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The sorceress is a character focused on the elements, she can either be a very damaging caster specializing in one or various elemental spells or a frontline fighter with her battlemage skills.


Starting Attributes:

Strenght: 10

Dexterity: 25

Vitality: 10

Energy: 35

Life: 60 (+3 per level, +6 per point in Vitality)

Mana: 105 (+3 per leveñ, +3 per point in Energy)


Elementalist Spells

Fire Ball: Required Level 1, Creates an explosive sphere of fiery death to engulf your enemies near the explosion.

Simple fire ball spell, deals fire damage on a small area on impact. Skill levels increase the damage dealt.

Fire Wall: Required Level 5, Creates an extending wall of flame that burns all enemies who pass through.

Simple fire wall spell, deals fire damage over time on a line. Fire duration is 3 seconds, skill points increase damage and wall lenght.

Meteor: Required Level 10, Summons a meteor from the heavens to crush and incinerate your enemies.

Summons a meteor, that will fall on target location after a short delay, dealing area fire damage on impact and leaving behind a patch of fire that deals fire damage over time. Skills points increase both instances of damage.

Hydra: Required Level 20, Summons a multi-headed beast of flame to reduce your enemies to ashes with fire balls.

Creates a stationary three headed hydra that will shoot fire balls (identical to the spell) at nearby enemies. Limit of 3 hydras, and each lasts 10 seconds before expiring. Skills points increase damage dealt.

Pyroblast: Required Level 30, Creates a slow moving massive ball of flames that explodes and spreads on impact.

To be Filled. Skill points increase damage dealt.

Flamestrike: Required Level 40, Unleash the full power of your mastery of fire bombarding your enemies with a fiery barrage from above in a targeted area.

Additionaly requires at least 20 skill points spent in other fire elementalist skills, and maxes out at skill level 1. Has a 10 second cooldown.

SYNERGY: Fire Elementalist Spells: 15% increased damage per base skill point.

Charged Bolt: Required Level 1, Creates multiple, randomly directed bolts of electrical energy.

Conjures in the direction you're facing, sending multiple bolts that will move forward erratically and deal lightning damage on contact. Skill levels increase damage and number of bolts released.

Nova: Required Level 5, Creates an expanding ring of lightning to shock nearby enemies and briefly stun them.

Affects all enemies in an area centered on caster. Stuns for 0,5 seconds. Skill levels increase damage dealt.

Lightning: Required Level 10, Creates a powerful lightning bolt to lay waste to your enemies in a straight line.

Casts a lightning bolt that deals damage to enemies as it passes thru them in a straight line, always pierces. Skill levels increase damage dealt.

Chain Lightning: Required Level 20, Creates a lightning bolt that arcs to nearby targets, can arc back to previously hit enemies.

Casts a lightning bolt that deals damage to a single target on impact, and then bounces to a nearby enemy. Skill levels increase damage dealt and number of hits.

Thunder Storm: Required Level 30, Summons a deadly thunderstorm that periodically strikes your enemies with bolts of lightning.

To be filled. Lasts 60 seconds.

Static Field: Required Level 40, Unleash the full power of your mastery of lightning damaging nearby enemies for a set amount of their current life.

Additionally requires at least 20 skill points spent in lightning elementalist skills. Has a 20 second cooldown. Starts at 10% of current life. Skill levels increase radius.

SYNERGY: Spending Points in this skill: +1% additional life reduction.

Glacial Spike: Required Level 1, Creates a magical ice comet that damages and freezes enemies near the impact.

Casts a ice spike that shatters on impact, dealing damage and freezing enemies in a small area. Freeze effect lasts for 2 seconds. Skill levels increase damage dealt.

Frost Nova: Required Level 5, Creates an expanding ring of ice to slow and damage nearby enemies.

Affects all enemies in an area centered on caster. Chills for 3 seconds. Skill levels increase damage dealt.

Blizzard: Required Level 10, Summons massive ice shards to continually fall on your enemies in a targeted area.

Targets an area, enemies inside it will periodically and semi randomly take damage and be chilled. Chill lasts 3 seconds. Storm lasts 4 seconds. Skill levels increase damage.

Frozen Orb: Required Level 20, Creates a magical orb that sprays a torrent of ice bolts to lay waste to your enemies in a large radius.

Shoots a moving orb that shoots ice bolts in all 9 directions, then explodes in a nova of ice bolts at the end of its duration. Chill lasts 3 seconds. Skill levels increase damage.

Absolute Zero: Required Level 30, Unleash the full power of your mastery of cold sapping the heat out of the surrounding area of a targeted enemy. After 2 seconds all enemies in the area take massive cold damage.

Additionaly requires at least 20 skill points spent in cold elementalist skills and maxes at skill level 1. Has a 10 second cooldown. Chills for 10 seconds.

SYNERGY: Cold Elementalist Spells: 15% increased damage per base skill point.

Arcane Spells


Essence Flux:

Energy Shield:

Temporal Ring:

Presence of Mind:


Battlemage Spells