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Act Bosses

Act 1



  • Andariel can be found in the Catacombs level 4.

Act 2



  • Duriel can be found in one of the Tal Rasha's Tombs located in the Canyon of the Magi.

Act 3



  • Mephisto be found in Durance of hate level 3.

Act 4



  • Diablo can be found in The Chaos Sanctuary. He can be spawned by activating all 5 seals and killing the unique monsters they spawn.
  • Two seals can be located to on both the left and right hand side of the Sanctuary while the last one is at the very top.

Act 5



  • Baal can be found in The Throne of Destruction located in Worldstone Keep level 3. You can access his arena by clearing all 5 waves of monsters.

End Game bosses



  • Next to the corpse of the cow king in Ryleh. To Access Ryleh, you must cube 3 blue organs in act 1 town.


  • Spawns with one or two random immunities


  • Death Spear - an aoe physical damage spell also found on the item Gae Bolg. (include link to Gae Bolg in the future)
  • Spawns Guardians of Ryleh - unique monsters that cast high-level blessed hammers and are very difficult to kill while Azatoth is still alive.
  • Unknown curse - He has a chance when struck to cast a curse that turns you into a chicken or some other indeterminate small animal. When cursed, you are unable to cast spells. You can still perform melee auto attacks though.



  • Heart of Sin - Azmodan is one of the mark trial (Mark of Sin). Cube the Mark in trial portal in act 4.


  • immune to all elements but easily pierced


  • corpse rain - a rain of corpses that does a ton of physical damage if you get hit. Melees GTFO if he casts this.
  • Spawn Demon Cavern - He periodically spawns a cave the spawns additional minions of his. These can be killed.
  • Sin Pool - an expanding pool of fire that will spawn near him

Unique Drops:

  • Azmodan's Shell
  • The Deadly Sin
  • Heart of Hell
  • Band of Sin


Location: Tomb of Guardians, found in the right side portal on the Kurast Causeway in act 3


  • Immune to all but very piercable. You must break through his orb before you can face him. This requires a lot of dps or you need to get rid of any mercs or other summons. If you don't have much dps, only attack when the orb isn't glowing. If you hit it when it is glowing, it will heal.


  • Summon Bahamut - a flamethrower of true damage, avoid at all costs

Unique Drops:

  • Guardian Force
  • Terra Flare
  • Terra Pearl - to make Omega Heart
  • Mega Flare Forbidden Charm



  • Realm of Lies : Belial is one of the Trial Mark Bosses. Cube Mark of lies in the trial portal in act 4.


  • Insect Swarm - A Swarm of Insects that spawn around him that does a lot of damage.

Unique Drops:

  • Belials Tome
  • Xephirian Amulet
  • The Serpents Deception
  • Zephyr Bow



  • The Time Rift in the River of Flame - See the guide here on how to get there


  • Spells
  • Charge - Paladin spell. It hurts
  • Either Berserk or Feral Rage - I can't tell which one it is. In any case, his autos will hurt.

Unique Drops

  • The Butchers Cleaver
  • Touch of Death



  • Crucible Level 4


  • Hydra - The sorc spell
  • Fireballs - Shoots several fireballs in a line.
  • Fire Circle - Creates a fire wall in a circle around him.

Unique Drops:

  • Buckshot
  • Chimeras Eye

Cow Queen


  • The Cow Kingdom - Access by cubing one of each of the 5 cow organs next to the corpse of the cow king in Ryleh. To Access Ryleh, cube 3 blue organs in act 1 town.

Spells: Has an aura that turns you into a cow. You can only melee autoattack when that happens.




