Item Filter

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Item Filters

Annihilus provides a feature which allows players to customize what items they want to show, highlight, or hide with sets of customizable rules. Much of the rules, syntax and quirks of the system follow heavily with Path of Exile's item filtering system, as an attempt to allow players already familiar with that system to get started with this one.

Installing a filter

To install a filter you have downloaded, just place it in your filter folder. To get to your filter folder, go to your annihilus folder, then to apps, then to annihilus again. Once the filter is in the filter folder, it will show up in your gameplay options in-game. Find it in the list of filters dropdown menu and select it.

Player made community item filters can be found in our Discord server.

Creating an Item Filter

Creating your own filter requires the use of a text editor. Windows, like most operating systems, comes with a default tool for this, though the third party tool Notepad++ is recommended for text-heavy work where the default editors might fall short.

The system is composed of sets of blocks containing a single or multiple conditions. When a block is chosen by the item filtering system, that block's alert and styling rules will be applied to that item.

Blocks are chosen from the top down. As soon as an item successfully meets a block, it will do what the block says.

An Example Filter


   ItemType "Runes"
   ItemName "Eth" "Nef" "Tir" "Eld" "El"

Style # All rings with an implicit tier of 1 will show up with a prefix on the name

   ImplicitTier == 1
   ItemType "Rings"
   PrependText "{Red}[T1] "
[T1] Ring

Style # This will make all rare items have a yellow border

   Rarity == Rare
   SetBorderColor 255 255 000
Dusk Shroud


   Sockets >= 5
   SetBorderColor 0 0 255
Colossus Blade (5)


   ItemType "Runes" "Riftstone" "Rift Particles" "Rift Energies" "Quest Items"


   ItemType "High Runes"
   SetBorderColor 255 0 255
   MinimapIcon 2 255 0 255
Zod Rune


   ItemType "Runes"
   ItemName "Gul" "Ist" "Um" "Pul" "Lem"
   SetBorderColor 255 0 255
   SetBackgroundColor 100 50 100
   MinimapIcon 2 255 0 255   
Pul Rune


   ImplicitTier == 1
   Rarity >= Rare
   SetBorderColor 255 0 0
   MinimapIcon 2 255 0 0


   ItemType Jewels
   Rarity >= Magic


   Rarity == Set
   MinimapIcon 2 0 255 0


   Rarity == Unique
   MinimapIcon 2 255 200 0

Hide # Hides all magic and normal rarity items that are normal item bases if the ItemLevel is lower or equal to 60.

   Rarity <= Magic
   Tier == Normal
   ItemLevel <= 60


   Tier == Elite
   Rarity == Normal


   ItemType "Pelt" "Voodoo Heads" "Auric Shields" "Primal Helmets"


   ItemName "Leg"

Show # Leaving "Show" at the end of your filter shows all items but the ones you've hidden. Having "Hide" in the end does the opposite


Here is a list of conditional operators that are currency accepted:

Operator Meaning
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or Equal
<= Less than or Equal
== Equal to
 != Not Equal to


