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Thread: Dying Against New Added Content Is Annoying

  1. #1
    Retired Staff Savior's Avatar
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    Dying Against New Added Content Is Annoying

    Title of the topic pretty much says it all. And the majority of players I've met on this realm agree with me.
    In the original Diablo 2, the point of the game was pretty much to make your character strong enough to not die.
    But the added content here is so hard that no matter what character you make you'll die no matter what you do.
    I think lowering the damage the bosses do or adding full rejuvenation potions to the vendors would be a good idea.
    I say this because I've never been so frustrated playing Diablo 2 in my life, until I came to play here on Annihilus.
    Basically Annihilus in my opinion, is flawed in this one way, and could be better if this wasn't a problem.
    I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining, I just feel like Annihilus would benefit by changing this in some way.
    I can only imagine how impossible hardcore is to play here, it's pretty much not even an option at this point.
    I play everyday and after two minutes of playing I don't even know what to do because no matter where I go I'll die.
    After that happens I log off and stop playing, and I'm not the only person who does this or feels this way.
    Annihilus is losing players because the difficulty is so hard that it doesn't make sense, this should be fixed.

  2. #2
    Moderator Mephisto's Avatar
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    Im not dying that much, the problem from what i see is, everyone is trying to get the most dmg they can when their DR%, FHR, Stacked res etc etc etc is not that good. Try to get 95 RES, and some stack ( at least 150 res ). Lichking for example can be completely absorbed with a raven and a snowclash if u got stack res. The only thing that seems to be hard to counter is Multi Shot mappo, when he shoots that red magic screenspam. This can be countered most of the time by staying in melee-range. Like i said try getting 75% Damage reduced and stuff like max block, at least try to aim for a nice fhr breakpoint, and some stacked res. Dont be affraid to use absorb when u feel ur needed to! Oh and dont forget to use Antidote Potions and Thawing Potions
    Good luck!

    Thawing Potion
    This potion instantly removes ill effects from cold spells. You also receive +50 Cold Resistance and +10 to Maximum Cold Resistance for 30 seconds. If monsters or other players start using long lasting cold attacks you may want to start using thawing potions. They can be purchased from the Potion Vendors.

    This potion cures poison instantly. You also receive +50 Poison Resistance and +10 to Maximum Resistance for 30 seconds.

  3. #3
    Retired Staff Savior's Avatar
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    I do have Max DR%, Max Block, resists stacked around 300+ on each, some may not be 95 but still, it shouldn't be needed.
    And a decent amount of FHR, and even with more, it still wouldn't save my life.
    Basically what you've just explained is, you have to go completely balls out just to as you said "not die that much".
    I've seen you online, you're probably one of the strongest players on the entire server, and even you die sometimes you're saying.
    You have the most gold out of anyone on the server also by far so nothing is unobtainable for you basically.
    New players are struggling so hard though, they're having a harder time than I am.
    I have a thunderfury paladin that can pretty much kill anything, but he cant survive anything.
    I can go into plaguelands with my paladin he dies instantly, even the normal monsters in the added areas own me.
    And I have some pretty good gear compared to most people and I'm still not happy with the outcome.
    I appreciate that information but I pretty much already knew all of what you suggested.
    If this added content isn't changed, I myself will probably give up on Annihilus, which is the last thing I want to do honestly.

  4. #4
    Moderator Mephisto's Avatar
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    Well this is a general discussion topic, more people read this so my post wasnt ment to only you, its ment to anyone who reads this thread. I dont see what my gold has to do with this, if ur paladin with all those stats is dying in plagueland then ur doing something wrong.
    My smiter is geared all by myself i found all my items myself. I didnt even spent gold making him.

    Most new players just want to jump into Dreamlands or Inferno day 1, thats not how it works..

    PS. Try get a source of life steal/hit/tap, thats what ur pala seems to be missing.

  5. #5
    Retired Staff Savior's Avatar
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    Well I'm aware you weren't only speaking to me, I was just giving my opinion on what you said.
    I wasn't aware you didn't spend any gold to get what you have, but if you didn't, you must've spent a lot of time getting it.
    And that's another problem, not everyone has all the time in the world to play each and every day.
    I myself have a lot of time, but even all the time I spend seems to get me nowhere because all I do is die all day.
    I also wasn't referring to players who've been playing for only a few days.
    There are people who have been playing since the ladder reset and are still having trouble.
    I've been playing everyday since the ladder reset myself and I'm still having trouble.
    I meet people daily who are in a worse position than I am and have no clue what to do to get around it.

    I have also tried both life tap and life steal and neither seem to be enough to keep me alive.
    I've also played Diablo 2 for a long time, so I'm pretty sure I'm not doing anything wrong.

  6. #6
    Retired Staff
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    You just gotta be good imo

  7. #7
    Senior Member LordManhammer's Avatar
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    We have covered this soooooo many times. This isn't vanilla D2. It's going to be harder but the gear will balance that out. If you go back through all of the old threads you will find discussions that lay out the details of strategies for handling the new content. Certain bosses are going to take certain gear setups just like Mephisto said. Shit, you can clear most of the new content with the elite class sets (depending on the class ) and they are easy to farm for. If you would like advice then by all means ask for it, these guys are more than willing to give it but the difficulty of end game content doesn't need a nerf.

  8. #8
    Junior Member rastamun1234's Avatar
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    My ik set throw barb can clear a5 inferno areas and ssha kaluut othyueg plague lands but he takes forever to kill licht king. I would say to just try a different class for now.

  9. #9
    Senior Member LordManhammer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastamun1234 View Post
    My ik set throw barb can clear a5 inferno areas and ssha kaluut othyueg plague lands but he takes forever to kill licht king. I would say to just try a different class for now.
    This. Also, I use my IK Barb to clear PL and then hop in with my Trang poison Necro for a 30 second LK kill. Slow target is your friend. #themoreyouknow.

  10. #10
    Retired Staff Savior's Avatar
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    I shouldn't have to bring 2 of my own characters into a game to kill 1 area.
    I have a IK barb, it kills slow and it sucks against bosses, and mine is pretty good compared to most IK barbs I see.
    I expect better results, IK set isn't good enough, barb still dies against the bosses, and kills way to slow for my liking.
    Maybe Annihilus just isn't for me, I've never been the type to specifically make 1 character just to do one thing.
    I've always had an all purpose character who never dies and can do absolutely everything in the game.
    That's always been my goal in Diablo 2 and always will be, If I cant never die, I'm really not interested in playing.
    Basically this realm makes you experience in giant letters "YOU LOSE" 1000x a day, and nobody likes losing.
    I refuse to get used to this, there should be a way around it, and if there isn't in my opinion it's flawed.

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