  • Ctoggha is one of the mark trial (Mark of Ctoggha), cube the mark in trial portal in act 4


  • Psionic Storm - Like the high templar spell from starcraft.
  • Quill Storm - A bunch of rapidfired quills shoot out you and do a ton of physical damage.

unique Drops :

  • Warped Harlequin Crest
  • Warped Light Saber
  • Warped Stormshield



  • Cthulhu's Lair - use Cthulhu's key to obtain special teleport skill (1 charge) to teleport on the other side of the guarded wall in dreamland. Remember to make a Town Portal before passing through the door. You will not get a second chance at teleport behind the wall! Cthullu's key can be obtain by cubing all 4 keys of the old one. Those keys are obtained by cubing the puzzle boxes obtained from other dreamland bosses at their special (puzzle) locations.


  • Rain of Lightning - A Pillar of lightning that does a TON of damage.
  • Spawn Minions - Spawns a minion that does a lot of damage.
  • Some Sort of Magic Rain

Unique Drops:

  • Gae Bolg
  • Frostfire
  • Full Moon
  • Heavens Fury
  • Short Circuit
  • Tricksters Mischief
  • Goka Uln
  • Various Effect Stones
  • Whenever you kill Cthulu, you will get one of the 7 items listed above with a chance at an effect stone and/or one of the drops from Sss'haa, Othuyeg, Mappo, or Kaalut.

Dark Ifrit


  • Clash of Fire and Ice - Dark Ifrit and Shiva can be fought after cubing the Frostfire Magicite (made from cubing fiery Magicite and Frozen Magicite) at the Abaddon entry (Act 5 first red portal). The magicites can be dropped from any trial/mark bosses (low drop rate)


  • Spawns Ifrit Spawns
  • Dark Hellfire

Unique Drops:

  • Infernal Fetters Forbidden Charm
  • Infernal Plume
  • Signet of Ifrit

Deckard Cain


  • Crucible Level 12


  • Immune to all but very pierceable.


  • Black Hole - A storm that does a lot of physical damage over time.
  • Lorenado - A tornado that does poison damage

Unique Drops:

  • Horadric Jewel
  • Elder of Tristram
  • The Dark Wanderer
  • 10% all attributes chant
  • 5% all ele dmg chant

Diablo - Time Rift


  • The Time Rift in the River of Flame - See the guide here on how to get there.


  • Time Rift Diablo has 50% fire pierce innate. You will need to stack some resistance to fight him


  • Flame Horizon - Shoots a bunch of small fireballs at you.

Unique Drops:

  • Neo Annihilus
  • Diablo's Rebirth
  • Flame Horizon (very rare)



  • Tomb of Guardians, found in the right side portal on the Kurast Causeway in act 3


  • immune to magic and poison


  • Black Hole - An aoe physical spell that does a lot of damage and lasts for about 5 seconds
  • Unknown magic spell - A teal colored spell that travels once around him in a circle.
  • Chance to cast teleport when struck

Unique Drops:

  • Dark Messenger
  • Bronze Skull
  • Gravija Forbidden Charm



  • Edea's Orphanage - reached via the lefthand portal on the Kurast causeway in act 3


  • immune to all, but very piercable
  • Griever has light pierce innate. You will need to stack some resistance to fight him


  • Pulsar beam - throws a shuriken that turns into a huge aoe lightning attack on striking

Unique Drops:

  • Signet of the Griever
  • Gold Skull
  • Great Attractor Forbidden Charm

Guardian of the Rifts


  • The Rift Nexus - Cube Mysterious Watch at Summoner's Altar to reach this location


  • Hammer of Wrath - Magic
  • Chaos Ring - Magic
  • Lighting Storm - Electrical
  • souls ring - unknown

Unique Drops:

  • Soul of the rift
  • Judgement of time
  • Time Compression



  • Tomb of Guardians, found in the right side portal on the Kurast Causeway in act 3


  • immune to physical and fire but pierceable in both instances


  • Flamestrike - A pillar of fire, also found on the sorceress prime charm
  • Seismic Leap - Barb Spell
  • Mad Rush - A physical damage teleport/charge type skill similar to the Druid pounce skill

Unique Drops:

  • Mad Rush
  • Red Skull
  • Hell Fire Forbidden Charm



  • Dreamlands


  • Fissure - Druid spell
  • Acid Rain - a high damaging rain of poison
  • Inject acid - a spell that does pure dmg per second.