Block Opcodes
Name Description
Show Used to start a block of conditional opcodes for things you want to show.
Hide Used to start a block of conditional opcodes for things you want to hide.
Style Used to start a block of conditional opcodes for things you want to stylize in a certain way.
Conditional Opcodes
Name Description
Stack [Operator] [Number] A condition that checks if an item is stacked, and how many are in the stack.
Rarity [Operator] [Rarity] A condition that checks the rarity of an item, including Normal, Magic, Rare, Set and Unique.
Tier [Operator] [Tier] A condition that checks the tier of the item, including Normal, Exceptional and Elite.
Sockets [Operator] [Number] A condition that checks the number of sockets of an item.
ItemLevel [Operator] [Number] A condition that checks the item level of an item.
AreaLevel [Operator] [Number] A condition that checks if the item was dropped in the specified area levels
PlayerLevel [Operator] [Number] A condition that checks if the player is at a certain level when an item drops.
Ethereal [Operator] [true/false] A condition that checks if an item is ethereal.
Identified [Operator] [true/false] A condition that checks if an item is identified.
Spectral [Operator] [true/false] A condition that checks if an item is spectral.
ImplicitTier [Operator] [Number] A condition that checks the tier of an item's implicit modifier.
ItemType [string] A condition that checks the type of the item, accepted ItemType strings are shown below.
ItemName [string] A condition that checks the name of the item.
Width [Operator] [Number] A condition that checks the inventory width of an item.
Height [Operator] [Number] A condition that checks the inventory height of an item.
HasAffix [string] A condition that checks if an item has a certain affix. Only works on identified items.
AffixTier [Operator] [Number] A condition that checks if an item has a certain affix modifier tier and how many. Only works on identified items.
RiftstoneTier [Operator] [Number] A condition that checks the tier of a riftstone item.
Warped [Operator] [true/false] A condition that checks if an item is warped.
Style Opcodes
Name Description
SetBorderColor [r:Number] [g:Number] [b:Number] A style condition that sets the border color for a block equal to the red, green and blue color codes that you pick. The 3 numbers must each be between 0 and 255.
SetTextColor [Color] A style condition that sets the text color for a block. Accepted text colors are shown below.
SetBackgroundColor [r:Number] [g:Number] [b:Number] A style condition that sets the background color for a block equal to the red, green and blue color codes that you pick. The 3 numbers must each be between 0 and 255.
SetFont [Font] A style condition that sets the font for a block. Accepted fonts are shown below.
SetBlendMode [BlendMode] A style condition that changes the blend mode for a block. Accepted blend modes are shown below.
SetItemName [String] A style condition that changes the name an item shows up as. See below for examples.
AppendText [String] A style condition that outputs the string to the end of the item. See below for examples.
PrependText [String] A style condition that outputs the string to the start of the item. See below for examples.

Tip: For "SetItemName", "AppendText" and "PrependText" you can use the following strings:

{Break} to break a line

{Color} to colorize following text (Same colors that you can find further down on the page)

{Original} to call back the original item name

{ItemName} to call back the original item name

{Runeword} to call the Runeword name

{ItemLevel} to call the item level

{Sockets} to call the socket count

{ImplicitTier} to call the implicit tier

{RiftstoneTier} to call the Riftstone tier


    Warped == True
    AppendText "{Break}{Red}Warped"
Sacred Armor
Alert Opcodes
Name Description
PlayAlertSound [Number] An alert condition that changes the sound when an item drops.
MinimapIcon [size:Number] [r:Number] [g:Number] [b:Number] An alert condition that causes a block to show up on the minimap.

List of Item Types

Belts Body Armors Boots Circlets
Cloaks Gloves Helmets Shields
Class Specific
Amazon Bows Amazon Javelins Amazon Spears Auric Shields Hand to Hand
Orbs Pelts Primal Helmets Voodoo Heads
Melee Weapons
Axes Blunt Weapons Clubs Hammers Knives Maces One Handed Weapons
Polearms Scepters Spears Staves Swords Two Handed Weapons Wands
Ranged Weapons
Bows Crossbow Javelins Throwing Axes Throwing Knives
Amazon Items Any Armor Any Shield Any Weapon Assassin Items Barbarian Items
Class Specific Druid Items Necromancer Items Paladin Items Sorceress Items
Amulets Bow Quivers Crossbow Quivers Greater Souls High Runes Jewelry Jewels
Potions Rift Energies Rift Particles Riftstone Rings Runes Runeword Pattern

List of Text Colors

White Red LightGreen Blue DarkGold Grey Black
Gold Orange Yellow DarkGreen Purple Green White2
Black2 DarkWhite

List of Text Fonts

Font8 Font16 Font30 Font42 FontFormal10 FontFormal12 Font6
Font24 FontFormal11 FontExocet10 FontRidiculous FontExocet8 ReallyTheLastSucker FontInGameChat

List of Blend Modes

Alpha25 Alpha50 Alpha75 Alpha50Bright Inverted Normal Alpha25Bright Bright

List of Drop Sounds

0 = very soft click 1 = select hammer sound 2 = thump 3 = throw 4 = soft click 5 = thump
6 = level up 7 = merc level up 8 = item breaking 9 = eerie whir 10 = cube 11 = higher pitched whir
12 = scroll identify 13 = quest complete 14 = repair 15 = hostile 16 = low woosh 17 = high woosh 1
18 = high woosh 2 19 = high woosh 3 20 = gold