up metas and try to counter others. i know things arent balanced for pvp but still when ppl was taking a huge d from lukifer's ww barb i oneshotted him with skental burst el druin proc which is absurd aint it? i think people are gonna complain about x class every week but they will play anyway because you can try new stuff unlike clanman events.

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