Unique Drops:

  • The Husk of Kaalut
  • Acid Injector
  • Puzzle box - Web of madness - used to create key of cthulu
  • Cthulhu Set Horror Amulet Caster
  • Cthulhu Set Horror Amulet Physical



  • Tristram - In the center of the map


  • Chance to cast teleport when struck
  • Fist of the Heavens - paladin spell

Unique Drops:

  • Knar'st's Ribcage

Lich King


  • The Frozen Throne - Found by killing Stitches in the Plaguelands by Blood Raven in Cold Plains Act 1.


  • cold immune, immune to curses, high level holy freeze aura


  • Summon Sindragosa - a very powerful cold damage spell
  • Frozen Orb
  • Summon Skeleton
  • Casts Decrepify curse

Unique Drops:

  • The Plaguebringer
  • Scourgelords Girdle
  • Death's Advance
  • Frostmourne - (very rare)
  • Frozen Wings effect stone - (very rare)



  • Mathael is a trial boss from Marks. You cube the black soulstone mark in the trial portal in act 4.


  • Reapers Mist - A bunch of small clouds that deal magic damage
  • He heals for a significant amount every 5 seconds when below 50% life.
  • He gains increasing physical and magic resist as he loses health.

Unique Drops:

  • Robes of the Reaper
  • Wisdom's End
  • Oblivion
  • Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac

Mappo no Ryujin


  • Dreamlands


  • Volcano - Druid spell, rarely used when in melee combat
  • Maelstrom that does magic damage - Rarely used when in melee combat

Unique Drops:

  • Purifying Flame
  • Mark of the Dragonslayer
  • Dragon's Bulwark
  • Puzzle Box - bottom of the ocean - used to create the key of cthulhu
  • Cthulhu Set Caster Weapon (Thresher)
  • Cthulhu Set Physical Weapon (Thresher)

Mechanized Destroyer


  • The Stony Tomb Level 2 by the Treasure Chest in Act 2, rocky waste outside town
  • The first "False tomb" you will enter in Canyon; Mechanized Destroyer will spawn next to the chest


  • Rain of Boulders - Physical damage aoe spell
  • Berserk - Barbarian spell

Unique Drops:

  • Alkor's Shrunken Head Small Charm
  • Green chest (cube to open)
    • Short Circlet
    • Buster Sword
    • Skull of the Unclean
    • Occulus Ring
    • Infernal Pearl SC

Omega Weapon


  • Omega Weapon can be fought after Cubing the Omega Heart at Ultima's corpse. Omega Heart is made from all 4 skulls + terra pearl from FF8 bosses (Squall, Griever, Diablos, Ifrit and Bahamut)


  • Omega Weapon will heal of 10% if any player dies fighting it


  • OMEGA Skill - This is one shot aeo ring (see on picture). Omega will cast it every 13-16 seconds. Note that any spells or skills affecting attack or movement speed might affect the timer.
  • Omega Sigil - Area effect that will burst after a few seconds - those make alot of damage, try to avoid it
  • Megiddo Flame - Splash area attack that makes lots of splash and makes omega movement hard to see

Unique Drops:

  • Ultima Quiver
  • Tal Rasha's Denouement
  • Celestial Dream
  • Excalibur
  • Holy Judgement
  • Pandemonium
  • Marlboro's Contagion
  • Rathma's Internment
  • Proof of Omega SC (very rare)



  • Dreamlands


  • Chance to Cast nova when struck - sorc spell
  • Big light nova - a higher damage and larger version of the nova spell
  • Some sort of large skull that moves like blessed hammer - rarely cast, but very high damage, damage type unknown

Unique Drops:

  • Othuyeg's Eyeball
  • The Shrieking Lich
  • Puzzle Box - holiest of beings - use to make Cthullu's key
  • Cthulhu set nightmare physical ring
  • Cthulhu set nightmare caster ring



  • Cube the 5 crystals you get from the worldstone bosses (Worldstone Andariel, Duriel, Meph, Diablo, Baal) to open a portal to Reziarfg.


