Rift Energies

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Rift energies are a consumable item that can be used to modify items, be it changing their rarity, rerolling their affixes, adding new affixes or even more unconventional and dangerous modifications.


All rift energies occupy a single 1x1 slot, and can stack up to 50 before they have to use another inventory slot. They are used by right clicking the energy and then right clicking the desired item. Note that the item must not have any socketed jewels or runes for energies to be used on it.

Item level is unchanged when using any type of energy.

You can get rift energies as a random drop from monsters, reward for completing an unstable rift or as particles by selling items to vendors (20 particles equals one rift energy), for more details on selling items for energies, see Vendors


Radiant Rift Energy

Upgrades a normal item to a magic item

  • Common Energy
  • Can be used on white or gray items.
  • Resulting magic can have 1 or 2 affixes.
  • Sockets, ethereal and implicit tier are kept, but implicit value is rerolled.

Immense Rift Energy

Adds a random affix to a magic item

  • Common Energy
  • Can be used on magic items with only 1 affix
  • Does not reroll item, all the values are unchanged.

Transient Rift Energy

Rerolls a magic item with new random affixes

  • Common Energy
  • Can be used any magic item.
  • Resulting item can have 1 or 2 affixes.
  • Sockets and implicit tier are kept, but implicit value is rerolled.
  • Has a 10% chance to strip the "Ethereal" property off of Ethereal items when used.

Luminous Rift Energy

Upgrades a magic item to a rare item, keeping the affixes and adding a new one

  • Uncommon Energy
  • Can be used on any magic item.
  • Existing affixes and its values are kept intact.

Brilliant Rift Energy

Upgrades a normal item to a rare item

  • Uncommon Energy
  • Can be used on white or gray items.
  • Resulting rare can have anywhere between 2 to 6 affixes. (2 to 4 for jewels)
  • Sockets, ethereal and implicit tier are kept, but implicit value is rerolled.

Ephemeral Rift Energy

Rerolls a rare item with new random affixes

  • Uncommon Energy
  • Can be used on any rare item.
  • Resulting item can have anywhere between 2 to 6 affixes. (2 to 4 for jewels)
  • Sockets and implicit tier are kept, but implicit value is rerolled.
  • Has a 10% chance to strip the "Ethereal" property off of Ethereal items when used.

Cosmic Rift Energy

Adds a random affix to a rare item

  • Very Rare Energy
  • Can be used on a rare item with 2 to 5 affixes, or 2 to 3 in case of jewels.
  • Existing affixes and its values are kept intact.

Umbral Rift Energy

Removes a random affix from an item

  • Very Rare Energy
  • Can be used on any magic or rare item.
  • Equal odds of removing any affix, ignoring tier or value, does not remove implicit.
  • Other affixes unchanged, values are not rerolled.

Temporal Rift Energy

Rerolls the numeric values of existing stats on an item

  • Very Rare Energy
  • Can be used on any item.
  • Rerolls all the values on every modifier, incluiding implicit. Tiers are unchanged.
  • Sockets and ethereal are kept.

Voided Rift Energy

Downgrades a magic or rare item to a normal item

  • Uncommon Rift Energy
  • Can be used on any magic or rare item
  • Sockets and implicit tier are kept, but implicit value is rerolled.
  • Has a 10% chance to strip the "Ethereal" property off of Ethereal items when used.

Mysterious Rift Energy

Upgrades a normal item to a random rarity

  • Uncommon Rift Energy
  • Can be used on any white or gray item.
  • Generates an entirely new item, meaning sockets, ethereals and implicit arent kept.
  • Resulting rarity can be magic, rare, set or unique; biased towards the lower rarities.

Fractured Rift Energy

Rerolls the amount of sockets on an item

  • Common Rift Energy
  • Can be used on any item
  • Resulting item will have anywhere between 1 socket and its maximum sockets allowed (hold shift to see this maximum).
  • Odds of obtaining higher socket count depends on the item, rolling maximum sockets is significantly harder even if other bases can have the same amount of sockets (getting 3 sockets on a 1 hand weapon (max sockets 3) will be much more difficult than getting 3 sockets on a 2 hander, whose maximum sockets are 6).
  • Ethereal, affixes and its values are unchanged.

Unstable Rift Energy

Warps an item, modifying it upredictably and possibly rendering it unusable

  • Uncommon Rift Energy
  • Can be used on any item
  • Resulting item will receive the Warped modifier, preventing any future energies from being used to it. Make sure to fully upgrade and socket the item before warping it.
  • Possible warps are: +70 required level (known as brick, as it will render the item unusable if its level requirement goes above 99), no change other than warped tag and various bonuses such as magic find, critical chance, +all/elemental skills, resistances, among many more.
  • Warp bonuses will be listed as an implicit, and have different values, but they do not have any tiers.
  • Possible bonuses depend on the type of the item.

Veiled Rift Energy

Upgrades the base of an item to exeptional or elite

  • Rare Rift Energy
  • Can be used on any item
  • Rerolls the values of all affixes on the item, however tiers, ethereal and socket count are kept.

Potent Rift Energy

Evolves a unique item to increase its power

  • Rare Rift Energy
  • Can be used on any unique without the Fully Evolved modifier.
  • Rerolls the values of all affixes on the item, generally increasing them as they become better with each evolution, however in some cases, like implicits, the new value might be lower.
  • Ethereal, sockets and implicit tier are kept.

Spectral Rift Energy

Creates a copy of a magic or a rare item

  • Extremely Rare Rift Energy
  • Can be used on any magic or rare item.
  • Creates an exact copy of the item.

Special Interactions

Class specific items with +skill tree implicits (like necro shields) can change the skill tree when rerolled using any energies. This is because each +skill tree isnt a different implicit, rather its a single affix that rolls a random skill tree. Tiers, if applicable, are unchanged.

While Warped items cannot be modified by energies, you can still use larzuk or anya quest rewards on them, and they can also be sold to vendors as normal.

Upgrading a base using a veiled rift essence will increase the amount of particles / energies you get from vendors, altough this is just novelty in most cases, it can be useful if you want to convert some veileds into potents.