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Thread: Summoner needs Pierce or Piercing Attack or -% to Enemy Physical Resistance ?

  1. #1
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Annihilus Account: ssmsdb

    Summoner needs Pierce or Piercing Attack or -% to Enemy Physical Resistance ?

    Building a Summoner, Was thinking I needed Piercing Attack but some one was cool enough to let me know that it was incorrect, that a summoner needs % to Enemy Physical resist so with that said, I'm assuming the Pierce on my Abyss Sphere does my Nec no good or is it different all together when shown as just Pierce as on the Abyss Sphere ?
    Would def be appreciative of some BIS suggetions, Was told about GoreRiders (haven't pick those up for ages) going to give them a try.


  2. #2
    Regular Member
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    Jun 2016
    Annihilus Account: nedamettin

    piercing attack is there for bone builds since they are missiles and can pierce. as a summoner you need to stack + skills and phys pierce. also %edmg gives your skeletons damage bonus and bone burst scales off that aswell, so think yourself as a melee build who needs skills.

    in this order i think you'll have the max damage potential: pierce (up to the enemy has -100 phys res, benefit diminishes as you pierce more, exact amount depends on you really), offensive auras (and even some defensives), skills/skeletal power, %edmg

    oh and chance to cast procs work on skeletal burst which means having a schaeffer vs whatever is not immune or a death's fervor will increase your dmg output a lot.

  3. #3
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Annihilus Account: ssmsdb

    Cool, thanks

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