  • Spawns with three random immunities. Kill the pillars in the 4 corners of the map to weaken him significantly.


  • Fires some sort of lightning hose.
  • Spawns various monsters from Act 5 red portals periodically.

Unique Drops:

  • Prime Charm He will drop one of these per kill.
  • Book of the Abyss (very rare)



  • The North Pole - To access, click on the Christmas Tree in act 1. The obtain access: right click santa's letter made by cubing pages 1 to 4 of santa's letters.


  • Snowball Attack - Fires a wave of snowballs that do a lot of cold damage and knock you back.

Unique Drops:

  • North Pole Marker
  • Elf Slippers
  • Rudolph's Nose
  • Santa's letter opener
  • Bag of Worldstones
  • Random HR
  • XER rune
  • Alchemy Orb (orange)
  • Transmog Orb (orange)

S Lightblade & S Darkblade


  • Crucible level 8


  • Rain of Fire - A fire rain that will kill you if you ignore it.
  • A frozen orb-like spell
  • a lightning cone

Unique Drops:

  • Devils Bargain
  • Hysteria
  • The Twins Anger



  • Clash of Fire and Ice - Dark Ifrit and Shiva can be fought after cubing the Frostfire Magicite (made from cubing fiery Magicite and Frozen Magicite) at the Abaddon entry (Act 5 first red portal). The magicites can be dropped from any trial/mark bosses (low drop rate)


  • Diamond Dust

Unique Drops:

  • Hoarfrost
  • Signet of Shiva
  • Permafrost Forbidden Charm

Skeletal Lich


  • The Haunted Forest - Act 1 Town (the Haunted Tree)


  • very high resistances
  • Will flea at low life


  • Armageddon - Fire/Phys (to avoid)
  • Multi Bone Spears - Magic

Unique Drops:

  • ~8 random Halloween treats


  • Ghastly parallels Forbidden Charm
  • Aspect of the Archlich Forbidden Charm

Skeleton King


  • The Time Rift in the River of Flame


  • Miasma - creates a pool underneath you that does poison damage while you stand in it and slows you for a few seconds after.
  • Black Cloud that spawns near him and does a lot of damage.

Unique Drops

  • Crown of the Skeleton King
  • Leorics Folly

Spawn of Ifrit


  • In the side dungeon of the Ancients Way in Act 5, the Icy Cellar.


  • Casts a rain of fire occasionally.

Unique Drops:

  • Alkor's Shrunken Head Small Charm
  • Green chest (cube to open)
    • Short Circlet
    • Buster Sword
    • Skull of the Unclean
    • Occulus Ring
    • Infernal Pearl SC



  • Edea's Orphanage - reached via the lefthand portal on the Kurast causeway in act 3


  • Killing him once summons his second form. His second form is immune to everything but is easily pierced.


  • Molten Boulder - Druid spell used by his first form
  • Lightning Storm - Used by his first form
  • Ice boltish spell - Used by his first form
  • Limit Break - His teleport spell used in his second form that teleports him and either you or one of your summons somewhere and damages whoever teleports with him.

Unique Drops:

  • Squall's Necklace
  • Silver Skull - used in heart of omega weapon
  • Lion Heart Forbidden Charm



  • Dreamlands


  • mind blast - sin spell
  • Eviscerate - A physical damage spell that throws out 3 bolts that will one shot most characters. Rarely uses in melee

Unique Drops:

  • Treads of Valusia
  • Sss'haa's Primordial Fang
  • Puzzle box - 7 stars align - used to make Cthullu's key
  • Cthulhu set madness physical ring
  • Cthulhu set madness caster ring



  • Plaguelands in the top left corner of the area. Killing Stitches will spawn Mysterious Red Portal to fight The Lich King


  • Poison maelstrom - Necromancer spell
  • Charge - Paladin spell

Swamp King


  • The Swampy Pit Level 3 - The entrance is next to the flayer jungle waypoint in act 3.


  • cold, light, poison immune, spectral hit, cold enchanted, light enchanted


  • Frozen Orb - Sorc spell
  • Thunderstorm - Sorc spell
  • Inject Acid - Does 8000 true damage over 3 seconds. It is no longer a curse. So curse immunity will not save you if you get hit with it. The normal version rarely casts this.

Unique Drops:

  • Alkor's Shrunken Head Small Charm
  • Green chest (cube to open)
    • Short Circlet
    • Buster Sword
    • Skull of the Unclean
    • Occulus Ring
    • Infernal Pearl SC


RATHMA.png Tragoul.png


  • Trag'oul is one of the Trial Mark bosses. Cube Trag'oul's mark in trial portal in act 4.


  • Transforms when you kill his initial form (Rathma) into a much stronger boss.


  • Miasma - creates a pool underneath you that does poison damage while you stand in it and slows you for a few seconds after.

Unique Drops

  • Sanctuarys Balance
  • Warmonger
  • Trag Ouls true guise



  • Tyrael is one of the Trial Mark bosses. Cube the Key Mark in trial portal in act 4.



  • Heavens Justice - Fist of the Heavens attack that does magic damage
  • Slice of Heaven - Wide bolts that do magic damage.

Unique Drops:

  • El Druin (extremely rare)
  • Divinity
  • Heavens Champion
  • Crown of the High Heavens



  • Crucible Level 16


  • Psionic Storm - like the high templar spell from starcraft, does lightning damage. Is extremely dangerous, avoid at all cost. A small Tal Rasha's symbol will appear about one second before the storm will spawn to let you avoid the spell.
  • Nephalem Flames - Shoots out flames that do magic damage
  • Forked Lightning - shoots out forked lightning

Unique Drops:

  • Khalims Hope
  • Nephalem Birthright
  • Thunderfury
  • Emblem of the Edyrem
  • Conqueror of the Crucible effect stone

Ultima Weapon


  • Crucible Level 17


  • Worldstone Barrage - Physical spell spawning tons of red shards.
  • Other spells

Unique Drops:

  • Ultimate Orb of Potential (Level 5)
  • Ethernal Breath of Eden Forbidden charm (5-10 ADR)
  • 3 random chests

Worldstone Andariel


  • In one of the portals in the heart of sanctuary. Cube one of each of the five worldstone fragments where baal spawns.


  • has an aura that does poison damage


  • Acid rain - A rain of acid that hurts a lot.
  • Inject Acid - Does 8k true damage over 3 seconds.

Unique Drops:

  • A colored sphere that opens a portal to Reziarfg when all 5 are cubed.

Worldstone Baal


  • In one of the portals in the heart of sanctuary. Cube one of each of the five worldstone fragments where baal spawns


Unique Drops:

  • A colored sphere that opens a portal to Reziarfg when all 5 are cubed.

Worldstone Diablo


  • In one of the portals in the heart of sanctuary. Cube one of each of the five worldstone fragments where baal spawns.


  • Flamestrike - A pillar of fire rains from the sky.

Unique Drops:

  • A colored sphere that opens a portal to Reziarfg when all 5 are cubed.

Worldstone Duriel


  • In one of the portals in the heart of sanctuary. Cube one of each of the five worldstone fragments where baal spawns.

Unique Drops:

  • A colored sphere that opens a portal to Reziarfg when all 5 are cubed.

Worldstone Mephisto


  • In one of the portals in the heart of sanctuary. Cube one of each of the five worldstone fragments where baal spawns


  • A lightning circle - that does light damage when you go through it
  • A frozen orb like cold spell

Unique Drops:

  • A colored sphere that opens a portal to Reziarfg when all 5 are cubed.